Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1996 貿易自由化對兩岸農產貿易之影響, 農業經濟半年刊, 60, pp. 135-169, Oct. 1996
1996 Measuring the benefits of Air Quality Improvement in Taipei: Comparison of Contingent Valuation Elicitation Techniques, in The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific, edited by Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw, Edward Elgar, U.K, pp. 182-198, Sep. 1996
1996 臺灣果菜批發市場組織發展與問題, 台灣經濟, 234, pp. 16-48, Jun. 1996
1996 兩岸農業合作的現況與展望, 交流, 26, pp. 4-7, Mar. 1996
1996 The Contribution of the Credit Department of Farmers’ Associations on Taiwan’s Rural Economic Development, Commnunity Financial Journal, vol. 32, pp. 117-151, 1996
1996 台灣地區水產品消費趨勢之研究, 第三屆漁業政策研討會論文集, 8.1-8.29, 1996
1996 多環境品質改善之效益分析:各種福利衡量指標之比較, 經濟論文, 24(4):519-557 (EconLit), 1996
1996 台灣各縣市生活品質水準之比較, 台灣經濟, 240:26-38, 1996
1996 環境保護與國際貿易:考慮污染防治下產品出口之福利評估, 台灣土地金融季刊, 33(2):97-122, 1996
1996 Embedding in Multiple-Referendum Contingent Valuation Experiment, Agricultural Economics, 60: 229-260, 1996