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SDG 目标 问题
SDG17 Partnership for the Goals Q1 Proportion of all SDG research with international co-authorship
Q2 Relationships with NGOs, Regional and National Government
Q2-1 Does your university as a body have direct involvement in, or input into, national government SDG policy development - including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modelling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management?
Q2-2 Does your university as a body initiate and participate in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs, e.g. conferences involving government/NGOs?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body participate in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs?
Q2-4 Does your university as a body, through international collaboration and research, review comparative approaches and develop international best practice on tackling the SDGs?
Q2-5 Does your university as a body collaborate with NGOs to tackle the SDGs
Q3 Sustainability report
Q3-1 Please indicate for which SDG(s) your university publishes a sustainability report as part of the overall annual university report
Q3-2 Please indicate for which SDG(s) your university publishes a sustainability report as a separate report
Q3-3 Please indicate for which SDG(s) data is published in an open format
Q4 Education for the SDGs
Q4-1 Does your university as a body have a commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university?
SDG 1 No Poverty Q1 Research
Q2 Proportion of students receiving financial aid to attend university because of poverty
Q2-1 Number of students
Q2-2 Number of low-income students receiving financial aid
Q3 University anti-poverty programmes
Q3-1 Does your university as a body have targets to admit students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income group in the country? (domestic)
Q3-2 Does your university as a body have graduation/completion targets for students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income group in the country? (domestic)
Q3-3 Does your university as a body provide support (e.g. food, housing, transportation, legal services) for students from poorest families to enable them to complete university?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body have programmes to assist students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income group in the country to successfully complete their studies?
Q3-5 Does your university as a body have schemes to support poor students from low income countries (e.g. offering free education, grants)?
Q4 Community anti-poverty programmes
Q4-1 Does your university as a body provide assistance in the local community assisting the start-up of sustainable businesses through relevant education or resources? (e.g. mentorship programmes, training workshops, access to university facilities)?
Q4-2 Does your university as a body provide financial assistance to the local community assisting the start-up of sustainable businesses?
Q4-3 Does your university as a body organise training or programmes to improve access to basic services for all?
Q4-4 Does your university as a body participate in policy making at local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions?
SDG 2 Zero Hunger Q1 Research
Q2 Campus Food Waste
Q2-1 Total food waste
Q2-2 Number of campus population
Q3 Student Hunger
Q3-1 Does your university as a body have a programme in place on student food insecurity/hunger?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body provide interventions to target hunger among students and staff? (e.g. including supply and access to food banks/pantries)
Q3-3 Does your university as a body provide sustainable food choices for all on campus, including vegetarian and vegan food?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body provide healthy and affordable food choices for all on campus?
Q4 Proportion of graduates in agriculture including sustainability aspects
Q4-1 Number of graduates
Q4-2 Number of graduates at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level)
Q4-3 Number of graduates at ISCED 7 (Master's level)
Q4-4 Number of graduates at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level)
Q4-5 Number of graduates from agriculture courses including sustainability aspects
Q4-6 Number of graduates from agriculture courses including sustainability aspects at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level)
Q4-7 Number of graduates from agriculture courses including sustainability aspects at ISCED 7 (Master's level)
Q4-8 Number of graduates from agriculture courses including sustainability aspects at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level)
Q5 National Hunger
Q5-1 Does your university as a body provide access on food security and sustainable agriculture knowledge/skills/technology to local farmers and food producers?
Q5-2 Does your university as a body provide events for local farmers and food producers to connect and transfer knowledge?
Q5-3 Does your university as a body provide access to university facilities (e.g. labs, technology, plant stocks) to local farmers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices?
Q5-4 Does your university as a body prioritise purchase of products from local, sustainable sources?
SDG 3 Good Health and Wellbeing Q1 Research
Q2 Number of students graduating in health professions
Q2-1 Number of graduates
Q2-2 Number of graduates at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level)
Q2-3 Number of graduates at ISCED 7 (Master's level)
Q2-4 Number of graduates at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level)
Q2-5 Number of graduates in health professions
Q2-6 Number of graduates in health professions at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level)
Q2-7 Number of graduates in health professions at ISCED 7 (Master's level)
Q2-8 Number of graduates in health professions at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level)
Q3 Health impact
Q3-1 Does your university as a body have current collaborations with local or global health institutions to improve health & wellbeing outcomes?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body deliver outreach programmes and projects in the local community (which can include student volunteering programmes) to improve or promote health & wellbeing including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, sports, exercise, aging well, and other health and wellbeing related topics?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body share sports facilities with the local community, for instance with local schools or with the general public?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body provide students access to free sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services?
Q3-5 Does your university as a body provide students and staff with access to free mental health support?
Q3-6 Does your university as a body have a ‘smoke-free’ policy?
SDG 4 Quality Education () Q1 Research into pedagogy
Q2 Number of graduates who gained primary school teaching qualifications
Q2-1 Number of graduates
Q2-2 Number of graduates at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level)
Q2-3 Number of graduates at ISCED 7 (Master's level)
Q2-4 Number of graduates at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level)
Q2-5 Number of graduates with primary school teaching qualifications
Q2-6 Number of graduates at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level) with primary school teaching qualifications
Q2-7 Number of graduates at ISCED 7 (Master’s level) with primary school teaching qualifications
Q2-8 Number of graduates at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level) with primary school teaching qualifications
Q3 Lifelong learning opportunities provided
Q3-1 Does your university as a body provide access to educational resources for those not studying at the university, e.g. computers, library, online courses, access to lectures, etc?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body host events at university that are open to the general public: public lectures, community educational events?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body host events at university that are open to the general public: executive education programmes (this refers to short courses for people who are not attending the university; this specifically excludes courses like MBA) & capacity-building for business & government, vocational training?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body undertake educational outreach activities (e.g. tailored lectures or demonstrations) beyond campus, e.g. in local schools, in the community, including voluntary student-run schemes?
Q3-5 Does your university as a body have a policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender?
Q4 Proportion of 1st generation students
Q4-1 Number of students starting a first degree
Q4-2 Number of first generation students starting a first degree
SDG 5 Gender Equality Q1 Research
Q2 First generation female
Q2- Number of students starting a first degree
Q2-2 Number of first generation students starting a first degree
Q2-3 Number of women starting a first degree
Q2-4 Number of first generation women starting a first degree
Q3 Access measures
Q3-1 Does your university as a body systematically measure/track women’s application rate, acceptance/entry rate and study completion rate at the university?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body have a policy (e.g. an Access and Participation plan) addressing women’s applications, acceptance/entry, and participation at the university?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body provide women’s access schemes (e.g. mentoring, scholarships, or targeted support)?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body encourage applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented?
Q4 Proportion of women in senior positions
Q4-1 Number of academic staff
Q4-2 Number of senior academic staff
Q4-3 Number of female senior academic staff
Q5 Admissions gender mix
Q5-1 Number of first degree graduates: Total
Q5-2 Number of first degree graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts&Humanities/Social Sciences): Total
Q5-3 Number of first degree graduates: STEM
Q5-4 Number of first degree graduates: Medicine
Q5-5 Number of first degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
Q5-6 Number of female first degree graduates by subject area
Q5-7 Number of female first degree graduates: STEM
Q5-8 Number of female first degree graduates: Medicine
Q5-9 Number of female first degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
Q6 Progress Measures
Q6-1 Does your university as a body have a policy of non-discrimination against women?
Q6-2 Does your university as a body have a policy of non-discrimination for transgender people?
Q6-3 Does your university as a body have a maternity and paternity policies that support women’s participation?
Q6-4 Does your university as a body have accessible childcare facilities for students which allow recent mothers to attend university courses?
Q6-5 Does your university as a body have childcare facilities for staff and faculty?
Q6-6 Does your university as a body have women’s mentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of female students participate?
Q6-7 Does your university as a body have measurement/tracking of women’s likelihood of graduating compared to men’s, and schemes in place to close any gap?
Q6-8 Does your university as a body have a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage?
SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation Q1 Research
Q2 Water consumption per person
Q2-1 Volume of water used in the university: Total
Q2-2 Volume of water used in the university: Inbound (treated/extracted water)
Q2-3 Volume of water used in the university: collected from rain water
Q2-4 Volume of water used in the university: reused/recycled water
Q2-5 Number of campus population
Q3 Water usage and care
Q3-1 Does your university as a body have a process in place to treat waste water?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body have processes to prevent polluted water entering the water system, including pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the university?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body provide free drinking water for students, staff and visitors, e.g. drinking water fountains)?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body apply building standards to minimise water use? (relevant standards to be indicated)
Q3-5 Does your university as a body plant landscapes to minimise water usage? (e.g. use drought-tolerant plants)
Q4 Water reuse
Q4-1 Volume of water used in the university: Total
Q4-2 Volume of water used in the university: reused/recycled water
Q5 Water in the community
Q5-1 Does your university as a body provide educational opportunities for local communities to learn about good water management?
Q5-2 Does your university as a body actively promote conscious water usage?
Q5-3 Does your university as a body support water conservation off campus?
Q5-4 Does your university as a body utilise sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds off campus?
Q5-5 Does your university as a body cooperate with local, national, global governments on water security?
SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy Q1 Research
Q2 University Measures
Q2-1 Does your university as a body have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations / new builds are following energy efficiency standards? (relevant standards to be indicated)
Q2-2 Does your university as a body have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body have a process for carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions?
Q2-4 Does your university as a body have an energy efficiency plan in place to reduce overall energy consumption?
Q2-5 Does your university as a body undergo energy reviews to identify areas where energy wastage is highest?
Q2-6 Does your university as a body have a policy on divesting investments from carbon-intensive energy industries especially coal and oil?
Q3 Energy use density
Q3-1 Total energy used
Q3-2 University floor space
Q4 Energy and the community
Q4-1 Does your university as a body provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy?
Q4-2 Does your university as a body promote a pledge toward 100% renewable energy (petitions, meetings, discussions, events)?
Q4-3 Does your university as a body provide direct services to local industry aimed at improving energy efficiency and clean energy (energy efficiency assessments, workshops, research renewable energy options)
Q4-4 Does your university as a body inform and support government in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development?
Q4-5 Does your university as a body provide assistance for start-ups that foster and support a low-carbon economy/technology?
SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth Q1 Research
Q2 Employment practice
Q2-1 Does your university as a body pay all staff and faculty at least the living wage, defined as the local “living wage” (if government defines this) or the local poverty indicator for a family of four (expressed as an hourly wage)?
Q2-2 Does your university as a body recognise unions & labour rights (freedom of association & collective bargaining) for all, including women & international staff?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body have a policy on discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age)?
Q2-4 Does your university as a body have a policy commitment to no forced labour, no modern slavery and no human trafficking, and no child labour?
Q2-5 Does your university as a body have a policy on guaranteeing equivalent rights of workers if/when outsourcing activities to third parties?
Q2-6 Does your university as a body have a policy on pay scale equity including a commitment to measurement and elimination of gender pay gaps?
Q2-7 Does your university as a body measure/track pay scale gender equity?
Q2-8 Does your university as a body have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay?
Q3 Inward investment / economic impact
Q3-1 Number of employees
Q3-2 Number of academic staff
Q3-3 University expenditure
Q4 Employment placements
Q4-1 Number of students
Q4-2 Number of students with employment placements for more than a month
Q5 Employment security
Q5-1 Number of employees
Q5-2 Number of employees on contracts of over 24 months
SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Q1 Research
Q2 Patents
Q3 Spin-offs
Q3-1 Number of university spin-offs
Q4 Industry income from industry
Q4-1 Research income: Total
Q4-2 Research income by subject area: STEM
Q4-3 Research income by subject area: Medicine
Q4-4 Research income by subject area: Arts and Humanities / Social Sciences
Q4-5 Number of academic staff
Q4-6 Number of academic staff by subject area: STEM
Q4-7 Number of academic staff by subject area: Medicine
Q4-8 Number of academic staff by subject area: Arts and Humanities / Social Sciences
SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities Q1 Research
Q2 First generation students
Q2-1 Number of students
Q2-2 Number of students starting a first degree
Q2-3 Number of first generation students starting a first degree
Q3 Percent of international students from low income nations with aid
Q3-1 Number of first degree students
Q3-2 Number of first degree international students from developing countries
Q4 Percent of students with disabilities
Q4-1 Number of students
Q4-2 Number of students with disability
Q5 Percent of staff with disabilities
Q5-1 Number of employees
Q5-2 Number of employees with disability
Q6 Measures against discrimination
Q6-1 Does your university as a body have an admissions policy which is non-discriminatory or which details and explains the logic for any appropriate positive discrimination policies in admissions, which is publicly posted?
Q6-10 Does your university as a body have reasonable accommodation policy/strategy implemented, including adequately funded mechanism for persons with disability?
Q6-2 Does your university as a body measure/track applications & admissions of underrepresented (and potentially underrepresented) groups including ethnic minorities, low income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, disabled students etc?
Q6-3 Does your university as a body deliver programmes to recruit students/staff/faculty from under-represented groups?
Q6-4 Does your university as a body have anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies?
Q6-5 Does your university as a body have a diversity and equality committee, office and/or officer (or the equivalent) tasked by the administration or governing body to advise on and implement policies, programmes, and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus?
Q6-6 Does your university as a body provide mentoring/counselling/peer support programmes to support students, staff, faculty from underrepresented groups?
Q6-7  Does your university as a body provide accessible facilities for people with disabilities?'
Q6-8 Does your university as a body provide support services for people with disabilities? (e.g. personal assistants, interpreters)
Q6-9 Does your university as a body provide access schemes for people with disabilities?
SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities Q1 Research
Q2 Arts and heritage
Q2-1 Does your university as a body provide public access to buildings, monuments or natural heritage landscapes of cultural significance?
Q2-2 Does your university as a body provide public access to libraries including books and publications?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body provide public access to museums, exhibition spaces / galleries and/or works of art and artifacts?
Q2-4 Does your university as a body provide free public access to open spaces and green spaces?
Q2-5 Does your university as a body contribute to local arts, in terms of number of annual public performances of university choirs / theatre groups / orchestras etc?
Q2-6 Does your university as a body deliver projects to record and/or preserve intangible cultural heritage such as local folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge?
Q3 Spend on Local Arts and Heritage
Q3-1 University expenditure
Q3-2 University expenditure on arts and heritage
Q4 Sustainable practices
Q4-1 Does your university as a body measure and set targets for more sustainable commuting (walking, cycling or other non-motorized transport, vanpools, carpools, shuttlebus or public transportation, motorcycle, scooter or moped, or electric vehicles)?
Q4-2 Does your university as a body undertake actions to promote the % of more sustainable commuting (e.g. provision of free or subsidised buses or shared transport schemes, provision of bicycle parking & storage facilities, provision of cycle tracks, a bicycle and pedestrian plan or policy, bicycle sharing programme, free or reduced price transit passes, car/van pool or ride sharing programme, reduced parking fees or preferential parking for carpool or vanpool users, car sharing programme, provision of electric vehicle recharging stations, preferred parking for fuel-efficient vehicles)?
Q4-3 Does your university as a body promote or allow telecommuting or remote working for employees as a matter of policy or standard practice, and/or offer a condensed working week to reduce employee commuting?
Q4-4 Does your university as a body provide affordable housing for employees?
Q4-5 Does your university as a body provide affordable housing for students?
Q4-6 Does your university as a body prioritise pedestrian access on campus?
Q4-7 Does your university as a body work with local authorities to address planning issues/development, including ensuring that local residents are able to access affordable housing?
Q4-8 Does your university as a body build new buildings to sustainable standards (if ‘yes’, are you following a national standard or body, e.g. the world green building council, that certifies it? Please indicate)?
Q4-9 Does your university as a body build on brownfield sites, where possible (brownfield sites are those where there has been previous, recent building)?
SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and production Q1 Research
Q2 Operations
Q2-1 Does your university as a body have a policy on ethical sourcing of food and supplies?
Q2-2 Does your university as a body have a policy on waste disposal - Covering hazardous materials?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body have a policy on waste disposal - To measure the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycled?
Q2-4 Does your university as a body have policies around use minimisation - Of plastic?
Q2-5 Does your university as a body have policies around use minimisation - Of disposable items?
Q2-6 Do these policies extend to outsourced suppliers and the supply chain - Services (contracted services on campus)?
Q2-7 Do these policies extend to outsourced suppliers and the supply chain - Supplier outsourced services (suppliers of equipment, stationary, building contracts)?
Q3 Percentage of waste recycled
Q3-1 Amount of waste generated
Q3-2 Amount of waste recycled
Q3-3 Amount of waste sent to landfill
SDG 13 Climate Action Q1 Research
Q2 Low carbon energy use
Q2-1 Total energy used
Q2-2 Energy used from low-carbon sources: Total
Q2-3 Energy used from low-carbon sources: No fossil fuels
Q2-4 Energy used from low-carbon sources: Renewable sources (biomass, hydropower, geothermal)
Q2-5 Energy used from low-carbon sources: Power generation sources (wind, solar, nuclear)
Q2-6  Electricity, renewable
Q2-7 Electricity, nuclear
Q3 Environmental Education including Disaster Planning
Q3-1 Does your university as a body provide local education programmes or campaigns on climate change risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body have a university Climate Action plan, shared with local government and/or local community groups?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body participate in co-operative planning for climate change disasters, working with government?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body inform and support local or regional government in local climate change disaster/risk early warning and monitoring?
Q3-5 Does your university as a body collaborate with NGOs on climate adaptation?
Q4 Commitment to carbon neutral university
Q4-1 Already achieved in
Q4-2 Achieve by
SDG 14 Life Below Water Q1 Research
Q2 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education
Q2-1 Does your university as a body offer educational programmes on fresh-water ecosystems (water irrigation practices, water management/conservation) for local or national communities?
Q2-2 Does your university as a body offer educational programme / outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body offer educational outreach activities for local or national communities to raise awareness about overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices?
Q3 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action
Q3-1 Does your university as a body support and/or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and marine resources?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body have a policy to ensure that food on campus that comes from aquatic ecosystems is sustainably harvested?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body work directly (research and/or engagement with industries) to maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity, of both plants and animals, especially ecosystems under threat?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body work directly (research and/or engagement with industries) on technologies or practices that enable marine industry to minimise or prevent damage to aquatic ecosystems?
Q4 Water sensitive waste disposal
Q4-1 Does your university as a body have water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges (to uphold water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare, etc.)?
Q4-2 Does your university as a body have an action plan in place to reduce plastic waste on campus?
Q4-3 Does your university as a body have a policy on preventing and reducing marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities?
Q5 Maintaining a local ecosystem
Q5-1 Does your university as a body have a plan to minimise physical, chemical and/or biological alterations of related aquatic ecosystems?
Q5-2 Does your university as a body monitor the health of aquatic ecosystems?
Q5-3 Does your university as a body develop and support programs and incentives that encourage and maintain good aquatic stewardship practices?
Q5-4 Does your university as a body collaborate with the local community, e.g. through partnerships, in efforts to maintain shared aquatic ecosystems?
Q5-5 Does your university as a body have implemented a watershed management strategy based on location specific diversity of aquatic species?
SDG 15 Life On Land Q1 Research
Q2 Supporting land ecosystems through education
Q2-1 Does your university as a body support and/or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the land, including forests and wild land?
Q2-2 Does your university as a body have policies to ensure that food on campus is sustainably farmed?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body work directly to maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity, of both plants and animals, especially ecosystems under threat?
Q2-4 Does your university as a body offer educational programmes on ecosystems (looking at wild flora and fauna) for local or national communities?
Q2-5 Does your university as a body offer educational programme/outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of land for agriculture and tourism?
Q3 Supporting land ecosystems through action
Q3-1 Does your university as a body have a policy to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems associated with the university, in particular forests, mountains and drylands?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body have a policy to identify, monitor and protect any IUCN Red Listed species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by the operation of your university?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body include local biodiversity into any planning and development process (e.g. construction of new buildings)?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body have a policy to reduce the impact of alien species on Campus?
Q3-5 Does your university as a body collaborate with the local community, e.g. through partnerships, in efforts to maintain shared land ecosystems?
Q4 Land sensitive waste disposal
Q4-1 Does your university as a body have water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges (to uphold water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare, etc.)?
Q4-2 Does your university as a body have a policy on reducing plastic waste on campus?
Q4-3 Does your university as a body have a policy on waste disposal - covering hazardous materials?
SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Q1 Research: Law and IR
Q2 Governance
Q2-1 Does your university as a body have elected representation on the university’s highest governing body from:
Q2-2 Does your university as a body recognise a students’ union?
Q2-3 Does your university as a body have written policies and procedures to identify local stakeholders external to the university and engage with them?
Q2-4 Does your university as a body have an existence of participatory bodies to recognize and engage local stakeholders, including local residents, local government, local private, local civil society representatives?
Q2-5 Does your university as a body have a publication of the university's principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery?
Q2-6 Does your university as a body have a policy on supporting academic freedom (freedom to choose areas of research and to speak and teach publicly about the area of their research)?
Q2-7 Does your university as a body have a publication of university financial data?
Q3 Participation in local, regional and national government (and others)
Q3-1 Does your university as a body provide specific expert advice to local, regional or national government (e.g. through policy guidance, participation in committees, provision of evidence)?
Q3-2 Does your university as a body provide outreach, general education, upskilling and capacity-building to policy- and law-makers on relevant topics e.g. economics, law, technology, climate change?
Q3-3 Does your university as a body undertake policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments?
Q3-4 Does your university as a body provide a neutral platform and ‘safe’ space for different political stakeholders to come together to frankly discuss challenges?
Q4 Graduates in law and enforcement related courses
Q4-1 Number of graduates
Q4-2 Number of graduates at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level)
Q4-3 Number of graduates at ISCED 7 (Master's level)
Q4-4 Number of graduates at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level)
Q5 Number of total graduates from law and enforcement related courses
Q5-1 Number of total graduates from law and enforcement related courses
Q5-2 Number of total graduates at ISCED 6 (Bachelor level) from law and enforcement related courses
Q5-3 Number of total graduates at ISCED 7 (Master’s level) from law and enforcement related courses
Q5-4 Number of total graduates at ISCED 8 (Doctoral level) from law and enforcement related courses