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English Booklist
作 者
書 名
1378 | ohnston | econometric methods |
1379 | carter | theory of wages and employment |
1380 | sirkin | introduction to macroeconomic theory |
1381 | klein &ohkawa | economic growth |
1382 | estey | business cycles |
1383 | allen | macro-economic theory |
1384 | islam | agricultural policy in developing countries |
1385 | fox & johnson | readings in the economics of agriculture |
1386 | grey & elliott | economic issues and policies |
1387 | heady & dillon | agricultural poroduction functions |
1388 | mccarthy | introduction to statistical readsoning |
1389 | readings in price theory | |
1390 | dowell & bjorka | livestock marketing |
1391 | shepherd | agricultural price analysis |
1392 | samuelson | economics |
1393 | black & kiefer | future food and agriculture policy |
1394 | snedecor | statistical methods |
1395 | hicks | value and capital |
1396 | schneider | pricing and equilibrium |
1398 | okhawa | differential structure and agriculture |
1399 | wang & apthorpe | rice farming in taiwan: three villages studies |
1400 | lewis | the theory of economic growth |
1401 | problems and policies of american agriculture | |
1402 | allen | mathematical analysis for economists |
1403 | smail | calculus |
1404 | mckean | efficiency in government through systems analysis |
1406 | dwyer | linear computations |
1407 | kindleberger | international economics |
1408 | goldberger | econometric theory |
1409 | koopmans | activity analysis of production and allocation |
1410 | kilby | industrialzation in an open economy: nigeria 1945-1966 |
1411 | nerlove | the dynamics of supply |
1412 | reynolds | economics |
1413 | readings in business cycles | |
1414 | klein | economic fluctuations in the united states 1921-1941 |
1416 | reder | studies in the theory of welfare economics |
1417 | meier | international trade and development |
1418 | hicks | the theory of wages |
1419 | hansen | business cycles and national income |
1420 | schumpeter | history of economic analysis |
1422 | walter | international economics: theory and policy |
1423 | ruggles & ruggles | national income accounts and income analysis |
1424 | kindleberger | foreign trade and the national economy |
1425 | keynes | the general theory of employment, interest, and money |
1426 | schumpeter | capitalism, socialism and democracy |
1427 | triffin | gold and the dollar crisis |
1428 | kindleberger | american business abroad |
1429 | millikan & blackmer | the emerging nations: their growth and united states policy |
1430 | rostow | the process of economic growth |
1431 | hoselitz et al | theoryies of economic growth |
1432 | rostow | the stages of economic growth |
1433 | lange & taylor | on the economic theory of socialism |
1434 | klein | an introduction to econometrics |
1435 | bauer &yamey | the economics of under-developed countries |
1436 | scitovsky | welfare and competition |
1437 | shepherd | marketing farm products |
1438 | dixey | international explorations of agricultural economics |
1439 | hood & koopmans | studies in econometric methods |
1440 | allen | mathematical economics |
1442 | wolf & richardson | readings in finance |
1443 | asher et al | development of the emerging countries |
1444 | rong I wu | the strategy of economic development: a case study of taiwan |
1445 | heilbroner | the making of economic society |
1446 | katz & mcgowan | a selected list of U. S. readings on development |
1447 | shell | essays on the theory of optimal economic growth |
1448 | tropical legumes:resources for the future | |
1449 | world food and nutrition | |
1450 | heilbroner | under-standing micro-economics |
1451 | yukio&shoichi | foreign aid and economic growth of deveolping asian countries |
1452 | tinbergen | shaping the world economy |
1453 | goldberg | introduction to difference equations |
1455 | robinson | the economics of imperfect competition |
1456 | man's impact on the global environment | |
1457 | eckstein | communist china's economic growth and foreing trade |
1458 | buck | land utilization in china |
1459 | von neumann&morgenstern | theory of games and economic begavior |
1460 | kuznets | modern economic growth :rate,structure and spread |
1461 | appropritae technologies for developong countries | |
1462 | bowles eta al | notes and problems in microconomic theory |
1463 | lewis | the principles of economic planning |
1464 | adelman | theories of economic growth and developnemt |
1465 | ingram | thternational economic problems |
1466 | meade | a neo-classical theory of economic growth |
1467 | tinbergen | the design of development |
1468 | ostle | statistics in research |
1469 | kindleberger | economic development |
1470 | rostow | the stages of economic growth |
1471 | knorr&baumol | what proce ceonomic growth |
1472 | girschman | the strategy of economic growth |
1473 | kelley | general otpology |
1474 | pitman | commercial correspondence and commercial english |
1475 | bhagwati | the economics of underdeveloped countries |
1476 | robinson | an essay on marxian |
1477 | robinson | exercises in economic analysis |
1478 | hawkins | the principles of development aid |
1479 | metcalf | the economics of agriculture |
1480 | lewis | quiet crisis in indis |
1481 | tintner | mathenatics and statistics for enomonists |
1482 | phelps | the goal of economic growth |
1483 | perlman | wage determination:market or power forces |
1484 | solow | growth theory:on exposition |
1485 | toynbee | the industrial revolution |
1486 | yeager | international monetary relations |
1487 | mieier | leading issues in developnemt |
1488 | yinynrt | the variate difference methods |
1489 | dsmurlson | economics:an introductory analysis |
1490 | heady | economics of agricultural production and resurce use |
1491 | schultz | the economic organization of agiculture |
1493 | eicherwitt | agriculaurein econimic development |
1494 | bornstein | comparative economic systens |
1497 | mood | introduction ot the theory of statictics |
1498 | thorbecke | the role of agriculrur in economic development |
1500 | todaro | economics for a developong world |
1502 | southworth&johnston | agricultural developnemt and economic growth |
1504 | hayami&ruttan | agricultural developmnent |
1505 | encyclopedia of cost accounting systins v.i v.ii v.iii | |
1506 | patinkin | miney, interest,and prices |
1508 | readings in macro-econimic theory | |
1510 | meade | the balance of payments |
1511 | fei&ranis | development of the oabor surplus economy |
1512 | goddard | mathenatical technigues of operational researcn |
1514 | chang | agriculature and industrialization |
1515 | wharton | subsistence agriculture and economic growth |
1516 | koopmans | statistical inference in dynamic economic meldls |
1517 | cramer | mathenatical methods of statidtics |
1518 | gale | the throry of oineat economic models |
1519 | Bassie | Economic forecasting |
1520 | Hoel | Introduction to mathematical statistics |
1521 | Dawson | Communist Chain's agriculture |
1522 | Shields | Linear algebra |
1523 | Berge | The theory of graphs and its applications |
1524 | Georgesw-Roegen | Analytical economics |
1525 | Lin | Industrialization in Taiwan, 1946-72 |
1526 | Yotopoulos&Nugent | Economics of development: empirical investigation |
1527 | Hayek | The pure theory of capital |
1528 | Heller | International monetary economics |
1529 | Balassa | The structure of protection in developing countries |
1530 | Chayanov | The theory of peasant economy |
1532 | Vanek | International trade: theory and economic policy |
1533 | The allocation of economic resources | |
1534 | Machlup | International payments, debts, and gold |
1535 | Methodological procedures in the economic analysis of fertilizer use data | |
1536 | Black et al | Accounting in business decisions |
1537 | Walras | Elements of pure economics |
1538 | Ore | Graphs and their uses |
1541 | Schultz | The economic value of education |
1542 | Dewey | Logic |
1543 | Agarwala&Singh | The economics of underdeveloped |
1544 | Bruton | Principles of development economics |
1545 | Readings in economic development | |
1546 | Hirashima | The structure of disparity in developing agriculture |
1547 | Schultz | Agriculture in an unstable economy |
1548 | Sirkin | Introduction to macro-economic theory |
1549 | Sigmund | The ideologies of the developing nations |
1550 | Bunee | The economics of soil conservation |
1552 | Staley | The future of underdeveloped countries |
1553 | Myint | The economics of the developing countries |
1554 | Henderson&Quandt | Macroeconomic theory: a mathematical approach |
1555 | Schickele | Agriculture policy |
1556 | Schultz | Transforming traditional agriculture |
1557 | Ashley | The economic organisation of England |
1560 | Lewis | An introduction to mathematics for students of economics |
1561 | Taylor | Advanced calculus |
1562 | Kemeny et al | Introduction to finite mathematics |
1564 | Harrod | towards a dynamic economics |
1565 | Brown | The economics of labor |
1567 | Tinbergen | On the theory of economic policy |
1568 | Rader | American business today and tomorrow |
1570 | Boulding | Economic analysis |
1571 | Little | A critique of welfare economics |
1572 | Boulding | A reconstruction of economics |
1573 | Porterfield | Investment decisions and capital costs |
1574 | Bodkin | The wage-price-prcx:1uctivity nexus |
1575 | Readings in economic growth | |
1576 | Metzger | Elementary mathematical programming |
1577 | Bodlin | Economic development and growth |
1578 | Leibenstein | Economic backwardness and economic growth |
1579 | Accelerated development in southern Africa | |
1580 | Chamberlin | The theory of rronopolistic competition |
1581 | lerner | The economics of control |
1582 | Newman&Logan | Business policies and central management |
1583 | hood & Koopmans | Studies in econometric method |
1584 | Schumpeter | The theory of economic development |
1585 | Li | Industrialial development in communist China |
1586 | Malthus | Principles of population |
1587 | Hauser | The population dilemma |
1588 | Nove | The Soviet economy |
1589 | Cournot | The mathematical principles of the theory of weulth |
1590 | Ricardo | The principles of political economy and taxation |
1591 | Tinbergen | Central planning |
1592 | Knight | On the history and method of economics |
1593 | Duessenberry | Income saving and the theory of consumer behavior |
1595 | Aitken | Determinants and matrices |
1596 | Bauer&Yamey | The economics of under-developed countries |
1597 | Anderson&Bancroft | Statistical theory in research |
1598 | Bailey | National income and the price level |
1599 | Adelman&Thorbecke | The theory and design of economic development |
1600 | Little&Mirrlees | Project appraisal and planning for developing countries |
1601 | Tintner | Econometrics |
1602 | Mosher | Getting agriculture moving |
1603 | Shepherd | Agricultural price anc1 income policy |
1604 | Jones | An introduction to mcxlern theor ies of economic growth |
1605 | Strategy for development | |
1607 | Zellner | Readings in economic statistics and econometrics |
1608 | Meier | Leading issues in economic development |
1610 | Clement et al | Theoretical issues in international economics |
1611 | Lele | The design of rural development |
1612 | Dorfman et al | Linear programming and economic analysis |
1613 | Kemp | The pure theory of international trade |
1614 | Samuelson | Fundations of economic analysis |
1615 | Mosher | Creating a progressive rural structure |
1616 | Finkbeiner | Matrices and linear transformations |
1617 | Yamane | Mathematics for economists |
1618 | Shen | The Sino-Arner ican Joint comission on rural reconstruction |
1619 | Jacoby | U. S. aid to Taiwan |
1620 | Chisholm | Unbough t and unbossed |
1621 | Readings in the theory of income distribution | |
1622 | Schultz | Production & Welfare of agriculture |
1623 | Baumol | conomic dynamics |
1624 | Enke | Economics for development |
1625 | Chenery&Clark | Interindlstry economics |
1626 | Mosak | General equilibrium theory in international trade |
1627 | Lange | Price flexibility and employment |
1628 | Freund | Modern elementary statistics |
1629 | Wilks | Mathematical statistics |
1630 | Kelley et al | Dualistic economic development |
1631 | Readings in the theory of international trade | |
1632 | Stigler | The theory of price |
1633 | Borton | Selected reaoing~, to accompany getLng agr iCL11 ture moving |
1634 | Giving in America | |
1635 | Robinson | The accumulation of capital |
1636 | Sen | Choice of techniques |
1637 | Ackley | Macroeconomic theory |
1638 | Tobin | National economic policy |
1639 | Li | The experience of clynJmic economic growth on Taiwon |
1640 | Wolinsky | Lodejinsky: agrarian reform as unfinished business |
1641 | Mueller | Readings in macroeconomics |
1642 | Why labor leaves the land | |
1643 | Ross | Perspectives on the social order |
1644 | The face of rural America; 1976 yearbook o[ agriculture | |
1645 | An introduction to diqit0l computers | |
1646 | Smith | Orientation course fortran computer programming |
1647 | Ayres | Schaum's outline series theory and problems of matrices |
1648 | New long-range economic plan of Japan | |
1649 | Agriculture and economic development V.I, V.II | |
1650 | Income distribution, employment and economic development in Southeast and EaE.t l\sia V. 1. V.•II |
1651 | Proceedings. The first APCUR, Taipei, ROC | |
1653 | Mosher | To create a modern agriculture |
1654 | Kwoh | Farmer's associations and ~leir contributions toward agricultural and rural development in Taiwan |
1655 | NAS | Resource sensing from space |
1656 | Butwell | Southeast Asia today-and tomorrow |
1657 | The Federal reserve system | |
1658 | Asian agricultural survey 1969, 1976 | |
1659 | Thiam&Ong | Readings in Asian farm management |
1660 | Regional seminar on agriculture 1969 | |
1661 | Ishikawa | Agricultural development strategies in Asia |
1662 | Hirashima | Hired labor in rural Asia |
1663 | Postharvest food losses in developing countries | |
1664 | Water distribution troining course | |
1665 | Water meters- selection, installation, testing, and maintenance | |
1666 | Shen | Agriculture's place in the strategy of development |
1667 | ProceeeJing. AWW seminar on developing water rates | |
1668 | Hayami | Anatomy of 3 peasunt economy |
1669 | Interpretive anaJysis of selected papers from changes in r ice farming in selected areas of Asia | |
1670 | Water distribution operator training handbook | |
1671 | Water utility managenment | |
1672 | Processing water-treatment-plant sludge | |
1673 | Borton | Selected redings to accompany getting agriculture moving |
1674 | Borton | Case studies |
1675 | Tsour | Estimates of a dynamic demand for money model |
1676 | The consumers union report on family planning | |
1677 | Farm mechanization in East Asia | |
1678 | Mosher | An introduction to agricultural exyension |
1679 | Meer | Farm plot dispersal: Luliao village, Taiwan |
1680 | The budget in brief Japan 1974 | |
1681 | Kan | Issues and orientation of contemporary economic theory |
1682 | Handbook of occupational safety and health standards for water utilities | |
1683 | Hsueh | An econometric model for Taiwan economic development |
1684 | Wetmore et al | Policies for expanding the demand for farm food products pt.I,pt.II |
1685 | Koch | Funktionale Strukturwandlungen in Taiwan |
1686 | Handbook of taste and odor control experiences int th Us and Canada | |
1687 | White | Technology, employment, and development |
1688 | Warton | Malayan rubber supply conditions |
1689 | Warton | Research on agriucltural development in Southeast Asia |
1690 | Warton | The role of farmer education in agriucltural growth |
1691 | Foster | Research on agriucltural development in Southeast Asia |
1692 | Mosher | Serving agriculture as administrator |
1693 | Shen | Agricultural development in Taiwan Province ROC |
1694 | AWWA | Simplified procedures for water examination-laboratory manual |
1695 | AWWA | Backflow revention and cross-connection control |
1696 | Economic development , Taiwan ROC | |
1697 | Johnson&Kilby | Agricultural strategies, rural-urban interactions and the expansion of income opportunities |
1698 | Lien | Proceedings of th Third Sino-American conference on Mainland China |
1699 | IRRI | Siminar on economics of rice production in the Philippines |
1700 | IRRI | Annual report for 1972, 1973, 1975 |
1701 | IRRI | Interpretive analysis of selected papers from changes in rice farming in selected areas of Asia |
1702 | IRRI | Economic consequences of the new rice technology |
1703 | Changes in agriculture in 26 developing nations 1948-1963 | |
1704 | Uphoff&Esman | Local organization for rural development in Asia |
1705 | George&King | Consumer demand for food commodities int th United States with projections for 1980 |
1706 | IRRI | Rice policy conference: current papers on rice technology |
1707 | IRRI | Production and market relationship for rice and corn in the Philippines |
1708 | Rada&Berquist | Irrigation effieciency in the production of California crop calories and proteins |
1709 | Rada&Berquist | Irrigation efficiency in producing calories and proteins |
1710 | Chen&Bailey | Agricultural credit int Taiwan |
1711 | General observations on agriuclture in Thailand | |
1712 | Stavis | People's communes and rural development in China |
1713 | Stavis | Rural local governance and agriucltural development in Taiwan |
1714 | Training and research for extended rural development in Asia | |
1715 | Rice policy conference: field trips | |
1716 | U.N. | Import substitution and export diversification in Ecafe countries |
1717 | Huang | Wages and incomes of agr icultural workers in Taiwan |
1718 | Kuo | Income distribution by size in Taiwan area- changes and causes |
1719 | McCarthy | Sampling: element3ry principles |
1720 | OEEC | Farm management |
1721 | Ou | A handbook of rice diseases in the tropics |
1722 | A guide for tea leaders in technical assistance projects | |
1723 | Economic report of the President | |
1724 | USDA | Agricultural policies of foreign governments |
1725 | USDA | The agricultural situation in the People's Republic of China and other Asian communist countries |
1726 | USDA | Measures and procedures for analysis of U.S. food consumption |
1727 | USDA | Computational methods for handling systems of simultaneous equations |
1728 | USDA | Major statistical series of the USDA v.2, 3, 5, 6 |
1729 | Small | Returns to public investment in water control in Southeast Asia: a case study of Lhe greater Chao Phya project of TIlailand |
1730 | A summary of the Republic of China's six-year plan for economic development in Taiwan 1976-1981 | |
1731 | Hsing-Yin Chen | Structure and productivity of capital in the agriculture of Taiwan and their policy implications to agricultural finance |
1732 | Marcia Min-ron Lee Ong | Changes in farm level savings and consumption in Taiwan 1960-1970 |
1733 | Lav et al | The Impact of redistribution instruments on the equilibrium' of the farm economy: a micro-simulation approach |
1734 | Abel | Irrigation systems in Taiwan: management of a decentralized public enterprise |
1735 | Mellor | The functions of agriucltural prices in economic development |
1736 | Framework for policy research on economic development | |
1737 | Barker | Use of linear programming in making farm management decisions |
1738 | Ferguson | Umemployment: its scope, measurement, and effect on poverty |
1739 | Constraints to high yields on ASldn rice farms: an interim report | |
1740 | Science, Technology&Development | V. I Natural resources: energy water and river basin development |
1741 | V. II Natural resources: minerals and mining mapping and geodetic control | |
1742 | V. III Agriculture | |
1743 | V. IV Industrial development | |
1744 | Science, Technology&Development | V. V Transportation |
1745 | V.VII Social problems of development and urbanization | |
1746 | V. VIII Organiz;:1tiol1, planning, and programming for economic development | |
1747 | V. IX Scientific and technological policy, planning, and organization | |
1748 | V. X International cooperation and problems of transfer and adaptation | |
1749 | V.XI Human resources': training of scientific and technical personnel | |
1750 | V.XII Communications | |
1751 | Lele | Working of grain markets in selected states, India 1955-56 to1964-65 |
1753 | Desai | Growth of fertilizer use in Indian agriculture |
1754 | Bawa | Agricultural production and industrial capital formation, India 1951-52 to 1964-65 |
1755 | Shukla | An economic analysis of farm resource use, Jabalpur district, Madhya Pradesh, India, 1967-68 |
1756 | Schroeder&Sisler | The impact of the Sonauli-Pokhara highway on the regional income and agricultural proc1uction of Pokhara Valley, Nepal |
1757 | Schroeder&Parikh | The interaction of co-operative credit and uncertainty in samll farmer adoption of the new cereal varieties |
1758 | Mellor | Developing science and technology systems -- Experience and lessons from agriculture |
1759 | Schroeder | The role of co-operative credit in small farmer adoption the new cereal varieties in India |
1760 | Van der Veen | A study of small industries in Gujarat State, IndIa |
1761 | Desai | Economics of resource use on sample farms of central Gujarat |
1762 | Donovan | Employment generation in agriculture: a study in Mandya district, South India |
1763 | Mellor&Mudahar | Iv1cXJernizing agr icul ture, employment and economic growth -a simulation model- |
1764 | Mellor&Mudahar | Simulating a developing economy with modernizing agri ltural sector |
1765 | Mellor et al | Estimates of production foodgrain and marketings from nput estimates, India, 1945/50 1973/74 and projections to 1983/84 |
1766 | Mehra | Some aspects of labour use in Indian agriculture |
1767 | Parthasarathy&Mudahar | Foodgrain prices and economic growth |
1768 | Goldman&Ranade | Food consumption behavior by income class in rural and urban Philippines |
1769 | Auto in the city | |
1770 | Transportation and urban development | |
1771 | JCRR,Tsui | A study on rural labor mobility in relation to industrialization and urbanization in Taiwan |
1772 | Chen | Structure and productivity of capital in the agriculture of Taiwan and their folicy implications to agriucltural finance |
1773 | Wang | Technological changes and agriucltural development of Taiwan 1964-65 |
" General report | ||
No. XIII 1962 | ||
NO. 25 1972 ; NO.32 1975 | ||
The Institute of | Monograph Series No. 2-12 | |
Economics | ||
Academia Sinica | Economic papers Selected English Series NO. 1,3-7 | |
Academia Economic Papers Special Reprint Series No. 1, 4-8 10 | ||
Report 1972 | ||
Population Papers No. 1,2, 4 | ||
The Institute of | Monograph Series No. 2-12 | |
Three Principles | ||
of the People | Papers in Social Science Paper | |
Academia Sihica | Papers in Social Science Reprint | |
The First Asian-Pacific Conference on urban reconstruction | ||
List of papers presented to the conference | ||
First Session 1-4,7 | ||
Second" 2-6,9,11,12 | ||
Third" 1, 3-5, 7-10 | ||
Fourth" 1-8 | ||
Cornell International Agricultural Development Mimeograph | 26,29,33 | |
Cornell International Agricultural Development Reprint | 35,36 | |
ADC Paper Dec. 1966, May 1967, Nov.1967 | ||
ADC Reprint May 1966, August 1962, March 1968 | ||
ADC Teaching and Research Forum No. 18-21 | ||
Economic Impact No.3, 4,17,24 | ||
South African Digest 1979 Sept. 7 - Nov. 2 ; 1980 Jan- Feb. | ||
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia V. VIII No.1; V.XII No.3 | ||
International Development Review 1976/3, 1979/4 | ||
U. N. | Economic Bulletin for Asia And the Far East Vol. XI No.1, 2: V. XIV No.3 | |
The Journal of Economic Behavior V. 16 no. 4 | ||
USDA | Agricultural Economic Research V. 25 no. 4 | |
Dialogue V. 5 no.3; V.6 no.l,2; V.l0 no. 2,3; V.ll no. 1,3 | ||
Foreign Agriculture Sept. 1979, Oct. 1979, Nov. 1979, Jim. 1980, July 1981 | ||
Finance & Development V. 16 no. 4 | ||
International Journal of Agrarian Affairs V. IV no. 5 | ||
Conference on Modern Chinese Economic History 27 vols | ||
Taiwan Statistical Data Book 1969, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1981 |