
  • 2017-10-02
  • 諸秀姬
期數 出版日期
26   台商赴中國大陸投資農林漁牧業與食品工業之分析(Outward Direct Investment to Mainland China- The Case of Taiwan's Agiricultural and Food Industries) 陸雲
26   本省酪農對政府協助淘汰不良乳牛計劃反映的計量分析(An Econometric Analysis on the Dairy Farmers' Response to the Taiwan Government's Subsidy on Milk Cow Selective Slaughtering Project) 許應哲
26   台灣主要水果價格之非線性分析(Nonlinear Analyses of Fruit Price in Taiwan) 魯真、葉敬軒
26   台北市養殖魚類價格分析—向量ARMA模型之應用(An Analysis of Major Aquaculture Products' Price in Taipei: An Application of Vector ARMA Models) 江福松、陳威因
27   貿易不確定性對我國菊花輸出日本經濟效果評估(The Effects of Trade Uncertainty on Chrysanthemum Trade between Taiwan and Japan) 吳榮杰、蔡欣曄
27   國際貿易新秩序下台灣與亞太各國的農產經貿關係(The Agricultural Trade Between Taiwan and Asian Pacific Countries under the New World Trade Order) 張靜貞、張壬慈
27   應用非線性隨機效用模型探討台灣森林資源的遊憩價值(Applying Nonlinear Random Utility Model in Measuring Taiwanese Forest Recreational Benefits) 劉錦龍
27   模糊多目標函數應用於改善養殖漁業型態之研究—以彰化縣大城鄉為例(A Study on Application of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Function for Improving the Aquaculture Condition in Ta-Chen, Chang-Hwa) 楊道昌、張國強、陳建銘、陳文仁
28 2002.06  兩岸稻米競爭力分析(Analysis on Rice competition Cross Strait) 蕭清仁、李瓊映
28  2002.06 臺灣地區消費者生活成本水準與價格指數替代偏誤(Substitution Bias) 分析; Superlative 價格指數的應用(Analyzing Taiwan's Cost of living and Substitution Bias of    Consumer Price Index: An Application of Superlative Price Indexes) 劉邦典
28  2002.06 臺灣養殖魚類市場整合研究--以吳郭魚為例(The Study of Taiwan's Aquaculture Fish Market Integration --- Tilapia as example) 陳政位、楊奕農、范宇平、莊雅男
28  2002.06 增加政府固定投資的經濟影響;投入產出模型與可計算一般均衡模型的比較(The Economic Impacts of Increased Government Spending: A Comparison of Input-Output Model and Computable General Equilibrium Model) 李秉正
29 2002.12  加入WTO甜柿進口衝擊及關稅配額管理方案之研究(Economic Impacts and Tariff Rate Quotas Management Method of Persimmon Imports After Joining WTO) 李順成、孫毓良 
29 2002.12  綠色租稅改革的租稅福利成本與結構效果(The welfare costs and tax structural effects of Green Tax Reform) 楊子菡、蘇漢邦
29  2002.12 最適環境與貿易政策----考慮不完全競爭的市場結構及跨國性污染(Optimal Environmental and Trade Policies: A case of Imperfect Competition and Cross-Border Pollution) 周登陽、鄭惠文、楊慶偉 
29  2002.12 大陸城鎮糧食需求對農產貿易之涵意:根據預測能力選擇模型(Food Demand in Urban China and its Implications for Agricultural Trade: Model Selection Based on Forecasting) 劉鋼、陳文雄
30  2003.06 臺灣灌溉水權及水市場之經濟分析(Economic Issues of Irrigation Water Right and Water Market in Taiwan) 陳明健
30  2003.06 「台美自由貿易協定」的洽簽對我國農漁產業影響之研究(The Likely Economic Impacts of a Free Trade Agreement Between Taiwan and U.S on Taiwan Agriculture and Fisher Sectors) 陳吉仲、孫金華、吳佳勳、張靜貞、徐世勳
30  2003.06 臺灣肉品需求的函數選擇及弱分割性的檢定(Model choice and Test of Separability in Meat Demand: Taiwan) 詹滿色
30  2003.06 一舉兩得的環境財政改革:改善財政和提升綠色所得(Double Dividend for Environmental Fiscal Reform: Improvements on Fiscal Status and Green National Income) 耀輝