期數 | 出版日期 |
文章作者 |
11 | 台灣各行業之雇用效果簡析(Employment Effects of Selected Industries in Taiwan-A Note) | 黃際鍊 | |
11 | 農業與能源之產業關聯分析(An Input Output Analysis of Agricultural and Energy Sectors) | 陳明健 | |
11 | 2,000年代台灣的產業(Taiwan Agricultural in Year 2000) | 江榮吉 | |
11 | 台幣升值對國內水果價格的影響,並探倒舒解香蕉產業的方法(Imparts of Appreciation of N.T. Dollars on Fruit Prices and a Suggested Meghod to Relief the Difficulties of Banana Industry in Taiwan) | 蕭清仁 | |
11 | Management of Multispecies Fisheries: A Nonlinear Programming Approach | 林秉恒 | |
12 | 貿易自由化與我國農業發展策略之調適(Trade Liberalization of Agricultural Policy Reform In Taiwan) | 陳希煌 | |
12 | 經濟發展與環保問題—以發電廠的區位選擇為例(Economic Development and Environmental Protection-A Case of Power Plant Site) | 陳明健 | |
12 | 農產運銷價差之經濟分析(Economic Analysis in Agricultural Marketing Margin) | 徐繼達 | |
12 | Modeling Food Demand Systems: A Utility Function Approach | Juo S. Huang | |
12 | Trade Liberalization and Effective Strategies for Sinoamerican Poultry Import Negotiation | Shun-Chen Lee | |
12 | An Econometric Analysis of the Soybean Market in Taiwan | Rhung-Jieh Woo | |
12 | Rationing Emission Rights for Air Pollution Control: Fairness, Advantages and Implementability | Alan Yun Lu | |
12 | An Economic Model for Rice Diversion Program | Li-Fen Lei | |
13 | 台灣家庭外食消費之經濟分析(An Economic Analysis of Household Eat-Out Consumption in Taiwan) | 許文富 | |
13 | 台灣地區貝類水產品需求體系之分析(An Analysis of Demand System for Shell-Fish Products in Taiwan: An Application of an Aggregate Almost Ideal System) | 陳清春 | |
13 | 全面品管制度及其管理涵義—台灣和大陸(TQC Chinese Style and Its Management Implication-Taiwan V.S. Mainland China) | 邱毅 | |
13 | Consumer’s Welfare Effects of Chicken Trade Liberalization in Taiwan | Sophia Wu Huang and Kuo S. Huang | |
13 | Distortions of Agricultural Investment Incentives by Farm Programs: The Case of Agricultural Research | Ching-Cheng Chang and Bruce A. McCarl | |
13 | On Exponential Utility (EU) Functions | Shih-Hsun Hsu | |
13 | An Analysis of Futures Prices Using ARCH Models | Li-Fen Lei | |
14 | 經濟自由化與稻米政策之調整(Economic Liberaliztion and Rice Adjustment) | 陳希煌 | |
14 | 貿易談判的協商過程與結果之研究—模糊(Fuzzy)數學之應用(A Study of Negotiation Process and Results of Trade Bargaining- An Application of Fuzzy Mathematics) | 徐繼達 | |
14 | On Asset Fixity and “Farm Problem” | Shih-Hsun Hsu | |
14 | An Evaluation of Alternative Optimal Hedging Derivations | Nen-Jing Chen | |
14 | Optimal Hedging and the Access Value of Futures and Options: The Case of U.S. Corn Producers | Li-Fen Lei | |
14 | Estimation of Regional Corn Supply Functions Incorporating Alternative Forms of Risk and Government Policy Variables | Ching-Ta Chuang and John F. Yanagida | |
14 | Impacts of Change in Emission Standards on the Hog Industry | Yir-Hueih Luh | |
14 | Comparisons in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab Fisheries Estimated Production Functions | Cheng-Wei Chen | |
15 | 台灣農產運銷的問題與其現代化的障礙(The Problems of Taiwan Agricultural Marketing and the Obstacle to its Modernization) | 蕭清仁 | |
15 | 複反應巢型羅吉模型: 多元政策之效益評估(Multiple-Response Nested Logit Model: Benefit Evaluation of Multidimensional Policy) | 吳珮瑛 | |
15 | 船東船舶維修努力及船長分紅率與管理努力之經濟分析(An Economic Analysis of Owner's Vessel Maintenance Level and Captain's Profit-Sharing Rate and Management Effort) | 李堯賢、莊慶達 | |
15 | Modeling Food Demand Systems: A Differential-Form Approach | Kuo S. Huang | |
15 | Alternative Estimates of Optimal Hedge Ratio For Corn, Soybeans, Cattle and Hogs | Li-Fen Lei/Ching-Jen Ko | |
15 | Estimation of Input Allocation in Multiple Crop Farms in The Growing Economy of Taiwan | Cheng-Ping Shih/Tsoung-Chao Lee |