
  • 2019-03-12
  • 諸秀姬


期數 出版日期
61 2018.12  人口規模、基礎建設與競爭租稅(Population Size, Infrastructure Quality, and Tax Competition) 蔡惠貞、胡均立、許淑媖
61 2018.12 消費外部性、孝親動機與最適租稅(Consumption Externalities, Gift Motivation and Optimal Taxtion) 賴志芳、賴冠臻
61 2018.12 探討網路時代中國養老旅遊之服務主導邏輯(Applying Service Dominant Logic to Explore China’s Senior Tourism in Internet Age) 鄭紹成、高于歡
62 2019.06 生產效率、非歧視性稅制與市場結構(Production Efficiencies, Uprejudiced Taxies and Market Structure)  范光中
62 2019.06 影響農牧戶所得之決定因素與政府補貼之政策效果(Evaluating Government Subsidies on Farm Incomes in Taiwan) 王玉安、林心瑜、張嘉玲
62 2019.06 網站品質、信任與知覺風險對購買意願之研究─有機蔬果為例(A Study of Website Quality, Trust, and Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention for Organic Fruits and Vegetables)  陳志杰、雷立芬、黃聖茹
63 2019.12 稻作經濟下的祖先崇拜與科舉文化(Ancestral Worship and Imperial Examination Cultures Under Rice-Based Economy) 馬泰成
63 2019.12 Launhardt模型與差別取價下的內生區位選擇(Launhardt Model, Discriminatory Pricing and Endogenous Location Choice) 范光中
63 2019.12 遊說對於污染稅的影響(The Political Economy of Pollution Tax) 林奇蓉、陳怡伶
64 2020.06 農漁會信用部與其他金融機構之薪資差異與薪資拆解(Wage Differential and Wage Decomposition between Credit Department of Farmers’ and Fisherman’s Associations and Commercial Banks) 黃芳玫、陳欣宜
64 2020.06 臺灣農民如何擺脫弱勢-集體議價能力之應用(How to Conquer the Imbalance Bargaining Power Between Farmers and Processors–the Application of Collective Bargaining) 秦銘璟
64 2020.06 策略性企業社會責任與最適出口貿易政策(Corporate Social Responsibility and the Optimal Strategic Trade Policy) 張敬宜、翁堃嵐、郭虹瑩
65 2022.06 土地利用轉換之生態系統服務給付—成本效益法(Using Cost-Benefit Analysis to Assess the Payment of Forest Ecosystem Services for Land-Use Transformation in Taiwan) 莊晴、沈芝貝、柳婉郁
65 2022.06 農地生態系服務價值指標之建構—網路程序分析法之應用(Using Analytical Network Process to Construct the Indicator Framework of Agricultural Land Ecosystem Services) 謝敬華、陳添水、柳婉郁
65 2022.06 最適差別關稅—考慮外國廠商友善國內消費者的情況(Optimum Discriminatory Tariffs in an International Duopoly with Consumer‐friendly Foreign Exporters) 郭虹瑩