
年度 論文名稱
1990 An Adjustment Cost Rationalization of Asset Fixity Theory, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 72, pp. 290-298, 1990
1989 提高稻米收購數量對台灣稻作生產影響之研究, 台灣經濟, 156, Dec. 1989
1989 關稅自由化、匯率波動對汽車進口結構與福利之影響, 人文及社會科學集刊, vol. 2, 1, pp. 15-41, Nov. 1989
1989 Dairy Supply and Factor Demand Response to Output Price Risk: An Econometric Assessment, Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 18, 2, pp. 103-108, Oct. 1989
1989 中小企業融資問題的再檢討, 企銀季刊, vol. 13, 2, Oct. 1989
1989 現階段台灣農地利用之計量經濟評估─開放農地自由買賣之抉擇, 農業金融論叢, 22, Jul. 1989
1989 雞肉開放進口對臺灣養雞事業影響發展之研究, 農業金融論叢, 21, Jan. 1989
1989 Wu, Pei-Ing, John B. Braden, and Gary V. Johnson, Efficient Control of Cropland Sediment; Storm Event vs. Annual Average Loads, Water Resource Research, 25: 161-168 (SCI, Scopus, Limnology), 1989
1989 The Financing of Public Housing in Singapore, Southeast Asian Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 17, 1, pp. 21-43, 1989
1988 Temporal Risk Aversion in a Phased Deregulation Game, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12, pp. 181-187, Oct. 1998