
年度 论文名称
1997 吴珮瑛, 农业生产与环境保护:竞争或互补, 台湾土地金融季刊, 34(3):111-136, 1997
1997 Wu, Pei-Ing, and Chu-Li Huang, Averting Expenditure and Willingness to Pay: How Much Do They Differ? Abstract, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(5): 17-32 (SSCI, EconLit), 1997
1997 吴珮瑛、罗珮毓, 污染排放标准变动对台湾毛猪产量之影响, 台湾银行季刊, 48(4):288-316, 1997
1997 Wu, Pei-Ing and Heng-Chi Lee, Welfare Evaluation of Hog Export Under Pollution Control: The Case of Taiwan, Asian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2: 195-208 (EconLit), 1997
1996 台湾渔产品消费结构改变对渔业经营管理影响之经济分析, 台湾经济, 239, pp. 28-49, Oct. 2009
1996 经济自由化下台湾农业生产结构变动调适策略之研究, 台北市银行月刊, vol. 26, 10, pp. 2-27, Oct. 1996
1996 An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Emission Control: The Evidence on Productivity Growth of the Hog Industry, Taiwanese Agricultural Economic Review《农业经济丛刊》, vol. 2, 1, pp. 75-106, in Chinese. NSC84-2415-H-007-005., Oct. 1996
1996 Yir-Hueih Luh; Spiro E. Stefanou, Estimating Dynamic Dual Models Under Nonstatic Expectations, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 78, 4, pp. 991-1003. NSC81-0301-H-007-06., Oct. 1996
1996 我国加入关贸总协后农业金融政策调整方向, 基层金融, 32, pp. 153-180, Oct. 1996
1996 台湾主要可供果汁加工用水果生产比较利益分析, 台湾土地金融季刊, vol. 33, 4, pp. 137-158, Oct. 1996