
年度 论文名称
2012 林国庆, 估算我国潜在粮食自给率及最低粮食需求之研究, 100年度农业政策领域科技计画成果研讨会, May. 10, 2012, 台北:行政院农业委员会
2012 林国庆、傅祖坛、李皇照、施莹艳, 促进国产农产品消费提升粮食安全, 100年度农业政策领域科技计画成果研讨会, May. 10, 2012, 台北:行政院农业委员会
2012 Wu, Pei-Ing, Economic Impacts of Climate Change at City Level: Implications for Cities in Taiwan, International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Eco-City, 会议论文, Apr. 16-17, 2012, Kaohsiung: Garden Villa Kaohsiung
2012 Sun, Chin-Hwa, Wen Yi Lin, Pei-Ing Wu, and Lee-Jung Lu, Valuing Environmental Benefits of Microalgal Biodiesel, Paper Presented at the Aquaculture America 2012, 会议论文, Feb. 28-Mar. 02, 2012, US: Las Vagas, Nevada
2012 Wu, Pei-Ing, Tzu Chai Chen, and Je-Liang Liou, Construction of Meta-technology Cost Ratio: An Alternative Approach to Monetize CO2 Emission Reduction, The 2nd Congress of The East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 会议论文, Feb. 02-04, 2012, Indonesia: Bandung
2012 Huang, F.-M., Y. H. Luh, Y.-N. Chien, Impacts of Multiple-wave Tobacco Taxes on Teenager’s Smoking? A Ten-year Longitudinal Study, International Conference on Socioeconomic Determinants and Consequences of Public Health, 2012
2012 Huang, F.-M., Y.-N. Chien, Short-run or Long-run Impacts of Tobacco Tax on Teenager’s Smoking? A Ten-year Longitudinal Study, ASSA-CEANA, 2012
2011 林国庆, 增加粮食生产,提高粮食自给率, 中华民国农学团体一○○年联合年会大会暨「健康、永续、新农业」论坛, Dec. 16, 2011, 台中:国立中兴大学图书馆国际会议厅
2011 陈吉仲、李慧琳、张静贞, 因应气候变迁之粮食安全调适策略, 中华农业气象学会2011年年会, 会议论文, Dec. 12, 2011, 台中中兴大学
2011 施莹艳、林国庆、傅祖坛、李皇照, 国人对粮食安全、粮食自给率、国产农产品之认知与意向调查之研究, 台湾农村经济学会2011年农业经济学术研讨会, Dec. 10, 2011, 台中:国立中兴大学应用经济学系