期數 | 出版日期 |
文章作者 |
31 | 2003.12 | 市場與政府角色對照下的農地明智使用與農地農用(The Role Market and Government in Allocating Farm Land Usage) | 施順意 |
31 | 2003.12 | 入會後關稅減讓及取消漁船用油價格優惠政策對臺灣農畜漁產業之一般均衡分析(General Equilibrium Analysis of the Impact of WTO Accession and the Elimination of the Fishery Fuel Tax Exemption on Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery Sectors in Taiwan) | 孫金華、林正鴻、江福松、林國榮 |
31 | 2003.12 | 台灣生物科技廠商之成本效率分析(Cost Efficiency of Biotech Firms in Taiwan) | 邱永和、胡均立、曹嘉麟 |
31 | 2003.12 | 政治獻金能否買到票?—美國糖業政策之個案研究(Can Money Buy Votes? -- A Case Study of U.S. Sugar Policy) | 江長周 |
32 | 2004.06 | 臺灣農產品的出口行銷 — 兼論政府的角色(The Export Promotion and Marketing of Agri-food Products: The Role of Government) | 張靜貞、許文富 |
32 | 2004.06 | 複檻式決策過程模型之建構:條件評估法中抗議性答覆之處理(Model of Multiple-hurdle with Decision Process: A Possible Resolution of Protest Responses in Contingent Valuation Questions) | 吳珮瑛、鄭琬方、蘇明達 |
32 | 2004.06 | 環境保護與經濟成長關係的認知分析(A Cognitive Analysis of the Relation between Environmental Protection and Economic Growth) | 杜素豪 |
32 | 2004.06 | 全球貿易分析 (GTAP) 資料庫演進與應用之探討(A Study on the History and Application of GTAP Database) | 林幸君 |
33 | 2004.12 | 農業生產與生物多樣性維護之研究(The Study of Agricultural Production and Biodiversity Preservation) | 黃文利、陳明健 |
33 | 2004.12 | 農村失業模型的理論與應用:WTO架構下的農業政策(On Rural Unemployment: A theory and application on the agricultural policies under WTO framework) | 黃登興、林柏生、黃幼宜 |
33 | 2004.12 | 環保標章與進口農產品(Eco-labels and Imported Agricultural Products) | 胡均立、朱維愷 |
33 | 2004.12 | 臺灣地區主食類食品價格及所得變動對國民營養的影響(Impact on People Nutrition by Changes of Staple Food Prices and Income in Taiwan) | 蕭清仁、李瓊映 |
33 | 2004.12 | 入會關稅減讓對我國農業就業影響之事後一般 均衡分析(An Ex post General Equilibrium Analysis of the Impact of WTO Tariff Reform on the Taiwan's Agricultural Employment | 林國榮 |
34 | 2005.06 | 臺灣農業部門就業期間之研究 1980-2002(The Analysis of Employment Duration of Agricultural Sector in Taiwan 1980-2002) | 黃芳玫、邱敬仁 |
34 | 2005.06 | 戰後日本農家總要素生產力成長之分解及其影響因素之探討(The Decomposition and its Influencing Factors of TFP Growth of Post-War Japanese Farm Families) | 戴錦周、陳建宏 |
34 | 2005.06 | 利用VIKOR方法解決企業資源規劃系統評選問題(Utilizing VIKOR to Make ERP System Supplier Selection Decision) | 林俊宏、曾國雄、任維廉 |
34 | 2005.06 | 不同旅遊需求函數設定下之遊憩效益比較-以宜蘭縣為例(A Comparison on Recreational Values under Different Recreational Demand Functions — An Example of Ilan County) | 陳凱俐、林雲雀 |
34 | 2005.06 | 農地使用變更外部性處理的制度分析(The Institutional Analysis of Externalities Generated by Farmland Use Conversion) | 胡海豐 |
35 | 2005.12 | 半參數與參數估計法之比較與檢定:以荷爾蒙生長激素之採用為例(Semi-Parametric and Parametric Estimations and Tests of Adoption: An Application to Bovine Somatotropin Technology) | 張宏浩、Loren W. Tauer |
35 | 2005.12 | 排放權交易與跨國聯合減量政策共同執行成效分析:獨占市場機制模擬(Simulating the Effect of Joint Policies of Emission Trading and Joint Implementation under A Monopoly Market) | 魏國棟、楊曙聰 |
35 | 2005.12 | 台灣虱目魚產業建置供應鏈管理系統重要決定因素與措施之研究(The Critical Factors and Managerial Strategies for Supply Chain Management Established in the Taiwan Milkfish Industry) | 劉祥熹、莊慶達、梁明華 |
35 | 2005.12 | 利益團體、工資談判與環境政策(Interest Groups, Wage Bargaining and Environmental Policy) | 賴育邦 |
35 | 2005.12 | 以社區為主體之保育經營--新武呂溪溪流魚類保育區之保育策略與模式發展(Community-Based Conservation Management: Strategies and Modeling of Wildlife Refuge at Shin-Wu-Lue Creek) | 王鴻濬、吳俊賢 |