
  • 2017-10-06
  • 诸秀姬


期数 出版日期
36  2006.06 台湾地区切花类产销班生产效率之研究—农业服务性组织之效率评估模式提出(Technical Efficiencies of Cut-flower Production-Marketing Teams in Taiwan: An Efficiency Evaluation method for Agricultural Service Organizations) 傅祖坛、孔维新
36  2006.06 台湾家户消费及食品需求的结构分析—以所得分类之跨期比较(The Structure of Household Consumption and Food Demand -- A Comparison of Taiwan Households Segmented by Income) 詹满色
36 2006.06  国人白米消费行为分析(The Analysis of Rice Consumption Behavior in Taiwan) 陈吉仲、曾伟君、黄铃喻
36 2006.06  文蛤养殖实施卫生安全管理制度之经济分析(An Economics Assessment of  Adopting Food Safety Management System in Taiwan's Clam Industry) 李武忠、吴孝杰、杨平世
36 2006.06 台湾农业支持指标之估算及其政策意涵之探讨(The Estimators and Policy Implications of Taiwan's Support Estimates) 黄振德、廖安定
37 2006.12  台湾西南沿海养殖渔业休养补贴政策之探讨—以嘉义县东石乡为例(Cost-Effective Targeting of Aquaculture Land Retirement to Retard Ground Sujbsidence along the Southwest Costal Areas in Taiwan -- A Case Study of Tung-Shih County) 廖肇宁、刘佳莳
37 2006.12  陆海文台湾农会整体规模与范畴经济之分析(The Economies of Scale and Scope of Farmer Associations in Taiwan) 卢永祥、 傅祖坛
37 2006.12 以样条函数重新检视农会信用部经营与合并效益(Using Spline Function to Reexamine the Operation Performance and Merger Effects of Farmers' Credit Unions) 周百隆、吴荣杰 、陈苇峻
37 2006.12  关税调降与关税配额扩大之抵换关系:敏感性产品谈判策略之涵义(The Trade-off Relationships betfween Traiff Reductions and Tariff Quota Expansions: Implications of Negotiation Strategies for Sensitive Products) 杨明宪
37 2006.12 年轻高等教育民众对台湾鲑鱼之愿付价值(Estimating the Willingness to Pay for the Taiwan Trout(Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) 曾伟君、 张意沧
38 2007.06 非线性消费行为与生命循环╱恒常所得假说(Nonlinear Consumption Behavior and Its Implaction on the LCH/PIH) 李政峰、蓝青玉、连春红
38 2007.06  全民造林政策之执行成果与政策分析(An Evaluation and Assessment of Reforestation Policy in Taiwan) 林国庆、柳婉郁
38 2007.06  生质能发展与温室气体减量:IPCC模型之应用(Biomass Energy Development and Greenhouse Gas Reduction: An Application of IPCC Model) 魏国栋、李丛祯 、洪雪卿
38 2007.06  日本稻作农家的利润、成本和生产风险之研究—动差法的应用(A Study on the Risks of Japanese Rice-Growing Farms' Profits, Costs, and Production—A Moment-based Approach) 戴锦周、陈建宏
38 2007.06 从合四建厂风险认知观点探讨贡寮地区渔业经营对渔村经济之影响(The Impacts of Fishery Operations on Fishing Village Economy via Environmental Risk Perception of the Fourth Nuclear Power Construction in Kung-Liao Area) 刘祥熹、庄庆达、陈均龙
39 2007.12  股票政策宣告对农产品价格与股票价格的动态影响(The Impact of Stock Market Policy Announcement on Commodity Prices and Share Prices) 王葳、赖钟惠、胡士文、郑嘉慧
39 2007.12  台湾外岸矶钓游憩效益之评估(Evaluationg the Recreation Benefits of Rock Fishing in Taiwan) 詹满色、林妍伶、庄庆达
39 2007.12 多样追寻游憩行为对休閒游憩业定价策略与社会福利之影响(Effects of Variety-Seeking Recreation Behavior on Pricing Policies and Social Welfare in the Recreation Industry) 李尧贤、陈惠君
39 2007.12  康德原则在污染防制议题之可行性分析(Feasibility Study of Kantain Maxim on The Issue of Pollution Prevention) 黄伟伦、孙立群
39 2007.12 节日活动游客旅游需求及游憩效益评估—以绿色博览会为例(Evaluation of Visitor Travel Demand and Recreation Benefits in the Special Event—A  Case of Yi-Lan Green Exposition) 李俊鸿、陈吉仲
40 2008.06  农产品市场干扰与最适农产品价格目标区(Agricultural Market Disturbance and the Optimal Agricultural Price Target Zone) 吕丽蓉、戴孟宜、胡士文、廖培贤
40 2008.06 台湾地区主食消费偏好结构转变之验证(Tests on Structural Change in the Consumers' Preference for Staple Food in Taiwan) 李皇照、方正玺
40 2008.06  新十大建设方案对我国农业经济的影响:多区域可计算一般均衡模型之应用(The Impacts of the Ten New Construction Projects on Taiwan's Agricultural Economy: An Application of a Multiregional Computable General Equilibrium Model) 李秉正、张其禄、郭国钦
40 2008.06  我国全面开放禽畜产品市场对国内畜禽产业冲击评估与影响分析(Impact Evaluation on Domestic Livestock and Poultry Industry after Free Trade) 萧清仁、黄圣茹