期数 | 出版日期 |
文章作者 |
51 | 2013.12 | Factors Affecting Consumers' Trust toward Food Safety Certification with Threat of Avian Influenza Outbreak in Taiwan: Evidence from Taipei Metropolitans | 黄明新、刘钢、 鲁真、李皇照 |
51 | 2013.12 | 解析台湾农业家户之所得不均度:兼论非农业所得与农家所得不均之关连(Farm Household Income Inequality in Taiwan: The Association of Nonfarm Income and Income Inequality) | 石曜合、陆怡蕙、黄芳玫、江文基 |
51 | 2013.12 | 产业技术升级、进口政策与外国厂商的产业集中度(Technology Upgrading, Import Policies and Market Concentration of Foreign Firms) | 郭虹莹 |
51 | 2013.12 | 「资源边界」与「共享资源自主治理」-以兰屿飞鱼渔场冲突事件为例(Resources Boundaries and Self-Governed CPRs: Using the Conflict of Fisheries Grounds of Flying Fish around The Orchid Island As An Example ) | 林育赐 |
52 | 2014.06 | 距离与自然资源愿付价值之关系-对评估资源边际价值及总价值的启示(The Relationship between Distance and Willingness to Pay for the Protection of Natural Resource: Implication for the Evaluation of Marginal Value and Total Value of Natural Resource) | 吴珮瑛、黄一琳、刘哲良 |
52 | 2014.06 | 粮食安全风险衡量与新脆弱性指标之建构(Assessing Risk and Creating a New Vulnerability Index in Taiwan’s Food Security) | 颜晃平、吴荣杰、张静文 |
52 | 2014.06 | 外科医师学习效果之分析-兼论工作地点移转对于医师学习之影响(An Analysis of Surgeons’ Learning Effect: Accounting for the Impact of Workplace Switching) | 简毓宁、陆怡蕙 |
52 | 2014.06 | 平地造林温室气体抵换专案减量方法之研拟(Developing GHG Offset Methodology for Plain Area Afforestation in Taiwan) | 陶子婕、林俊成 |
53 | 2014.12 | 条件评估法处理抗议性样本及无法确定/不知道样本之一般化架构(A General Framework for Protest and Uncertainty/Don't Know Bidders for Contingent Valuation Method) | 吴珮瑛、陈思豪、劉哲良 |
53 | 2014.12 | 农业环境给付政策之研究—以有机稻米与水稻田为例(An Assessment of Payment for Environmental Services in Taiwan-Case Studies on Organic Rice and Rice Paddy Field) | 许家胜、陈吉仲、柳婉郁、廖述谊 |
53 | 2014.12 | 如何以最经济的方式摄取营养素:以蔬菜、水果为例(What Is the Most Economical Way for the Nutrients of Fruit and Vegetable Intake?) | 林亿明、孔维新、吴苡嘉 |
54 | 2015.06 | 向分量回归模式之建构-二氧化碳排放与经济发展关系再检视(Construction of Double-Quantile Regression: Revisit the Relationship between Emission of CO_2 and Economic Development) | 吴珮瑛、张弘毅、刘哲良、李琼映 |
54 | 2015.06 | 成本异质、配置的生产效率与最适的释股比例(Cost Heterogeneity, Allocative Production Efficiency Effect and Optimal Privatization) | 郭虹莹 |
54 | 2015.06 | 由网络采用、使用与使用模式三个面向探讨台湾性别数码落差(Exploring Gender Digital Divide in Taiwan from the Perspectives of Internet Adoption, Use and Usage Patterns) | 江文基 |
55 | 2015.12 | 日治时期台湾蔗作农场技术效率之分析(Technical Efficiency for Sugarcane Production in Taiwan: Empirical Evidence during Japanese Colonial Period) | 陈丽旭、刘锦添 |
55 | 2015.12 | 埤圳湿地生态系统服务对房价的影响及环境损害评估-GIS基础下的空间特征价格法(Effect of Wetlands on Residential Property Values and Evaluation of Environmental Damage with Development of Wetlands: GIS-based of Spatial Hedonic Price Method) | 吴珮瑛、陈懿、 邱可甄 |
55 | 2015.12 | 中国各省(市)国有农场经营绩效变动研究(Performance of the State-Owned Farms in China) | 宋安德、傅祖坛、周国伟、朱学新 |
55 | 2015.12 | 契作效益之评估-以台湾稻米市场为例(The Effects of Forward Contracting on Spot Market in Paddy Rice Industry in Taiwan) | 秦铭璟、黄亮洲 |