
年度 论文名称
1992 A Comparative Study of Soybean Import Demand in Taiwan and Japan, Issues in Agricultural Development, IAAE Occasional Paper, 6, pp. 79-84, Oct. 1992
1992 台湾农业金融执行成效之检讨, 基层金融, 25, pp. 135-164, Oct. 1992
1992 新加坡国宅政策之现况与趋势, 台湾土地金融季刊, vol. 29, 1, pp. 1-22, Oct. 1992
1992 最适农业区的划分, 土地经济季刊, 3, pp. 1-25, Oct. 1992
1992 农业区划分与财产权损失赔偿之分析, 台湾土地金融季刊, vol. 29, 2, pp. 21-36, Oct. 1992
1992 以可移转发展权制度维护农业区之可行性分析, 经社法制论丛, 10, pp. 55-82, Oct. 1992
1992 最适农地管制水准之决定-农地财产权管制理论, 台湾土地金融季刊, vol. 29, 3, pp. 55-62, Oct. 1992
1992 分析台湾农地价格与农地市场之效率-解开农业结构僵化之迷, 中国经济学会年会论文集, pp. 345-371, Oct. 1992
1992 On Exponential Utility ( EU ) Functions, Agriculture and Economics, 13, pp. 121-136, Oct. 1992
1992 阔叶树原木消费潜力与台湾本基工业发展, 台湾经济, 189, Sep. 1992