期數 | 出版日期 |
文章作者 |
16 | 論農產品運銷通路的形成與農民選擇通路自主性的理論與實務—以台灣蔬菜運銷為例(Theory and Practice of the Formation of Marketing Channel and Its Autonomy by Farmers- The Case of Vegetable Marketing in Taiwan) | 許文富 | |
16 | ARCH/GARCH模型之運用:蔬菜批發價格分析(An Application of ARCH/GRACH Models to Whole-Sale Vegitable Prices) | 雷立芬 | |
16 | 關稅減讓對我國農業產出及勞動衝擊之一般均衡分析(An Ecoonomywide Analysis of Impacts of Trade Lliberalization on Taiwan's Agricultural Sector) | 徐世勳、吳中峻 | |
16 | A Systematical Analysis of Complex Environmental Policies: A Contingent Valuation Experiment | Pei-Ing Wu | |
16 | Wages, Productivity, and Economic Growth | Wen-po Chang | |
16 | The Structure of Taiwanese Demand for Meats | Cheng-wei Chen、Wen-cheng Hsiao | |
17 | 台北市家計單位水產品需求之研究(On the Demand for Fishery Products of Taipei Household Family) | 陳明健 | |
17 | 稻米安全存糧與替代政策之分析(An Analysis of Rice Safety Reserves and Alternative Policies in Taiwan) | 徐世勳、李篤華 | |
17 | 配額進口腹脅肉、內臟與台灣毛豬產業(The Impact of Import Quota of Belly and Internal Organs on the Hog Industry in Taiwan) | 李啟淵、徐倬園 | |
17 | 加拿大農民所得政策之研究(A Study on Canadian Farm Income Security Programs) | 呂文峰 | |
17 | An Analysis of Japanese Frozen Tuna Prices Based on Causality | Li-Fen Lei | |
18 | 農業發展的迷思—循序策略與整合做法(Myth of Agricultural Development- A Sequential Integrated Approach) | 謝森中 | |
18 | 要素重配置之效益(Productivity Gains from Factor Reallocation) | 張溫波 | |
18 | 條件評估法中受訪者內在相關之應用(Application of Intra-Respondent Correlation in Contingent Valuation) | 孫立群 | |
18 | 經濟發展對中國大陸農業利潤影響之計量分析(The Effects of Economic Growth on Agricultural Profit: A Case Study on Mainland China) | 施正屏 | |
19 | 以「農耕示範農場」模式協助大陸農業發展與強化兩岸農業交流( | 許文富 | |
19 | 台灣氮肥需求其污染之經濟分析 | 陳明健 | |
19 | 台灣農產品出口運銷 | 劉富善 | |
19 | 開放進口與政府稻米庫存策略之探討 | 林益倍、吳榮杰 | |
20 | 國際經濟情勢與農業經濟展望(The Global Economic Situation and Prospects for Agricultural Economy) | 陳希煌 | |
20 | 比較兩岸三地生產力成長的來源(Comparing the Sources of Productivity Growth for China, Hong Jong and Taiwan) | 張靜貞、陸怡蕙 | |
20 | 農產運銷資訊系統需求態度之差異分析 (A Study of Different Demand Attitudes Toward Agricultural Marketing Information System) | 陳淑恩 | |
20 | Mutiproduct Hedging for Hog Farmers and Meat Packers | Jin-Jou Dai、J. W. Dunn |