
年度 论文名称
2024 Hung-Hao Chang, The Effects of Land Direct Payment Program on Farm Income and Production Practices, American Journal of Agricultural Economics(国科会经济学门A级期刊,国际农经界顶级期刊), vol. 106, 4, pp. 1454-1476, Oct. 2024
2024 Yau-Huo (Jimmy) Shr, Hung-Hao Chang*, The Effects of Participating in Digital Ride-Hailing on Taxi Drivers' BUsiness Operations, Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice (国科会区域与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 187, 104167, Jul. 2024
2024 Jhih-Yun Liu, Brian Lee, Hung-Hao Chang*, Place-Based Rural Development Programs and the Labor Allocation of Farm Households, China Agricultural Economic Review (台大杰出期刊, 即将出刊), Jun. 2024
2024 Yessica, C. Y. Chung., Noxolo Kunene, Hung-Hao Chang, Renewable Energy Certificates and Firm Value: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan, Energy Policy (国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 184, 113870, Jan. 2024
2024 Guang-Jong Fann; Su-Ying Hsu; Chu-ping Lo*, The Impact of Pro-Small Farmland Policies on Agricultural Productivity Gaps, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2024
 , vol. 118454, Oct. 2023
2023 Hung-Hao Chang. Tzu-Chin Lin, Solar Farm Policy and Farmland Price – A Land Zoning Perspective, Journal of Environmental Management (台大杰出期刊,国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊), vol. 118454, Oct. 2023
2023 Feng-An Yang, Hung-Hao Chang*, Impact of a Pension Program on Healthcare Utilization among Older Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Health Claims Data, World Development (台大杰出期刊), May. 2023
2023 Tai, Yen-Po; Mai-Yu Lee; Lo, Chu-Ping Lo; Su-Ying Hsu*, The Nexus of ESG Requirements and Industry Concentration, Bulletin of Economic Research (SSCI), 2023
2023 Rinke, W. and Ho, S.-T., Have consumers escaped from COVID-19 restrictions by seeking for variety? A Machine Learning approach analyzing wine purchase behavior in the United States, Journal of Wine Economics, Forthcoming, 2023