
年度 论文名称
2023 Chen, Y.-H., Tey, K.-J., and Ho, S.-T., Young Generation's Preference for Plant-Based Meat Substitute Burger in Asia: Evidence from Taiwan, Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics, No. 113, 2023
2023 Rickard, B. J., Ho, S. T., Livat, F., and Okrent, A. M., Date labels, food waste and supply chain implications., European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 50, 1, pp. 29-58, 2023
2023 Lo, Chu-Ping and Yi Lee*, Digitalization, AI Intensity, and International Trade, Annals of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 2023
2023 Fang, Guang-Jong, Su-Ying Hsu, Chu-Ping Lo*, Digitalization, Comparative Advantages, and Digital Divide, Print Book: "Competitiveness in the New Era", 2023
2023 Lo, Chu-Ping, The New Cold War between the United States and China and China's Food Self-Sufficiency, Journal of Environmental Science and Agricultural Research, vol. V1.03., 2023
2023 The Housing Market Impacts of Bicycle-Sharing Systems, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2023
2023 Air Quality and Risky Behaviors on Roads, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2023
2023 2023
2023 Yir-Hueih Luh, Yun-Chi Chang and Ming-Feng Hsieh*, What determines how green crop farming can get? Spatial factors or green awareness spillovers, Journal of Environmental Management, SCIE (Environmental Sciences, 38/279), 2023
2023 吴珮瑛, 台湾高等教育沉沦的源头—冰山一角的抄袭剽窃, 台湾国际研究季刊, 19(1):1-12, 2023