Featured Speakers
David R. Just Cornell University AAEA Fellow Former ARER Editor Susan Eckert Lynch Professor in Science and Business |
Marc F. Bellemare University of Minnesota AAEA Fellow AJAE Editor Distinguished McKnight University Professor |
Doo Bong Han Korea University Department of Food and Resource Economics President of Korea Rural Economic Institute |
Kitamura Yukinobu Rissho University Professor, Faculty of Data Science Former Chairperson of the Statistics Commission, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
Call for Papers
The Department of Agricultural Economics at National Taiwan University is delighted to announce its first International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Economics. The conference will be held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, from September 3 to 6, 2023 and will be an on-site event. We invite theoretical and empirical papers in all areas of agricultural and environmental economics for oral presentation at this conference. Topics of interest include, but not limited to,
Parallel Sessions
To submit papers to the Parallel Sessions, the authors are required to submit an extended abstract with two pages of word or pdf file to the conference website. The abstract should include the title of the paper, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), introduction and objectives, methods adopted, main findings, and conclusions. The Scientific Committee will select papers for presentation based on scientific quality and originality. Multiple submissions by the same author(s) are allowed, but each participant will be requested to present no more than one paper. Field Trip
We are delighted to extend an invitation to presenters for an optional two-day field trip to the Xitou Forest Recreational Center. The costs of transportation, hotel accommodation, and meals during the trip will be fully covered.