期數 | 出版日期 |
文章作者 |
56 | 2016.06 | 不同類型土壤及地下水污染場址外溢效果之評估-那種場址對房產價值減損最大?(Evaluating Different Types of Spillover Effects of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites: Which Type Impair Housing Prices the Most?) | 劉哲良、吳珮瑛、陳翰輝 |
56 | 2016.06 | 老農津貼、家戶特性與農業家戶所得不均度之研究(A Study on the Old Farmer Pension, Household Characteristics and Farm Household Income Inequality) | 魏敏芳、陸怡蕙 |
56 | 2016.06 | 食物長途運輸之碳足跡分析:以進口蘋果為例(An Analysis of the Carbon Footprint from Long Distance Food Transportation: Case of the Imported Apple in Taiwan) | 曾憲郎、蘇怡臻 |
56 | 2016.06 | 影響生態足跡之環境政策因子效果探討(The Impact of Environmental Policy on Ecological Footprint) | 陳盛通、張惠婷 |
57 | 2016.12 | 兩岸貿易之全球價值鏈分析(The Global Value Chain Analysis of Cross-Strait Trade) | 劉瑞文、林幸君、張靜貞、徐世勳 |
57 | 2016.12 | 傾向分數配對法於有機農法經濟結果評估之應用(An Application of Propensity Score Matching Method on the Evaluation of Economic Outcomes of Organic Farming) | 陸怡蕙、蔡旻翰、江文基 |
57 | 2016.12 | 品牌形象、體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關聯性之研究-以水花園有機農夫市集為例 (A Study on the Relationships among Brand Image, Experiential Marketing, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for Water Garden Organic Farmers' Market) | 祁皓翎、雷立芬、黃聖茹 |
58 | 2017.06 | 食物供應鏈之存活期間分析:APEC國家生產製程產品別之驗證(Analysis of Duration in Food Supply Chain: Evidence from Production Stages between the APEC Countries) | 王鈺惠、張國益 |
58 | 2017.06 | 台北市與新北市各行政區之淹水損失地圖-空間分量特徵價格迴歸之評估(Map of Flooding Loss in Each District of Taipei City and New Taipei City: Evaluation of Spatial Quantile Hedonic Price Method) | 吳珮瑛、陳懿、 劉哲良 |
58 | 2017.06 | 國人對於保育台灣黑熊之願付價值估計(Estimating the Taiwanese Willingness to Pay for Conserving the Formosan Subspecies of Asiatic Black Bear) | 王世銘、陳宗薊、曾偉君 |
59 | 2017.12 | 森林碳給付政策之經濟分析(An Economic Analysis of Forest Carbon Payment Policy) | 柳婉郁、徐寬 |
59 | 2017.12 | 政治遊說對菸品進口關稅的影響(The Political Economy of the Tobacco Taxation) | 林奇蓉、姚淑雯、康芳瑜、林齋皜、洪薏婷 |
59 | 2017.12 | 清潔發展機制對溫室氣體減量之成本效率與成本差異分析-共同邊界架構之應用(Cost Efficiency and Cost Difference under the Clean Development Mechanism for Greenhouse Gases Reductions: Application of Meta-Frontier Framework) | 劉哲良、邱可甄、吳珮瑛 |
59 | 2017.12 | 效率市場假說與價格訊息傳遞之驗證:以臺灣釋迦批發市場為例(Testing the Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Price Information Transmission: The Case of Sugar Apple Wholesale Market in Taiwan) | 楊明憲、柯宗漢 |
59 | 2017.12 | 關稅遊說競爭與遊說誘因(Lobbying Incentives and Lobbying Competition over Trade Policy) | 許淑媖、林燕淑 |
60 | 2018.06 | 開徵水權費對養殖業者之影響─以彰化縣大城鄉為例(Effects of Imposing a Block Tariff System on Aquaculture Farmers-A Case Study of Da-Cheng Township, Chang-Hua County) | 廖肇寧、葉子瑄 |
60 | 2018.06 | 假設性產業電力差別取價之模擬分析(A Hypothetical Simulation Analysis on Industrial Electricity Price Discrimination) | 賴偉文、柏雲昌 |
60 | 2018.06 | 台灣國家公園遊客人數影響因素之分析(An Analysis of Influencing Factors on Visitor Numbers of National Parks in Taiwan) | 莊晴、柳婉郁 |