
  • 2018-03-28
  • 諸秀姬


期數 出版日期
41  2008.12 交通可及性與生態旅遊區的消長:雙區模型(Accessibility and the Vicissitued of Ecotourism: A Two-Region Model) 黃登興、黃幼宜楊筱屏
41  2008.12 農田水利會調度水資源之市場結構分析(Market Structure Analysis of the Irrigation Associations Allocation Water Resour) 闕雅文
41 2008.12  走私及檢疫投入對肉雞產業影響之經濟分析(Economic Analysis on the Impact of Smuggling, Preventin and Control Inputs on Taiwan's Broiler Industry) 李建強、李家銘、謝企榮
41 2008.12  台灣白肉雞產地價格之灰預測模型研究(Grey Predictin Models for Broiler Farm Price in Taiwan) 施孟隆、黃炳文、胡惟喻、馮誠萬
42 2009.06 京都機制下排放減量權證價格之經濟分析(An Economic Analysis of Price of Certified Emission Reductions under Kyoto Mechanism in  Taiwan) 柳婉郁、林國慶
42 2009.06  農產品期貨動態避險策略的評價(Evaluating the Performance of Dynamic Hedging Strategies in Commodity Futures Markets) 巫春洲、劉炳麟、楊亦農
42 2009.06 青蔥價格與消費者物價指數的因果關係分析:門檻向量自我迴避模型之應用(The Relationship between Green Onion Price and Consumer Price: An Application of Asymmetric Threshold Model) 王冠閔、李源明、李建強
42 2009.06 台灣種植基改木瓜的潛在經濟效益評估(The Potential Economic Benefit of Adopting GM Papaya in Taiwan) 詹滿色、蔡坤霖
43 2009.12  跨國共同邊界生產技術效率比較—同步考量正向經濟發展與付向CO2排排放(Comparison of Meta-Frontier Technical Efficiencies across Countires: Multiple Outputs of Desired Economic Development and Undesired CO2 Emissions) 劉哲良、吳珮瑛、黃芳玫
43 2009.12 兩段訂價模式與平均成本訂價—以提供多種類遊樂設施的獨占遊樂園為例(Two-Part Tariff and Agerage Cost Pricing: The Case of a Monopolistic Amusement Park in Supplying a Variety of Rides) 吳大任、張美華
43 2009.12 整合性水果外銷組織之建構(A Study on the Design of an Ingegrated Fruit Export Organization for Taiwan) 陸雲
43 2009.12  消費券政策之總體經濟效果分析(The Macor-Economic Effects of Consumption Vouchers Policy in Taiwan) 黃琝琇、林建甫
44 2010.06  台灣漁會每薪點支付金額與盈餘之研究(The Analysis of Payment Per Salary Point and Profits in Taiwanese Fisherman Association ) 黃芳玫、張竣翔、吳珮瑛
44 2010.06  評估實施碳稅對國內電力部門之影響(Evaluating the Impacts of Carbon Tax on Taiwan Power Sector) 廖述誼、陳盛通、郭曉怡、陳吉仲、蔡燕宗
44 2010.06 過度包裝與經濟成長(Packaging Waste and Economic Growth?) 張慧雯、陳智華、謝智源
44 2010.06  日本與東亞國家間農產品產業內貿易型態之分析(Intra-Industry Trade Patterns between Japan and East Asian Countries in the Agri-Food Sector) Kuo-I Chang、Chung-Hsuan Wei
45 2010.12  台灣農業投資變動對經濟影響分析—靜態及動態產業關聯分析(A Stusy of Economic Impact Effects of  Agricultural Investment on Taiwan: Static and Dynamic Input-Output Analysis) 林幸君
45 2010.12 台灣毛豬市場批發價格與交易量之非線性關係探討—雙變量門檻迴歸磨模型之應用(On the Non-Linear Relationship between the Volume of Transaction and Price in the Taiwan Pork Market- An Application of Bivariate Threshold Regression Model) 李佳珍、黃柏農
45 2010.12  以AHP法評估海洋保護區的永續發展策略(Assessing the Sustainable Development of Marine Protected Areas with Analytic Hierarchy Process) 楊清閔、李展榮、陳清春
45 2010.12 我國地方政府之效率分析—一階段隨機邊界分析法之應用(An Application of the One-Stage Stochastic Frontier Analysis to the Analysis of Local Government Efficiency in Taiwan) 姚名鴻