
年度 论文名称
1991 Home Ownership Policy in Singapore: An Assessment, Housing Studies, vol. 6, 1, pp. 15-28, Oct. 1991
1991 Rationing Emission Rights for Air Pollution Control: Fairness, Advantages and Implementability, Agriculture and Economics, 12, pp. 95-109, Jun. 1991
1991 国家建设六年计画环境保护内计画之评估, 台湾经济预测与政策, vol. 22, 1, pp. 39-51, Apr. 1991
1991 Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture under Dynamic Adjustment, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 73, 4, pp. 1116-1125(五年以上且具深远学术影响力之着作), 1991
1991 Potential Benefits of Rice Variety and Water Management Improvements in the Texas Gulf Coast, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics , vol. 16, pp. 185-193, 1991
1991 农业生产区域规划之理论与实务, 土地金融季刊, vol. 18, 1, pp. 93-104, 1991
1990 台湾速食产业现况与展望之分析, 台湾经济, 166, Oct. 1990
1990 中小企业成长的合理性, 台银季刊, vol. 41, 4, Oct. 1990
1990 有误觉时之福利效果与社会成本, 人文及社会科学集刊, vol. 3, 1, Oct. 1990
1990 以社会福利函数评估合理的农家所得水准, 台湾土地金融季刊, vol. 27, 3, Oct. 1990