
  • 2018-04-10
  • 诸秀姬


期数 出版日期
51 2013.12 Factors Affecting Consumers' Trust toward Food Safety Certification with Threat of Avian Influenza Outbreak in Taiwan: Evidence from Taipei Metropolitans 黄明新刘钢
51 2013.12 解析台湾农业家户之所得不均度:兼论非农业所得与农家所得不均之关连(Farm Household Income Inequality in Taiwan: The Association of Nonfarm Income and Income Inequality) 石曜合陆怡蕙黄芳玫江文基 
51 2013.12  产业技术升级、进口政策与外国厂商的产业集中度(Technology Upgrading, Import Policies and Market Concentration of Foreign Firms) 郭虹莹
51 2013.12  「资源边界」与「共享资源自主治理」-以兰屿飞鱼渔场冲突事件为例(Resources Boundaries and Self-Governed CPRs: Using the Conflict of Fisheries Grounds of Flying Fish around The Orchid Island As An Example ) 林育赐
52 2014.06 距离与自然资源愿付价值之关系-对评估资源边际价值及总价值的启示(The Relationship between Distance and Willingness to Pay for the Protection of Natural Resource: Implication for the Evaluation of Marginal Value and Total Value of Natural Resource) 吴珮瑛黄一琳刘哲良
52 2014.06 粮食安全风险衡量与新脆弱性指标之建构(Assessing Risk and Creating a New Vulnerability Index in Taiwan’s Food Security) 颜晃平吴荣杰张静文
52 2014.06 外科医师学习效果之分析-兼论工作地点移转对于医师学习之影响(An Analysis of Surgeons’ Learning Effect: Accounting for the Impact of Workplace Switching) 简毓宁陆怡蕙
52 2014.06 平地造林温室气体抵换专案减量方法之研拟(Developing GHG Offset Methodology for Plain Area Afforestation in Taiwan) 陶子婕林俊成
53 2014.12  条件评估法处理抗议性样本及无法确定/不知道样本之一般化架构(A General Framework for Protest and Uncertainty/Don't Know Bidders for Contingent Valuation Method) 吴珮瑛陈思豪劉哲良
53 2014.12 农业环境给付政策之研究—以有机稻米与水稻田为例(An Assessment of Payment for Environmental Services in Taiwan-Case Studies on Organic Rice and Rice Paddy Field)  许家胜陈吉仲柳婉郁廖述谊
53 2014.12 如何以最经济的方式摄取营养素:以蔬菜、水果为例(What Is the Most Economical Way for the Nutrients of Fruit and Vegetable Intake?) 林亿明孔维新吴苡嘉
54 2015.06  向分量回归模式之建构-二氧化碳排放与经济发展关系再检视(Construction of Double-Quantile Regression: Revisit the Relationship between Emission of CO_2 and Economic Development) 吴珮瑛张弘毅刘哲良李琼映 
54 2015.06  成本异质、配置的生产效率与最适的释股比例(Cost Heterogeneity, Allocative Production Efficiency Effect and Optimal Privatization) 郭虹莹
54 2015.06  由网络采用、使用与使用模式三个面向探讨台湾性别数码落差(Exploring Gender Digital Divide in Taiwan from the Perspectives of Internet Adoption, Use and Usage Patterns) 江文基
55 2015.12 日治时期台湾蔗作农场技术效率之分析(Technical Efficiency for Sugarcane Production in Taiwan: Empirical Evidence during Japanese Colonial Period) 陈丽旭刘锦添
55 2015.12  埤圳湿地生态系统服务对房价的影响及环境损害评估-GIS基础下的空间特征价格法(Effect of Wetlands on Residential Property Values and Evaluation of Environmental Damage with Development of Wetlands: GIS-based of Spatial Hedonic Price Method) 吴珮瑛陈懿
55 2015.12  中国各省(市)国有农场经营绩效变动研究(Performance of the State-Owned Farms in China) 宋安德傅祖坛周国伟朱学新
55 2015.12 契作效益之评估-以台湾稻米市场为例(The Effects of Forward Contracting on Spot Market in Paddy Rice Industry in Taiwan) 秦铭璟黄亮洲