期數 | 出版日期 | 文章標題 | 文章 作者 |
1 | 農業教育與農業發展(Agricultural Education and Agricultural Development) | 張研田 | |
1 | 農業人口與農業發展及農村社會進步之相關分析(Agricultural Population Analysis with Relevance to Agricultural Development and Rural Community Progress) | 張德粹 | |
1 | 農業與系統分析(Agricultural and System Analysis) | 江榮吉 | |
1 | 台北、台南及高雄三大毛豬市場豬源分布趨勢之研究(Study on the Distribution of Sources of Hogs in Taipei,Taiwan, and Kaoshing Hog Markets) | 黃際鍊 | |
1 | 產業道路經濟效益評估方法之說明(The Evaluation Method for the Economic Efficiency of the Industrial Road) | 林昌義 | |
1 | Rural Capital Markets in Taiwan, 1960-1970 | Chyan Tuan | |
1 | Development of Integrated Cooperative Export Marketing System of Bananas in Taiwan | Wen-Fu Hsu | |
1 | Data System to Supoort Agricultural Policy Anlysis in Taiwan | Chao-Chen Chen | |
1 | Farm Management Problems and the Role of Management Extension in the Adoption of New Technology by Smal Farmers | Y. C. Chiang | |
1 | Training Extension Workers in Farm Management Techniques | Chu-Yuan Wu | |
2 | 稻米保價收購政策對食米市場結構及稻作農戶收益之影響(Effects of Rice Guaranteed Price and Purchasing Policy o Rice Market Structure and Growers' Income) | 許文富 | |
2 | 臺灣農產品外銷成長的促進因素(Factors Motivating the Growth of Agricultural Exports from Taiwan) | 陳新友 | |
2 | 穩定性驗證生產函數之再確定(Stability Test and Reestimation of the Production Function) | 史濟增 | |
2 | 臺灣北區之人口變遷與區域發展(Patterns of Population Change and Regional Development in Northern Taiwan) | 劉錚錚 | |
2 | 我國貨幣性總體經濟簡化模型(A Simplified Monetary Macro-Economic Model of Taiwan, Republic of China) | 周慶生 | |
2 | 臺灣之經濟成長、價格水準與就業(Economic Growth, Price Level and Employment in Taiwan) | 陳希煌 | |
2 | 嘉南曾文灌區複作農業經濟與曾文水庫工程費分攤公式之檢討(The Interpretation of the Multiple Gropping Index in Southern Taiwan's Irrigating Agricultural-With Special Reference to Shares Program in Tzen-Wen Reservoir) | 段樵 | |
2 | 耕者有其田的經濟理論基礎(Economic Foundation of the Land-to-the-Tiller Program) | 邊裕淵、石義行 | |
2 | 臺灣冬季裡作之預測—馬可夫鏈鎖之應用(An Estimate of Winter Crops in Taiwan: An Application of Markov Chains) | 黃際鍊 | |
2 | The Role of Cooperation in Economic Development | Chu-Yuan Wu | |
3 | 論行政院毛豬緊急措施的成效關鍵與穩定毛豬生產之長短期策略(Review of the Effects of Hog Emergency Measures and Strategy for Stabilizing Hog Production) | 蕭清仁 | |
3 | 臺灣肉豬消費之迴歸分析(Regression Analysis of Pork Consumption in Taiwan) | 許文富 | |
3 | 臺灣農業土地利用與農業發展之研究(A Study on Agricultural Land Utilization and Agricultural Development in Taiwan) | 張德粹 | |
3 | 農村合會組織研究(A Study on Rural Mutual Saving Pool Organization) | 吳恪元 | |
3 | 所得密度函數與其他衡量所得分配指標之實證研究(The Empirical Evidence Between the Income Density Functions and the Measurement if Income Inequalition) | 陳明健 | |
3 | 從經濟觀點看污染環境品質問題(View the Pollution and Environment Quality Problem: From the Point of Economics) | 江榮吉 | |
4 | 擴大農業經營規模之探討(A Study of How to Enlarge the Operation Scale of Agricultural Industries) | 張德粹 | |
4 | 臺灣農家經濟規模之分析(On the Economics of Scale of Farm Families in Taiwan) | 陳明健 | |
4 | 經濟發展與因素配合、農業機械化(Economic Development, Factor Combination and Farm Mechanization) | 黃際鍊 | |
4 | 農產品的運銷及價格決定的基本觀念(Basic Concept of Marketing and Price Determination for Farm Products) | 許文富 | |
4 | 台北市市場經營型態及市場分布問題研究(A Study on the Operation Style and Distribution of Retail Market in Taipei City) | 江榮吉 | |
4 | 現階段農會功能研究摘要及修訂農會法調查報告(A Study on Economical and Social Functions and the REgulations of The Farmers' Associations in Taiwan) | 吳恪元 | |
5 | 農業與管理(Agricultural and Management) | 江榮吉 | |
5 | 農村社區中影響農民高低收入的因素和因應之道(A Study on the Factors of Low-Income Group and High-Income Group in Rural Community in Taiwan) | 吳恪元 | |
5 | 建立消費導向的農業生產新方向(Establishment of New Direction Toward the Consumer-Oriented Agricultural Production) | 許文富 | |
5 | 臺灣農業總合成本函權之推定及其涵義(Agricultural Cost Function in Taiwan: Estimation and Its Implication) | 史濟增、邱毅 | |
5 | 糧食、人口與農業發展—臺灣農業發展之回顧與展望(Food Population Growth and Agricultural Development in Taiwan) | 陳希煌 | |
5 | 光復後臺灣灌溉事業之發展(Irrigation Development in Taiwan after Restoration) | 王益滔 | |
5 | 臺灣開闢與創業之歷代勛功偉業名人傳錄(A Statement on the Most Important and Valuable Contributions of Our Military and Political Leaders for the First Period Land Expansion, Economic and Social Constructions in Taiwan) | 張德粹 | |
5 | 農家自有生產因素之調查分析(A Study on Farmer's Factors of Production) | 陳明健 | |
5 | 毛豬產業長期平均成本曲線可能形狀之探討(Research on the Possible Shape of Long-Run Average Cost Curve in Hog Industry) | 蕭清仁 | |
5 | 更新理論(A Note on Replacement Policy) | 黃際鍊 |