期數 | 出版日期 | 文章標題 | 文章作者 |
21 | 台灣農地變更使用政策之回顧與展望(A Review of Farmland Coversion Policy) | 毛育剛 | |
21 | 台灣稻米支出彈性值的檢驗(A Critical Test of Expenditure Elasticity of Taiwan's Rice Consumption) | 施順意 | |
21 | 關稅制度與環境品質(Tariff Schemes And Environmental Quality) | 楊維娟、周登陽 | |
21 | 我國水源保護與農地使用受限損失補償之研究(A Study on the Compensation System for Restricted Use of Farmland in Water Resource Protection Areas in Taiwan) | 陳明燦 | |
22 | 台灣農業成長來源再探討(The Sources of Agricultural Growth in Taiwan Revisited) | 林啟淵 | |
22 | 台灣地區農會信用部經營績效與策略之研究—策略群組方法之應用(Operational Efficiency and Strategies on the Credit Department of Taiwan Farmers’ Association: An Application of Strategic Group Approach) | 劉祥熹、吳榮杰、陳永琦 | |
22 | 世界鮪罐原料漁獲市場結構及價格共整合之分析(Analysis of the Market Structure and Price Cointegration of the Tuna Raw Material Markets for Tuna Canneries in the World) | 孫金華 | |
22 | 應用氣象資料配合類神經網路建立茼蒿需求量預測模式—以台北第一果菜批發市場為例 (Establishing a Demand Forecast Model for Crowndaisy Chrysanthemum with weather Data and Neural Network – An Empirical Example of Taipei's First Vegetable Wholesale Market) | 李宗儒、林俊宏 | |
23 | 在可完全執行下之最適水權費費率的訂定(Optimal Pricing of Water Rights for Efficient Use) | 李堅明、黃宗煌 | |
23 | 圍堵危機意識下的台灣糧食安全保障(Siege Mentality and Food Security of Taiwan) | 施順意 | |
23 | 台灣各縣市農家所得成長差異之分析: 1970-1996年 (A Study on Convergence of per Capita Agricultural Income Growth Across the Taiwan Prefectures & Cities: 1970-1996) | 陳建宏、戴錦周 | |
23 | A Nonparametric Analysis of Producer Behavior and Technology in the Pulp and Paper Industry of Taiwan | Jiing-Shyang Hseu and Ming-Ju Pan | |
24 | 貿易自由化與日、韓、台之稻米政策 (Trade Liberalization and the Rice Policy in Japan, Korea and Taiwan) |
24 | 限量保價收購制度對稻農預期價格之影響(The Impact of the Limited Guaranteed Price Purchasing on Rice Farmers' Price Expectation) | 陳郁蕙 | |
24 | 氣候變遷引發洪險增加對風險規避者之影響(When Households of Risk-Aversion Face Increased Flood Risks from Climate Change) | 楊國樑、James S.Shortle、徐如慧 | |
24 | 全球暖化減緩政策對台灣總體經濟的衝擊(The Economic Impacts of Global Warming Mitigation Policy on the Taiwan Economy) | 李秉正 | |
25 | 台灣地區能源需求與CO2排放預測—狀態空間模型之應用(Energy Demand and CO2 Emission Forecasting Using State Space Models) | 林師模、彭開瓊 | |
25 | 基因轉殖作物對台灣畜產部門影響之經濟分析(The Economic Analysis of the GMOs Impacts on Taiwan’s Animal Industry Sector) | 徐源清、陳吉仲、萬鍾汶 | |
25 | 應用預期價格與風險分析探討台灣稻米價格政策(The Analysis of Price Support Policy and Risk in Taiwanese Rice Market) | 陳郁蕙、張宏浩 | |
25 | 生物科技廠商的競賽—農業在發展的關鍵 (A Race between Biotech Firms – A Key to the Further Development of Agricultural) | 周登陽 |