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Thesis/Graduate Application

Graduation Application Procedures
Important Dates & Remarks for Graduation Application
Event Timeline Remarks
Fall Spring
Find your Advisor The end of the first month of the third semester Fill out the Agreement of Thesis Advisor (指导教授同意函) and submit it to the Department Office.
Graduation Application Nov. 20 Apr. 20 Submit the following three documents listed below to the Department Office:
  1. Graduation Application for master (学位考试申请书)
Log in myNTU, fill in the Application form.  Print it out and request for the signature of your advisor and program director.
  1. Academic Performance Evaluation Form (毕业生成绩审核表)
Thesis Oral Defense Complete the Thesis Oral Defense before
December 31 (Fall semester) or before July 31 (Spring semester)
Committee List and abstract
1 month before Oral Defense Complete and submit the Thesis Oral Defense Committee List (口试委员名册) and Thesis abstract to the Department Office.  
Decide time & venue 2 weeks before Oral Defense The venue should be any of the classrooms of the Department of Agricultural Economics, NTU.
Please decide on a venue and inform the Department office for booking.
Send Invitation 7-10 days before Oral Defense Send the Invitations for Committee Members (口试通知书及聘书) along with the first draft of Master’s Thesis to committee members.
Prepare documents On the day of Oral Defense Download, complete, and print out the documents listed below. It is important that students come by the Department Office with the required documents BEFORE their Oral Defenses. (The office will go through the documents to make sure all documents are in place.)
1. Evaluation Form for Thesis Oral Defense (口试记录表)
2. Committee Signature Form (口试委员会审定书)
3. The Thesis Oral Defense Paylist (学位考试支领清册) from the Department Office
Submit all the documents to the Department Office On the day of Oral Defense Complete forms 1, 2, and 3 listed above with all committees’ signatures during the Thesis Oral Defense and submit to the Department Office
Thesis Revision 1 to 2 weeks after Oral Defense Revise thesis and complete the Confirmation Form of Thesis Revise (论文修改完成确认单) with the signature of advisor. Submit the form to the Department Office
Graduation Application Withdraw Jan. 31 Jul. 31 Fill out and print Graduation Application Withdraw Form (学位考试撤销申请书). Have the form signed by your advisor and the program director, and submit the form to Graduate Academic Affairs Office (210 2F 1st Admin. Bldg.) (研教组)
Students need to submit the withdrawal by January 31 for the Fall semester and by July 31 for the Spring semester. Without the withdrawal, a “failed” will be marked on their Graduation Application and also on the student transcripts.
Departure Procedures Feb. 15 Aug. 20 1. Meet all the graduation requirements of the International Program
2. Complete Thesis (after Thesis Oral Defense), and submit it to ETDS (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Service) by February 15 (Fall semester) or by August 20 (Spring semester)
Thesis Format Guide and Guide of ETDS File Format and Conversion are also available on ETDS website.
3. Submitting Thesis:
Print out 4 copies of your Thesis. (2 hard copies in burgundy/dark red and 2 soft copies in any color)
Take 2 hard copies to the department office, 2 soft ones to the school library.
4. After completing the Leave-School Procedure (毕业生离校手续) online at MyNTU, students can then obtain their diplomas at the Graduate Academic Affairs Office (210 2F 1st Admin. Bldg. 研教组) in person.

***All the forms please refer to 常用表格(国际硕士专班): https://www.agec.ntu.edu.tw/zh_cn/link/link4

For example
If you are graduating in 2020 Spring semester, you will need to complete the followings:
1. Find the advisor and submit the “Advisor Commitment Form” by September 30, 2020.
2. Submit the graduation application by April 20, 2020.
3. Complete the thesis oral defense by July 31, 2020.
4. Complete the thesis and submit two paperback copies and one hardback copy of the thesis to the library by 20 August 2020.