
年度 論文名稱
1991 台灣食用油脂產業之調查研究, 台灣銀行季刊, vol. 42, 2, pp. 328-356, Oct. 1991
1991 An Econometric Analysis of the Soybean Market in Taiwan, Agriculture and Economics (農業與經濟), 12, pp. 77-94, Oct. 1991
1991 政府收購農地之可行性分析, 經社法制論叢, 7, pp. 163-199, Oct. 1991
1991 房租管制之經濟分析, 土地經濟季刊, 2, pp. 1-26, Oct. 1991
1991 新加坡大眾運輸系統之發展, 經社法制論叢, 8, pp. 163-193, Oct. 1991
1991 Home Ownership Policy in Singapore: An Assessment, Housing Studies, vol. 6, 1, pp. 15-28, Oct. 1991
1991 Rationing Emission Rights for Air Pollution Control: Fairness, Advantages and Implementability, Agriculture and Economics, 12, pp. 95-109, Jun. 1991
1991 國家建設六年計畫環境保護內計畫之評估, 台灣經濟預測與政策, vol. 22, 1, pp. 39-51, Apr. 1991
1991 Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture under Dynamic Adjustment, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 73, 4, pp. 1116-1125(五年以上且具深遠學術影響力之著作), 1991
1991 Potential Benefits of Rice Variety and Water Management Improvements in the Texas Gulf Coast, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics , vol. 16, pp. 185-193, 1991