
年度 论文名称
2014 王筌佑、雷立芬, 『海峡两岸服务贸易协定』对台湾渔产通路影响之研究, 农产运销半年刊, vol. 151, pp. 31-37, 2014
2014 丁介郁、邱贸凯、官俊荣, 气候变迁对于台湾蔬菜批发价格之影响, 台湾农会学报, vol. 15, 4, 2014
2014 叶玟其; 罗竹平, 台湾生乳产量与实际消费量是否平衡?, 农产运销半年刊, vol. 151, 2014
2014 吴珮瑛、陈思豪、刘哲良, 条件评估法中抗议性样本及无法确定/不知道样本之一般化处理架构, 农业与经济, 53:1-54 (TSSCI), 2014
2014 施正锋、吴珮瑛, 原住民族的森林权, 台湾原住民研究论丛, 15:1-38, 2014
2014 Lo, Chu-Ping; Hsu, Su-Ying; S.J. Wu, The Role of Overseas Chinese-Speaking Regions in Global Sourcing, China Economic Review(SSCI), 2014
2014 Y.H. Luh et al., Adoption of Genetically-Modified Seeds in Taiwan: The Role of Information Acquisition and Knowledge Accumulation, China Agricultural Economic Review(Accepted: 2014/02/12), vol. 6, 4, pp. 669-697(SSCI), 2014
2014 Equity Criterion for Initial Rights CO2 Emissions Allocations under Emissions Trading: Cooperation and Conflicts among Nations, Environment and Development Economics, 2014
2014 吴珮瑛、黄一琳、刘哲良, 距离与自然资源愿付价值之关系——对评估资源边际价值及总价值的启示, 农业与经济, 52:1-44 (TSSCI), 2014
2014 Wu, Pei-Ing, Je-Liang Liou, and Ming-Ta Su, Examination of the Diverse Views of Sustainable Development: An Approach to Monetize the Environment, Economy, and Society, Environmental Economics, 5(1):62-75 (EconLit), 2014