
年度 论文名称
1992 Assessing Economic implications of New Technology: The Case of Cornstarch- Based Biodegradable Plastics, Review of Agricultural Economics , vol. 14, pp. 33-43, 1992
1992 Sectoral Implications of Farm Program Modifications, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 74, pp. 38-49, 1992
1992 Distortions of Public Agricultural Investment Incentives by Farm Programs: The Case of Agricultural Research, Agriculture and Economics, vol. 13, pp. 91-120, 1992
1991 台湾历年农业生产与贸易施政计画成效之评估, 台湾经济, 191, Nov. 1991
1991 台湾历年农业生产与贸易施政计画成效之评估, 台湾经济, 190, Oct. 1991
1991 台北市速消费经济效率及市场潜力评估之计量分析, 台湾经济, 178, Oct. 1991
1991 Trade Liberalization and Effects Strategies for Sino-American Poultry Import Negotiation, 农业与经济, 12, Oct. 1991
1991 以补偿变量评估游憩效益, 台湾土地金融季刊, vol. 18, 3, Oct. 1991
1991 农家所得的相对变化与合理水准, 经社法制论丛, 8, Oct. 1991
1991 农家所得合理水准的规范评估, 自由中国之工业, vol. 75, 6, Oct. 1991