狀態 專任師資
姓名 羅竹平
聯絡電話 (02)3366-2653
個人網頁 http://bioagri.agec.ntu.edu.tw/writing/Write_locp.pdf
最高學歷 美國加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校國際經濟學博士學位
授課領域 國際貿易/發展/中國經濟
研究專長 國際貿易/中國經濟
職稱 教授
年度 論文名稱
2025 Lo, Chu-Ping, Technological Sanctions, Research Capacity, and Unintended Consequences  , International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI), Dec. 2025
2024 Yang, Chin-Hai and Lo, Chu-Ping*, Demographic Structure and Comparative Advantages: Theory and Evidence., Annals of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 2024
2024 Guang-Jong Fann; Su-Ying Hsu; Chu-ping Lo*, The Impact of Pro-Small Farmland Policies on Agricultural Productivity Gaps, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics (SSCI), 2024
2023 Yenpo Tai, Mei-Yu Lee, Chu-Ping Lo, Su-Ying Hsu, The nexus of ESG requirements and industry concentration, Bulletin of Economic Research (SSCI), 2023
2023 Lo, Chu-Ping and Yi Lee*, Digitalization, AI Intensity, and International Trade, Annals of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 2023
2023 Fang, Guang-Jong, Su-Ying Hsu, Chu-Ping Lo*, Digitalization, Comparative Advantages, and Digital Divide, Print Book: "Competitiveness in the New Era", 2023
2023 Lo, Chu-Ping, The New Cold War between the United States and China and China's Food Self-Sufficiency, Journal of Environmental Science and Agricultural Research, vol. V1.03., 2023
2020 Lo, Chu-Ping and Chih-Hai Yang, Business Services, Trade, and Research Intensity , Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics , vol. 61, 1, pp. 38-59(SSCI), Jan. 2020
2020 Lo, Chu-Ping, Wage Inequality, Unemployment and Export-Oriented Policy , Singapore Economic Review, vol. 65, 6, pp. 1753-1772(SSCI), Jan. 2020
2019 Sanae Tashiro and Lo, Chu-Ping, When Social Norms Influence the Employment of Women: The Case of Japan, Eastern Economic Journal, vol. 46, pp. 460-482(Scopus), 2019
2018 Lo, Chu-Ping, Business Services, International Outsourcing and Wage Inequality, The Singapore Economic Review, vol. 63, 5, pp. 1175-1182(SSCI), 2018
2018 Lo, Chu-Ping, Scale Effect, International Outsourcing, and Welfare , Journal of Finance and Economics , vol. 6, 1, pp. 26-31(EconLit), 2018
2018 Lo, Chu-Ping, China’s New Silk Road and China-EU Trade, Annals of Economics and Finance, vol. 19-2, pp. 683-701(SSCI) , 2018
2018 許淑媖和羅竹平*, Market Concentration and Licensing Royalty in Asymmetric Oligopoly, 經濟論文, vol. 46, 4, pp. 637-670(TSSCI), 2018
2017 Cheng, Ya-Wen ; Hsu, Su-Ying ; Lo, Chu-Ping, Innovation and Imitation: Competition between the U.S. and China on Third-Party Payment Technology, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, vol. 10, 3, pp. 252-258(EconLit), 2017
2017 Lo, Chu-Ping, Urban Concentration and FDI: The Case of China vs. India, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 32, 2, 2017
2017 蔡和宗,羅竹平, 臺灣小農能否借鏡日本道之驛農產運銷模式?, 農產運銷半年刊, vol. 156, pp. 38-46, 2017
2016 Chang-Ching Lin, Chu-Ping Lo and Pei-Ing Wu, Labour Resources Misallocation from Agricultural Productivity Gap: Evidence from Theory to Practice, The Empirical Economics Letters, vol. 15, 12, pp. 1-30(EconLit), 2016
2016 Lo, Chu-Ping, Openness and Urbanization: The Case of the People’s Republic of China, ADBI Working Paper Series 561,Asian Development Bank Institute., 2016
2016 Lo, Chu-Ping; Hsu, Su-Ying, International Outsourcing, FDI, and Middleman Strategy, Transylvanian Review(SSCI), 2016
2016 Lo, Chu-Ping, Intellectual property, research intensity, and scale effect, Journal of Business Research, vol. 69, pp. 2297-2301(SSCI), 2016
2016 Lo, Chu-Ping, Business Services, International Outsourcing, and Wage Inequality, Singapore Economic Review, vol. 63, 5, pp. 1175-1182(SSCI), 2016
2016 Lo, Chu-Ping, Trade Elasticity of China, Annals of Economics and Finance, vol. 17, 1, pp. 167-177(SSCI), 2016
2015 Lo Chu-Ping, Would North-South Free Trade Agreement Hurt Unskilled Labor in the North?, Frontiers of Economics in China, vol. 10, 4, pp. 629(EconLit)-, 2015
2015 郭芫卉、羅竹平、雷立芬, 臺灣縣市稻米生產效率及生產力分析, 臺灣農學會報, 16(1): 18-33, 2015., vol. 16, 1, pp. 18-33, 2015
2015 Lo, Chu-Ping, International Outsourcing, Monopolistic Competition, and Welfare, 應用經濟論叢, vol. 98, pp. 101-142(TSSCI), 2015
2015 鄔嫣珊, 陸雲, 羅竹平, 臺灣830項農產品開放與ECFA的深化, 商業全球化, 2015
2014 Lo, Chu-Ping, International Outsourcing, Wage Gap, and Welfare , Economic Modelling(SSCI), Dec. 2014
2014 葉玟其; 羅竹平, 臺灣生乳產量與實際消費量是否平衡?, 農產運銷半年刊, vol. 151, 2014
2014 Lo, Chu-Ping; Hsu, Su-Ying; S.J. Wu, The Role of Overseas Chinese-Speaking Regions in Global Sourcing, China Economic Review(SSCI), 2014
2013 趙德明、羅竹平, 韓國農業能,臺灣農業為何不能?-韓國農業改革與簽署FTA, 農產運銷半年刊, 149, pp. 56-69, Jan. 2014
2013 Lo, Chu-Ping, Su-Ying Hsu, Service Trade, Offshore Production, and Wage Inequality, International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology , 2013
2013 Su-Ying Hsu, Chu-Ping Lo, and Shih-Jye Wu, The Nexus of Market Concentration and Privatization Policy in Mixed Oligopoly, Economic Modelling(SSCI), 2013
2012 Chu-Ping Lo, The Impact of Offshore Production on Within-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity, 經濟論文(forthcoming), Dec. 2012
2012 Lo, Chu-Ping and Sanae Tashiro, Are Women More Generous Than Men? Evidence from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey , Journal of Gender Studies, iFirst article, pp. 1-15, Apr. 2012
2012 Lo, Chu-Ping; Guang-Jong Fann, Technology Intensity and the World Distribution of Income, Theoretical Economics Letters, 2012
2011 Lo, Chu-Ping, Global Outsourcing or Foreign Direct Investment: Why Apple Chose Outsourcing for the iPod, Japan and the World Economy, Jun. 2011
2011 Sanae Tashiro and Lo, Chu-Ping, Gender Difference in Allocation of Time: Preparing Food-Cooked-At-Home or Purchasing Prepared-Food?, Food, Culture and Society, 17, pp. 455-471, May. 2011
2011 Lo, Chu-Ping, A note on wage inequality, technology and trade, Modern Economy, Apr. 2011
2011 Bih Jane Liu, Chu Ping Lo and Tain-Jy Chen, Are FDI Firms Always More Productive? The Role of Technology Transfer Costs, 經濟論文, Mar. 2011
2011 Sanae Tashiro and Lo, Chu-Ping, Balancing Nutrition, Luxury, and Time Constraints in Food Preparation Choices, China Agricultural Economic Review, vol. 3, 2, pp. 245-265, Feb. 2011
2011 喬中珏、黃芳玫、羅竹平、呂雅茹, 委外生產與研發投資對台灣薪資不均之影響 , 經濟論衡, vol. 8, 11, pp. 27-51, Jan. 2011
2011 許淑媖、羅竹平, 臺灣與荷蘭蝴蝶蘭產業的競爭策略—最低品質標準或品質改進補貼?, 農業與經濟, 2011
2011 Lo, Chu-Ping, Clean Development Mechanism in North-South Trade, China Agricultural Economic Review, vol. 4, pp. 485 -498, 2011
2010 Globalization Strategy: FDI or international outsouricng trade, International Journal of Management & Enterprise Development, vol. 9, 2, Feb. 2010
2009 紐西蘭奇異果行銷公司Zespri產銷和諧的機制, 農產運銷半年刊, 139, 2009
2009 Why India Engaged in Service Off-shoring, while China Engaged in Manufacturing Off-shoring?, China Economic Review, vol. 20, 2, pp. 236-245, 2009
2009 Wage Inequality, Outsourcing, and Education, Journal of International and Global Economic Studies, vol. 2, 1, pp. 1-17, 2009
2009 Perishability as a Determinant of Vertical Coordination: the Case of the U.S. Egg, Poultry, and Pork Industries, China Agricultural Economic Review, vol. 1, 2, pp. 49-62, 2009
2008 Offshore Production, Student Effort, and Income Inequality, Journal of International and Global Economic Studies , vol. 1, 2, 2008
2008 A Trading platform for auction of agricultural and fishery products, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, vol. 2, 12, pp. 60-63(in Chinese), 2008
2007 Exchange Rate and International Outsourcing: Would Chinese RMB Appreciate Against U.S. Dollar With Outsourcing?, International Journal of Applied Economics , vol. 4, 1, pp. 28-39, Nov. 2007
2005 International Outsourcing and Intra-Industrial Trade, International Journal of Applied Economics, vol. 2, 2, pp. 69-82, 2005
年度 論文名稱
2009 Lo, Chu-Ping, Global Outsourcing or FDI: How Did Apple Launch its iPod?, CEANA meeting , 會議論文, 2009, San Francesco
2008 Lo, Chu-Ping, Global Outsourcing or FDI: How Did Apple Launch its iPod?, Western Economic Association International 83 Annual Conference, 2008, Hawaii,U.S.
2008 Lo, Chu-Ping, Clean Development Mechanism and North-South Trade, CEANA-TEA conference, 會議論文, 2008, Taipei
2008 Lo, Chu-Ping, Global Outsourcing or FDI: How Did Apple Launch its iPod?, The Fourth National Conference of Economists, 會議論文, 2008, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2008 Lo, Chu-Ping, Offshore Production, Student Effort, and Income Inequality, CEANA meeting in New Orleans, 會議論文, 2008, New Orleans
2007 Lo Chu Ping, Offshore Production, Student Effort, and Income Inequality, Western Economic Association International 82 Annual Conference, 會議論文, Jun. 29-Jul. 03, 2007, Seattle, U.S.
2007 Lo, Chu-Ping, Offshore Production, Student Effort, and Income Inequality, Western Economic Association International 82 Annual Conference, 會議論文, Jun. 29-Jul. 03, 2007, Seattle, U.S.
2007 Lo, Chu-Ping, Would Chinese Yuan Appreciate Against U.S. Dollar?, Western Economic Association International-Pacific Rim Conference, 會議論文, Jan. 12-14, 2007, Bejing, China
2006 Liu Bih Jane and Lo Chu Ping, Are FDI Firms Always More Productive?, Southern Economic Association 76th Annual Meeting, 會議論文, Nov. 18-21, 2006, Charleston, SC, U.S.
2006 Lo Chu Ping, Are FDI Firms Always More Productive?, Western Economic Association International 81 Annual Conference, 會議論文, Jun. 29-Jul. 03, 2006, San Diego, U.S.
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
97 Clean Development Mechanism and North-South Trade 羅竹平 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
97 Global Outsourcing or FDI: How Did Apple Launch its iPod? 羅竹平 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
98 Global Outsourcing in IT Industries 羅竹平 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
2018 Are FDI Firms Always The Most Productive Firms? (with B.J Liu and Tain-Jy Chen) 羅竹平 ~ 0000.01
專利名稱 專利編號 專利國別 著作人
農漁業產品小量批發拍賣交易平臺 M350763 台灣 羅竹平
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位
美國 美國加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校 國際經濟學 博士
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
臺灣大學農經系 頂大策略聯盟加州柏克萊大學 2012.08 ~ 2013.07