姓名 張靜貞
聯絡電話 (02)3366-2667
個人網頁 http://www.econ.sinica.edu.tw/research01.php?researchID=14&foreLang=tw&secureChk=bc76926e9601691be1c
最高學歷 美國賓州州立大學農經博士
授課領域 數學規劃專論
研究專長 農業經濟/生產力與效率評估/農業貿易/氣候變遷/數學規劃模型/生產經濟
職稱 教授
年度 論文名稱
2015 陳柏琪、張靜貞、陳肇男, 台灣老年長期照護需求之推計---GEMTEE模型之應用, 人口學刊, 51, pp. 43-93, 2015
2015 Kuo, Y. L., C. C. Chang, H. C. Lee, Lulling by Public Flood Protection: Case of Benhe Community in Kaohsiung during Typhoon Fanapi, Natural Hazards Review, 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000189, 05015003, 2015
2015 Yu, M. M., P. C. Chen, C. C. Chang, S. H. Hsu, S. Managi, Non-radial Directional Performance Measurement with Undesirable Outputs: An Application to OECD and Non-OECD Countries, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 3, 14, pp. 481-520, 2015
2015 林幸君、李慧琳、許聖民、林國榮、李篤華、張靜貞、徐世勳, 少子化與高齡化下的台灣人口預測與經濟分析, 台灣經濟預測與政策, vol. 1, 46, pp. 113-156, 2015
2015 Chen, P. C., M. M. Yu, C. C. Chang, S. H. Hsu, S. Managi, The Enhanced Russell-Based Directional Distance Measure with Undesirable Outputs: Numerical Example Considering CO2 Emissions, OMEGA, 53, pp. 30-40, 2015
2015 Hsu,W. K., P. C. Huang, C. C. Chang, W. L. Chiang, D. J. Chiou, C. W. Chen, Generation of Artificial Rainfall Events for Flood Risk Assessment in Taiwan, Natural Hazards, doi 10.1007/s11069-014-1233-1, 2015
2014 李篤華、林幸君、許聖民、張靜貞、徐世勳, 台灣與東協洽簽自由貿易協定之經濟影響評估-可計算一般均衡分析的應用, 國家發展研究, vol. 2, 13, pp. 39-76, 2014
2014 Chen, P. C., C. C. Chang, C. L. Lai, Incentive Regulation and Performance Measurement of Taiwan’s Incineration Plants: An Application of the Four-stage DEA Method, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 41, pp. 277-290, 2014
2014 Lee, H. L., C. C. Chang,Y. Weng, S. H. Hsu, S. M. Hsu , Y. C. Chen, An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts on Taiwan of Reducing Tariff Escalation on Agriculture-Related Products in WTO Doha Round Negotiations, China Agricultural Economic Review, 6, pp. 55-72, 2014
2013 Chen, P. C., S. H. Hsu, C. C.Chang , M. M. Yu, Efficiency Measurements in Multi-activity Data Envelopment Analysis with Shared Inputs: An Application to Farmers’ Cooperatives in Taiwan, China Agricultural Economic Review, 5, pp. 24-42, 2013
2013 Wu, C.H., C. C. Chang, P. C. Chen, K. N. Kuo, Efficiency and Productivity Change in Taiwan's Hospitals: a Non-radial Quality-adjusted Measurement, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 21, pp. 431-453, 2013
2013 Chang, C. H., H. C. Lin, C. H. Chang, C. C. Chang, S. H. Hsu, Potential of Domestically Produced and Imported Tung (Vernicia Fordii) Seeds for Biofuels, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, vol. 4, 7, pp. 512-515, 2013
2013 Lin, K. J., S. M. Hsu, C. C. Chang, S. H. Hsu, The China Syndrome? The Impact of China’s Growth on Wage Inequality in East Asian Economies, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, vol. 4, 20, pp. 385-404, 2013
2013 Chang, C. C., H. L. Lee , S. H. Hsu, Food Security: Global Trends and Regional Perspective with Reference to East Asia, The Pacific Review , 26, pp. 583-606, 2013
2012 Chen, P.C., C.C. Chang, M.M. Yu, and S.H. Hsu, Performance Measurement for Incineration Plants Using Multi-activity Network Data Envelopment Analysis: The Case of Taiwan, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 93, pp. 95-103, 2012
2012 C.C. Chang, Chen C.C., and B.A. McCarl, Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise with Possible Adaptation Strategies on Taiwan Agricultural Sector, Agricultural Economics, vol. 43, pp. 205-214, 2012
2012 Chen, P.C., S.H. Hsu, C.C. Chang, and M.M. Yu, Efficiency Measurements in Multi-activity Data Envelopment Analysis with Shared Inputs: An Application to Farmers’ Cooperatives in Taiwan, China Agricultural Economic Review, 2012
2012 Wu, C.H., C.C. Chang, P.C. Chen, and K.N Kuo, Efficiency and Productivity Change in Taiwan's Hospitals: a Non-radial Quality-adjusted Measurement, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 2012
2011 Chen C.C., B.A. McCarl, C.C. Chang, and C.T. Tso, Evaluation the Potential Economic Impacts of Taiwanese Biomass Energy Production, Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 35, pp. 1693-1701, 2011
2011 林玉惠、徐世勳、張靜貞、賴朝煌、黃敏玲, 我國郵政事業績效評量之探討:多部門資料包絡分析法之實證研究, 行政暨政策學報, vol. 52, pp. 131-178, 2011
2011 W.K. Hsu, P.C. Huang, C.C. Chang, D.-M. Hung, W.L. Chiang, An Integrated Flood Risk Assessment Model for Property Insurance Industry in Taiwan, Natural Hazards, vol. 58, pp. 1295-1309, 2011
2011 許聖章、張靜貞, 台灣颱風災害之影響評估—以蔬菜供需為例, 應用經濟論叢, vol. 89, pp. 31-62, 2011
2011 呂秀英、陳柏琪、張靜貞, 台灣酪農記帳戶之成本效率分析, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 16, 2, 2011
2011 Chen C.C., B.A. McCarl, and C.C. Chang, Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Rice: Global Market Implications, Climatic Change, vol. 91, pp. 211-231, 2011
2010 銷售稅制改革對物價影響之研究, 台灣經濟預測與政策, vol. 40, 2, pp. 87-126, 2010
2010 農產品進口損害衡量指標及計算公式改進之研究, 貿易調查叢刊, vol. 21, 2, pp. 1-26, 2010
2009 Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases: A Case Study on Dengue Fever in Taiwan, Climatic Change, 92, pp. 123-140, Oct. 2009
2009 台灣地區農會經營績效之評估--多部門資料包絡法之應用, 經濟論文叢刊, Oct. 2009
2009 解析無形資本累積與東亞農業成長之關連, 業經濟叢刊, vol. 14, 2, pp. 1-27, 2009
2009 台灣養豬戶之效率與生產力變動分析:以連續記帳戶樣本為例, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 15, 1, pp. 43-80, 2009
2008 Productivity Growth of Taiwan's Major Domestic Airports in the Presence of Aircraft Noise, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 44, pp. 543-554, Oct. 2008
2008 Efficiency Change and Productivity Growth in Agriculture:A Comparative Analysis for Selected East Asian Economies, Journal of Asian Economics, 19, pp. 312-324, Oct. 2008
2008 Total Factor Productivity Growth in China’s Agricultural Sector, China Economic Review, 19, pp. 580-593, Oct. 2008
2008 WTO杜哈新回合下我國糧食外援政策之檢討, 問題與研究, vol. 47, 4, pp. 77-108, Oct. 2008
2008 Stronger Niño/Southern Oscillation Events and the Economics of International Rice Market, Climate Research, Oct. 2008
2008 Government Subsidy and Cost Efficiency of Financial Institutions: The Case of Farmers’ Credit Unions in Taiwan, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 59, pp. 132-149, Oct. 2008
2008 Evaluating the Resource Allocation Efficiency of the Healthcare System in Taiwan, International Journal of Public Policy, vol. 3, 5-6, pp. 403-418, Oct. 2008
2008 強制汽車責任保險理賠風險分析─Malmquist指數之應用, 經濟論文, vol. 36, 2, pp. 195-220, Oct. 2008
2007 消費者偏好改變與基因改造食品強制標示經濟影響的一般均衡分析, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 12, 1, pp. 23-60, 2007
2007 防洪工程之成本效益與風險評估-以基隆河流域整治計畫為例, 台灣經濟預測與政策, vol. 37, 2, pp. 111-137, 2007
2007 新回合農業談判縮減關稅級距對台灣農產品上、下游產業之影響, 農業經濟半年刊, 81, pp. 27-56, 2007
2007 Productivity Change in Taiwan’s Farmers’ Credit Unions: A Nonparametric Risk-Adjusted Malmquist Approach, Agricultural Economics, 36, pp. 219-229, 2007
2007 台灣SARS疫情經濟影響的事後分析, 台灣經濟預測與政策, vol. 38, 1, pp. 1-34, 2007
2007 Impact Assessments of High Oil Prices on the Agro-Food System and the Role of Bioenergy Crops, Environmental and Resource Economics Review, vol. 16, 3, pp. 653-682, 2007
2006 台灣食品加工業對外投資與產業空洞化之分析, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 11, 1, pp. 1-34, 2006
2006 The Impact of Weather on Crop Yield Distribution in Taiwan: Some New Evidence from Panel Data Models and Implications for Crop Insurance, Agricultural Economics, 33, pp. 503-511, 2006
2006 Estimating the Impacts of Government Interventions in the International Rice Market., Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54, pp. 81-100, 2006
2006 新回合農業談判對台灣農業部門與總體經濟影響之一般均衡分析, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 11, 2, pp. 267-308, 2006
2005 台灣農產品的出口行銷-兼論政府的角色, 農業與經濟, 32, pp. 1-28, 2005
2005 WTO架構下的台灣稻作誘因與競爭力分析, 台灣經濟預測與政策, vol. 35, 1, pp. 41-64, 2005
2005 台灣農業與相關產業之附加價值與投入產出分析, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 10, 1, pp. 1-24, 2005
2005 SARS疫情對國人旅遊行為之影響以及疫苗研發之經濟價值, 調查研究—方法與應用, 16, pp. 5-35, 2005
2005 台灣稻米政策調整對稻米市場經濟影響之評估, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 10, 2, pp. 163-197, 2005
2004 台灣與美國經濟互動關係之量化評估, 自由中國之工業(台灣經濟論衡), vol. 93, 1, pp. 1-96, 2004
2004 基隆河汐止、五堵地區居民參與洪災保險意願之研究, 台灣經濟預測與政策, vol. 34, 1, pp. 39-72, 2004
2004 聖嬰預測之潛在經濟效益—以世界稻米貿易為例, 經濟論文, vol. 31, 1, pp. 31-72, 2004
2004 入會承諾對台灣男女勞動需求衝擊之動態一般均衡分析, 人口學刊, 27, pp. 1-36, 2004
2004 「台美自由貿易協定」的洽簽對我國農漁產業影響之研究, 農業與經濟, 30, pp. 27-62, 2004
2004 聖嬰現象對台灣氣候之影響與預測價值之估計, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 8, 2, pp. 141-189, 2004
2002 The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Taiwan’s Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, vol. 27, 1, pp. 51-64, 2002
2002 國際貿易新秩序下臺灣與東南亞的農產經貿關係, 農業與經濟, vol. 27, pp. 17-60, 2002
2001 WTO下稻米產業的危險與機會, 自由中國之工業, vol. 91, 2, pp. 1-24, 2001
2001 臺灣加入WTO後稻米政策的調整-市場導向與非市場導向的經濟分析, 自由中國之工業, vol. 91, 7, pp. 15-40, 2001
2001 Water Management and the Outlook for Water Adequacy in Taiwan’s Agricultural Sector, Industry of Free China(自由中國之工業), vol. 91, 11, pp. 47-58, 2001
2001 入會對台灣農業就業衝擊之動態一般均衡分析, 農業經濟叢刊, vol. 7, 1, 2001
2000 開放進口下的稻米調整, 自由中國之工業, vol. 90, 1, pp. 1-38, 2000
2000 Efficiency Change and Growth in Productivity: The Asian Growth Experience, Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 10, pp. 551-570, 2000
2000 區域內貿易結構與經濟依存關係:臺灣與東南亞實證分析, 自由中國之工業月刊, vol. 90, 11, pp. 1-48, 2000
1999 The Carbon Sequestration Cost by Afforestation in Taiwan, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, vol. 2, pp. 199-213, 1999
1999 The Nonparametric Risk-Adjusted Efficiency Measurement: An Application of Taiwan’s Credit Department of Farmers’ Associations, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 81, pp. 902-913, 1999
1998 WTO and the Emerging Rice Issues in Taiwan, Industry of Free China, vol. 88, pp. 17-60, 1998
1998 Sources of Productivity Growth: A Cross-Straite Comparison, Agriculture and Economics, vol. 20, pp. 1-20, 1998
1998 The Economic Efficiency of the Credit Departments of Farmers’ Associations in Taiwan., Applied Financial Economics, vol. 8, pp. 409-418, 1998
1996 The Contribution of the Credit Department of Farmers’ Associations on Taiwan’s Rural Economic Development, Commnunity Financial Journal, vol. 32, pp. 117-151, 1996
1995 A Reassessment of the Economic Effects of Global Climate Change on U.S. Agriculture, Climatic Change, vol. 27, pp. 147-167, 1995
1995 Uncertain Yields in Sectoral Welfare Analysis: An Application to Global Warming, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, vol. 27, pp. 423-436, 1995
1995 The Taiwan Agricultural Sector Model and Its Applications in Policy Analyses, National Science Council Annual Conference Proceedings on Economics, pp. 27-56, 1995
1995 On the Public and Private Rice Stock in Taiwan, Taiwanese Agricultural Economic Review, vol. 1, pp. 17-254, 1995
1995 The Impact of Tariffi Reduction on Vegetable Oil Trade between Taiwan and ASEANs, Conference Proceeding of Taiwan Economics Association, pp. 19-52, 1995
1994 Economic Impacts of Erosion Management Measures in Coastal Drainage Basins, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 49, pp. 606-611, 1994
1993 Sequestering Carbon on Agricultural Land: A Preliminary Analysis of Social Cost and Impacts on Timber Markets, Contemporary Policy Issues, vol. 11, pp. 76-87, 1993
1993 An Analysis of Possible Sugar Import Policy Revisions, Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 15, pp. 255-268, 1993
1992 Assessing Economic implications of New Technology: The Case of Cornstarch- Based Biodegradable Plastics, Review of Agricultural Economics , vol. 14, pp. 33-43, 1992
1992 Sectoral Implications of Farm Program Modifications, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 74, pp. 38-49, 1992
1992 Distortions of Public Agricultural Investment Incentives by Farm Programs: The Case of Agricultural Research, Agriculture and Economics, vol. 13, pp. 91-120, 1992
1991 Potential Benefits of Rice Variety and Water Management Improvements in the Texas Gulf Coast, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics , vol. 16, pp. 185-193, 1991
1990 An Adjustment Cost Rationalization of Asset Fixity Theory, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 72, pp. 290-298, 1990
1988 Specification and Estimation of Asymmetric Adjustment Rates for Quasi-fixed Factors of Production., Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 12, pp. 145-151, 1988
1987 Supply Growth and Dairy Industry Deregulation, Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 16, pp. 1-9, 1987
年度 論文名稱
2011 陳吉仲、李慧琳、張靜貞, 因應氣候變遷之糧食安全調適策略, 中華農業氣象學會2011年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 12, 2011, 台中中興大學
2011 Chang, C C, Climate Risk and Information Technology Development for Food System, 2011 PECC Agricultural and Food Policy Forum:Moving Beyond Market Volatility to Foster Food Security, 會議論文, Dec. 01-02, 2011, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council Taipei
2011 Chang, C. C, Climate Change and Food Security in Asia: The Case of Rice , The 10th Asian-Pacific NOG's Environmental Conference (APNEC-10), 會議論文, Nov. 20-21, 2011, APENC, Taipei,
2011 朱蘭芬、陳永明、張靜貞, Change in Extreme Rainfall of a Century in Taiwan Using the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution, 中央氣象局主辦之建國百年天氣分析預報雨地震測報研討會, 會議論文, Sep. 20-22, 2011, 台北市中央氣象局
2011 Hsu, S.H., and C.C., Chang, Food Security- Global Trends and Region Perspective with Reference to East Asia, the 2011 Annual Conference of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2011 Wu, C.H., and C.C., Chang, A Study on The International Marketing and Branding Strategies of Taiwan’s Phalaenopsis Orchid Industry, the 2011 Annual Conference of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
2011 Chang, C.C., Y.L. Kuo, and H.C. Li, How Flood Control Measures Influence Resident's Risk Perception and Community's Preparedness: The Case of Benhe Community in Kaohsiung City during Typhoon Fanapi, the Second International Conference on Cities at Risk: Building Adaptive Capacities for Managing Climate Change Risks in Asian Coastal Cities (CAR II), 會議論文, Apr. 11-13, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 張嫤雪、林幸君、徐世勳、張靜貞, 油桐生質柴油對國內總體經濟之經濟影響評估, 臺灣經濟學會2010年會, 會議論文, Dec. 18, 2010, 台北台灣大學
2010 Chang, C. C., Agricultural Negotiation in Doha Round: Implications for Food Security, the International Conference on The Assessment on the WTO's Doha Round for Economic Growth, 會議論文, Nov. 25-26, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 張靜貞, 可計算一般均衡(CGE)分析的意涵及其應用, 八八水災對產業經濟發展之影響-可計算一般均衡模型在產業發展評估之應用研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 10, 2010
2010 Chen, C-C, B.A. McCarl, C-C Chang, C. Tso, Economic and Environmental Impacts of Taiwanese Biomass Energy Production Based on Set-Aside Acreage, the International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB) 2010: Bioenergies Technologies and Strategies in France, Taiwan and Recent Developments in ASEAN Countries, 會議論文, Nov. 09-10, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Chang, C. C., Linking Natural Hazard Models and Public Policy Making– The Case of Typhoon/Flood Insurance, the APEC Workshop on Hazard Mapping and Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, 會議論文, Oct. 19-21, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Chang, C. C., nfrastructure Investment in APEC Region-An Overview and Policy Responses, the APEC Food Security Forum, 會議論文, Aug. 18-20, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Chang, C. C., Food Security- Global Trends and Region Perspective with Reference to East Asia, the 32nd RECA Seminar on Food Security-Global Trends and Perspectives, 會議論文, Jul. 12-15, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
2010 Lee, H. L. and C. C. Chang, The Impact of Climate Change on Rice Market and Food Security in Asia, he International Workshop on Climate Change and Food Crisis, 會議論文, Jul. 09, 2010, Tainan, Taiwan
2010 Chu, L.F. and C. C., Chang, The Effect of Climate’s volatility on Tourist Arrivals of Asia Countries to Taiwan, the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Center for Global Trade Analysis, 會議論文, Jun. 09-11, 2010, Purdue University
2010 Chang, C.H., H.C. Lin, C.C. Chang, and S.H. Hsu, The Economic Impact of H1N1 Pandemic in Taiwan-A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Center for Global Trade Analysis, 會議論文, Jun. 09-11, 2010, Purdue University
2010 張靜貞、許文科, 成本效益分析在天然災害風險管理之應用, 公共建設計畫評估理論與實務研討會, 會議論文, May. 31, 2010, 國立臺灣大學
2009 李慧琳、鄭孟庭、張靜貞, 氣候變遷對全球糧食價格、生產及福利變動的影響分析—全球可計算一般均衡模型之應用, 2009年農業經濟學術研討會及臺灣經濟學會2009年聯合年會, 會議論文, Dec. 12-19, 2009, 台中中興大學以及台北東吳大學
2009 Lee, H-L, C-C Chang, Y-H Weng, S-M Hsu, S-H Hsu, An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts on Taiwan of Reducing Tariff Escalation on Agriculture-Related Products in WTO Doha Round Negotiations, XXNII Conference of the International Association of Agriculture Economists, 會議論文, Aug. 16-22, 2009, Beijing, China
2009 Chang, C.C., The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Taiwan’s Rice Sector, International Conference on Rice Market Opening and Tariffication in East Asia, 會議論文, Feb. 12-15, 2009, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2008 陳柏琪、黃玉鴻、許聖民、張靜貞, 飼料價格上漲與台灣養豬戶之效率分析, 臺灣農村經濟學會2008年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 13, 2008, 台灣大學,台北
2008 Chang, C.C., M.D. Su and W. Hsu, Modeling Flood Perils and Flood Insurance Program in Taiwan, the 2008 Annual Conference of American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 26-30, 2008, Orlando, Florida
2008 Lee, H.L., C.C. Chang, Y. H. Weng, S. M. Hsu and S. H. Hsu, An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts on Taiwan of Reducing Tariff Escalation on Agriculture-Related Products in WTO Doha Round Negotiations, American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, 會議論文, Jul. 24-27, 2008, Orlando, Florida
2007 張靜貞、周磊, 巨災與消費保險 ─ 以921地震為例, 臺灣經濟學會2007年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 22, 2007, 政治大學,台北
2007 林幸君、李篤華、許聖民、張靜貞、徐世勳, 國際能源與糧食價格上漲對台灣總體經濟及物價之影響評估, 2007總體經濟計量模型研討會, 會議論文, Dec. 17-19, 2007, 中央研究院,台北
2007 Chang, C.C., W. Hsu, M.D. Su, Flood Risk Assessment Model and the Design of a National Typhoon/Flood Insurance Scheme in Taiwan, the 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, 會議論文, Nov. 27-29, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 D. H. Lee, H. C. Lin, C. C. Chang and S. H. Hsu, An Economywide Analysis of Increasing Bio-Ethanol Production in Taiwan, American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, 會議論文, Jul. 28-Aug. 01, 2007, Portland, Oregon
2007 C. C. Chen, C. C. Chang, D. H. Lee, H. C Lin and S. H. Hsu, An Integrated Assessment of Rising Oil Prices on the Agro-Food System in Taiwan, American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, 會議論文, Jul. 28-Aug. 01, 2007, Portland, Oregon
2007 Chang, C.C., D.H Lee, H.C. Lin, and S.H. Hsu, The Potential Economic Impact of Avian Flu Pandemic on Taiwan, the 2007 Annual Conference of American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 28-Aug. 01, 2007, Portland, Oregon
2007 Chen, P.C., C.C. Chang, and S.H. Hsu, Efficiency and Returns to Scale Measurements with Shared Inputs in Multi-activity Data Envelopment Analysis: An Application to Farmers’ Organizations in Taiwan, the 2007 Annual Conference of American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 28-Aug. 01, 2007, Portland, Oregon
2007 張靜貞、徐世勳, 加入WTO對兩岸農產品貿易之影響, 海峽兩岸農業投資、農產貿易與行銷物流學術研討會, 會議論文, Jun. 08-09, 2007, 台灣大學,台北
2007 Lee D.H., H.C. Lin, C.C. Chang, and S.H. Hsu, Impact Assessments of High Oil Prices on Agro-Food System, The Korean Environmental Economics Association (KEEA) and Ecology Research Center of Dongguk University, 會議論文, 2007, Seoul, Korea
2006 李淑媛、張靜貞、徐世勳, 考慮不完全競爭市場結構之COMPAS進口傾銷產業損害認定經濟分析-以台灣型鋼產業為例, 台灣經濟學會2006年年會學術論文發表會, 會議論文, Dec. 17, 2006, 政治大學,台北市
2006 Lee D.H., H.C. Lin, C.C. Chang, S.H. Hsu and C.H. Sun, Economic Implications of High Oil Prices on Agro-Food System, The 2nd East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resources Economics, 會議論文, Nov. 30-Dec. 03, 2006
2006 Chen, P., Yu, M.M., Chang, C.C., and S.H. Hsu, Productivity Change in Taiwan's Farmers' Credit Unions: A Nonparametric Risk-Adjusted Malmquist Approach, the26th Conference of The International Association of Agricultural Economists, 會議論文, Aug. 12-18, 2006, Gold Coast, Australia,
2006 Hsu, S.H., Chang, C.C., Lee, S.Y., and Y.C. Chen, An Economy-Wide Analysis of Impacts Of WTO Tiered Formula For Tariff Reduction , the 2006 Annual Conference of American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 22-26, 2006, Long Beach, California
2006 Chang, C.C., Chen C.C., Chin M.C., and W.C. Tseng, Is Contract Farming More Profitable and Efficient Than Non-Contract Farming-A Survey Study of Rice Farms In Taiwan, the 2006 Annual Conference of American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 22-26, 2006, Long Beach, California
2006 徐世勳、張靜貞, China’s Growth and Relative Wages in East Asian Economies, 2006亞太區域研究成果發表會, 會議論文, Jul. 21, 2006, 中研院,台北
2006 徐世勳、張靜貞、李淑媛、陳逸潔, 新回合WTO市場進入談判分段降稅公式之一般均衡分析, 第七屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會, 會議論文, May. 27, 2006, 國立嘉義大學,嘉義
2005 李篤華、徐世勳、張靜貞, 因應高油價時代調降油品關稅級距對台灣總體經濟影響之一般均衡分析, 2005開放經濟與總體計量會議, 會議論文, Dec. 15-16, 2005, 台北:中央研究院經濟研究所與行政院主計處主辦
2005 林玉惠、吳佳勳、張靜貞、徐世勳, 兩岸入會後砂糖進口開放對世界糖類市場之影響分析, 臺灣經濟學會2005年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 11, 2005, 台北
2005 張靜貞, 市場開放下海峽兩岸小農經濟特色與發展限制, 海峽兩岸農業競合與共同發展學術研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 25, 2005, 台灣農業與資源經濟學會,台北
2005 張靜貞、蘇明道、糠瑞林、許文科、鄧慰先、周磊, 防洪工程之成本效益與風險評估-以基隆河流域整治計畫為例, 2005年環境資源經濟管理暨政策學術研討會, 會議論文, Sep. 23, 2005, 中研院,台北
2005 張靜貞, 轉作與休耕之挑戰與未來, 稻米產業政策論壇, 會議論文, Sep. 09, 2005, 行政院農委會農糧署,台北
2005 Hsu S-H and C-C Chang, An Ex post Evaluation of Economic Impacts of Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Taiwan Using a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model, the 2005 Annual Conference of American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Jul. 22-28, 2005, Providence, Rhode Island
2005 張靜貞、孫金華、徐世勳、陳吉仲, 臺灣農業政策分析模型之介紹與應用-一般均衡與部分均衡模組化系統, 農業政策模型-內部座談會, 會議論文, May. 26, 2005, 台灣農業與資源經濟學會,台北
2005 張靜貞, 颱洪災害損失評估與風險分攤及減輕機制之研究, 九十三年度防救災專案計畫成果研討會, 會議論文, Feb. 17, 2005, 成功大學,台南市
2005 Hsu, S-H, Y-C Chen, Y-C Huang and C-C Chang, Intra-industry Trade and the Potential Impacts on Taiwan of Free Trade Agreement among China, South Korea and Japan, WEAI/HKEA 2005 Pacific Rim Conference, 會議論文, Jan. 14-16, 2005, Hong Kong
2004 徐世勳、張靜貞、楊子江、蘇漢邦, 台灣SARS疫情經濟影響的事後分析, 臺灣經濟學會2004年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 18, 2004, 國立政治大學,台北
2004 陳柏琪、游明敏、張靜貞、徐世勳, 考慮風險因素與地區環境特性下農會信用部效率與生產力之分析-以北部地區農會信用部為例, 臺灣農村經濟學會民國九十三年學術研討會, 會議論文, Dec. 18, 2004, 國立台灣大學,台北
2004 張靜貞, 台灣農漁業部門模型在產業結構調整與農業產業關聯效果分析之應用, 九十三年度農業政策與經濟問題研究計畫成果研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 30, 2004, 農委會,台北
2004 Chang, C.C ., W.T. Tseng, and C.C. Chen, The Impacts of SARS on the Domestic Tourism Demands in Taiwan, the 9th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, 會議論文, Nov. 13-14, 2004, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2004 S. H.Hsu and C. C. Chang, China’s Growth and Relative Wages in East Asian Economies, 9TH Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, 會議論文, Nov. 13-14, 2004, Hong Kong
2004 C.H. Wu, S.H Hsu and C.C Chang, An Economy-wide Analysis of GM Food Labeling Policies in Taiwan., the 2004 Annual Conference of American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Aug. 01-04, 2004, Denvor, Colorda
2004 S. H. Hsu, C. C. Chen and C. C. Chang, The Outlook and Impact of Rice Import Tariffication on Changes in Agricultural Structure in Taiwan, the 2004 International Korea-Taiwan Symposium on Liberalization of Agricultural Products Market and Changes in Agricultural Structure in Taiwan and Korea in Chungbuk Province, 會議論文, Jul. 08-09, 2004, Korea
2004 C.C. Chen and C.C. Chang, The Impact of Climate on Crop Yields in Taiwan: Implications for crop insurance, the 11th International Panel Data Conference, 會議論文, Jun. 04-07, 2003, Texas A&M University
2003 張靜貞, 台灣農漁業部門產業結構調整與相關政策之分析, 九十二年度農業政策與經濟問題研究計畫成果研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 28, 2003, 國立臺灣大學,台北
2003 陳吉仲、朱蘭芬、張靜貞, 聖嬰現象對台灣氣候與稻米產出的影響之估計, 天氣分析與預報研討會, 會議論文, Sep. 15-17, 2003, 中央氣象局,台北。天氣分析與預報研討會論文彙編,13-18頁。
2003 Wu, C.H. and C.C. Chang, An Economic Analysis of GM Crops on Taiwan’s Agriculture, the 2003 Taiwan-Korea International Seminar on Agricultural and Resources Economics, 會議論文, Aug. 17-21, 2003, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2003 C.C. Chen and C.C. Chang, On the Equivalence of Import Tariff and Quota: The Case of Rice Import in Taiwan, the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Aug. 01-Oct. 01, 2003, Montreal
2002 陸怡蕙、楊謹綸、張靜貞, 台灣食品加工業對外投資與產業空洞化之分析, 臺灣經濟學會2002年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 21, 2002, 中華經濟研究院,台北
2002 Chen, C.C., B.A. McCarl, and C. C. Chang, The Potential Impacts of Government Intervention in the International Rice Market, 臺灣經濟學會2002年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 21, 2002, 中華經濟研究院,台北
2002 張靜貞, 風險管理與天然災害防災體制之建立, 天氣分析與預報研討會, 會議論文, Oct. 17-18, 2002, 中央氣象局,台北。天氣分析與預報研討會論文彙編,13-18頁
2002 H.J. Wang, and C-C Chang, Government Subsidy and Cost Efficiency of Financial Institutions: The Case of Farmers’ Credit Unions in Taiwan, 中央研究院經濟研究所四十週年所慶研討會, 會議論文, Oct. 05, 2002, 中央研究院,台北
2002 Chang, C.C, and C.C. Chen, Climate Change and Crop Yield Distribution: Some New Evidence from Panel Data Models in Taiwan, the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Aug. 01, 2002, Long Beach
2002 Ming-Miin Yu, S-H Hsu, and C-C Chang, Productivity Growth in Taiwan's Airports When Some Outputs are Undesirable, the Asia Conference on Efficiency and Productivity Growth, 會議論文, Jul. 19-20, 2002, Center of Academic Activity, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2002 吳佳勳、張靜貞、徐世勳, 台灣與大陸加入WTO對世界糖類市場之影響分析—關稅配額之一般均衡分析法, 第三屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 2002, 國立暨南大學,南投
2002 張靜貞、張壬慈, 國際貿易新秩序下臺灣與東南亞的農產經貿關係, 九十年度中研院東南亞暨東北亞區域研究成果發表會, 會議論文, Mar. 13, 2002, 中研院亞太研究計畫主辦,,中央研究院,台北
2001 Hsu, S.H., C-C Chen, and C-C Chang, The Impacts of WTO Accession on Food Self-Sufficiency and Land Use in Taiwan, the International Symposium on LUCC Contribution to Asian Environmental Problems, 會議論文, Dec. 13-14, 2001, Tokyo, Japan. Forthcoming in Proceeding of International Symposium on LUCC Contribution to Asian Environmental Problems
2001 Chang, C.C, .C. Chen, and H.J. Wang, Efficiency Effects of Commercialization and Labor Quality in Taiwan's Major Rural Financial Cooperatives, 2001年生產力與效率學術研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 24, 2001, 中央研究院,台北
2001 Chang, C.C, and C.C. Chen, Climate Change and Crop Yield Distribution in Taiwan, 2001年環境資源經濟、管理暨系統分析學術研討會, 會議論文, Oct. 19, 2001, 中央研究院,台北
2001 張靜貞、羅紀瓊、林振輝, 基隆河汐止、五堵地區居民參與洪災保險意願之研究, 2001年環境資源經濟、管理暨系統分析學術研討會, 會議論文, Oct. 19, 2001, 中央研究院,台北
2001 Hsu, S.H. and CC. Chang, Economy-wide Impacts on Taiwan of China's and Taiwan's WTO Accession: CGE Analysis using the GTAP and TAIGEM Models, the Workshop on the Impacts of China’s WTO Accession on the Asia Pacific Region: Challenges and Policy Implications., 會議論文, Sep. 17-18, 2001, Honolulu, Hawaii
2001 林國榮、徐世勳、李秉正,張靜貞, 加入世界貿易組織對台灣農業就業衝擊之動態一般均衡分析, 中國農村經濟學會民國九十年學術研討會, 會議論文, Sep. 01, 2001, 國立台灣大學,台北
2001 吳佳勳、張靜貞、徐世勳, 加入WTO後對國內各類農產品產值之影響評估—兼論稻米關稅化之影響效果, 中國農村經濟學會民國九十年學術研討會, 會議論文, Sep. 01, 2001, 國立台灣大學,台北
2001 張靜貞、陳吉仲、楊晴雯, 氣候預測對臺灣農業之潛在經濟效益 -以聖嬰預測在稻米產業之應用為例, 農作物生產之新紀元-二十一世紀農業氣象之應用與發展, 會議論文, Jul. 01, 2001, 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所及中華農業氣象學會主辦,台中霧峰農業試驗所
2001 林國榮、李秉正、張靜貞、徐世勳, 加入WTO對台灣男女就業衝擊之動態一般均衡分析, 第五屆經濟發展學術研討會, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 2001, 國立台北大學主辦,台北
2000 張靜貞、顏晃平、王泓仁, 農會信用部的合併-成本結構與規模經濟之分析, 臺灣經濟學會2000年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 17, 2000, 中華經濟研究院,台北
2000 Chang, C.C., K.R. Lin, B.C Lee, T.Y. Chen, and S.H Hsu, The Impact of WTO Accession on Taiwan’s Agricultural Labor Demand: A Dynamic CGE Analysis, the International Symposium on WTO New Round Agricultural Negotiation, 會議論文, Dec. 07-08, 2000, National Training Institute for Farmers, Organizations, Taipei, Taiwan
2000 Chang, C.C., and C.C. Chen, The Implications of El Nino/Southern Oscillation Events on World Rice Production and Trade, the XXIV IAAE conference, 會議論文, Aug. 13-18, 2000, Berlin, Germany
2000 Chang, C.C., T.C. Ou Young, D.S. Huang, and T.T. Fu, Intra-Industry Trade between Taiwan and ASEAN-5 in Agro-Food Sector: Patterns and Determinants, he Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 會議論文, Aug. 01, 2000, Chicago
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2015 WTO漁業補貼談判暨我國相關政策因應之研究 張靜貞 行政院農業委員會漁業署
2015 發展各應用領域之氣候風險評估方法 張靜貞、龍世俊、陳淑玲、許文科 交通部中央氣象局
2015 養豬等畜牧產業勞動力調查評估 張靜貞、徐世勳、吳佳勳、陳柏琪 財團法人農業科技研究院
2013 執行養豬等產業勞動力相關分析 張靜貞、徐世勳、吳佳勳、陳柏琪、林國榮、鍾秋悅 財團法人台灣動物科技研究所
2012 建立分析動植物防檢疫政策之農業經濟量化模型 張靜貞、吳佳勳 行政院農業委員會
2011 園藝作物非疫生產點之建立與維持-農產品出口潛能評估及分險分析 張靜貞、吳佳勳 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局
國家 學校名稱 學位
美國 美國賓州州立大學 農經博士