期數 | 出版日期 |
文章作者 |
41 | 2008.12 | 交通可及性與生態旅遊區的消長:雙區模型(Accessibility and the Vicissitued of Ecotourism: A Two-Region Model) | 黃登興、黃幼宜、楊筱屏 |
41 | 2008.12 | 農田水利會調度水資源之市場結構分析(Market Structure Analysis of the Irrigation Associations Allocation Water Resour) | 闕雅文 |
41 | 2008.12 | 走私及檢疫投入對肉雞產業影響之經濟分析(Economic Analysis on the Impact of Smuggling, Preventin and Control Inputs on Taiwan's Broiler Industry) | 李建強、李家銘、謝企榮 |
41 | 2008.12 | 台灣白肉雞產地價格之灰預測模型研究(Grey Predictin Models for Broiler Farm Price in Taiwan) | 施孟隆、黃炳文、胡惟喻、馮誠萬 |
42 | 2009.06 | 京都機制下排放減量權證價格之經濟分析(An Economic Analysis of Price of Certified Emission Reductions under Kyoto Mechanism in Taiwan) | 柳婉郁、林國慶 |
42 | 2009.06 | 農產品期貨動態避險策略的評價(Evaluating the Performance of Dynamic Hedging Strategies in Commodity Futures Markets) | 巫春洲、劉炳麟、楊亦農 |
42 | 2009.06 | 青蔥價格與消費者物價指數的因果關係分析:門檻向量自我迴避模型之應用(The Relationship between Green Onion Price and Consumer Price: An Application of Asymmetric Threshold Model) | 王冠閔、李源明、李建強 |
42 | 2009.06 | 台灣種植基改木瓜的潛在經濟效益評估(The Potential Economic Benefit of Adopting GM Papaya in Taiwan) | 詹滿色、蔡坤霖 |
43 | 2009.12 | 跨國共同邊界生產技術效率比較—同步考量正向經濟發展與付向CO2排排放(Comparison of Meta-Frontier Technical Efficiencies across Countires: Multiple Outputs of Desired Economic Development and Undesired CO2 Emissions) | 劉哲良、吳珮瑛、黃芳玫 |
43 | 2009.12 | 兩段訂價模式與平均成本訂價—以提供多種類遊樂設施的獨占遊樂園為例(Two-Part Tariff and Agerage Cost Pricing: The Case of a Monopolistic Amusement Park in Supplying a Variety of Rides) | 吳大任、張美華 |
43 | 2009.12 | 整合性水果外銷組織之建構(A Study on the Design of an Ingegrated Fruit Export Organization for Taiwan) | 陸雲 |
43 | 2009.12 | 消費券政策之總體經濟效果分析(The Macor-Economic Effects of Consumption Vouchers Policy in Taiwan) | 黃琝琇、林建甫 |
44 | 2010.06 | 台灣漁會每薪點支付金額與盈餘之研究(The Analysis of Payment Per Salary Point and Profits in Taiwanese Fisherman Association ) | 黃芳玫、張竣翔、吳珮瑛 |
44 | 2010.06 | 評估實施碳稅對國內電力部門之影響(Evaluating the Impacts of Carbon Tax on Taiwan Power Sector) | 廖述誼、陳盛通、郭曉怡、陳吉仲、蔡燕宗 |
44 | 2010.06 | 過度包裝與經濟成長(Packaging Waste and Economic Growth?) | 張慧雯、陳智華、謝智源 |
44 | 2010.06 | 日本與東亞國家間農產品產業內貿易型態之分析(Intra-Industry Trade Patterns between Japan and East Asian Countries in the Agri-Food Sector) | Kuo-I Chang、Chung-Hsuan Wei |
45 | 2010.12 | 台灣農業投資變動對經濟影響分析—靜態及動態產業關聯分析(A Stusy of Economic Impact Effects of Agricultural Investment on Taiwan: Static and Dynamic Input-Output Analysis) | 林幸君 |
45 | 2010.12 | 台灣毛豬市場批發價格與交易量之非線性關係探討—雙變量門檻迴歸磨模型之應用(On the Non-Linear Relationship between the Volume of Transaction and Price in the Taiwan Pork Market- An Application of Bivariate Threshold Regression Model) | 李佳珍、黃柏農 |
45 | 2010.12 | 以AHP法評估海洋保護區的永續發展策略(Assessing the Sustainable Development of Marine Protected Areas with Analytic Hierarchy Process) | 楊清閔、李展榮、陳清春 |
45 | 2010.12 | 我國地方政府之效率分析—一階段隨機邊界分析法之應用(An Application of the One-Stage Stochastic Frontier Analysis to the Analysis of Local Government Efficiency in Taiwan) | 姚名鴻 |