状态 退休师资
姓名 黄芳玫
联络电话 (02)3366-2650
最高学历 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校经济所博士
授课领域 应用计量经济学/劳动经济专论/个体经济理论/高等统计学
研究专长 劳动经济学/应用计量经济学/健康经济学
职称 副教授
年度 论文名称
2022 黄芳玫*、邵紫婷, 台湾基本工资调升对薪资不均之影响 ─2012~2019实证, 台湾经济预测与政策, pp. (TSSCI,第一级期刊)-, 2022" href="/zh_cn/plugin/台湾基本工资调升对薪资不均之影响-─2012-2019实证-76392435" target="_blank">黄芳玫*、邵紫婷, 台湾基本工资调升对薪资不均之影响 ─2012~2019实证, 台湾经济预测与政策, pp. (TSSCI,第一级期刊)-, 2022
2022 黄芳玫*、周思廷, 基本工资调升对台湾劳工就业之影响— 2013 ~ 2018年之实证, 人文及社会科学集刊, pp. (TSSCI,第一级期刊)-, 2022" href="/zh_cn/plugin/基本工资调升对台湾劳工就业之影响—-2013-2018年之实证-6647105" target="_blank">黄芳玫*、周思廷, 基本工资调升对台湾劳工就业之影响— 2013 ~ 2018年之实证, 人文及社会科学集刊, pp. (TSSCI,第一级期刊)-, 2022
2021 Huang, Fung-Mey, Hsun-Yu Chan and Hung-Lin Tao, The Effect of High School Entrance Exam Reform on Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms in Taiwan: A Closer Look at Gender Differences , School Psychology International, vol. 2019 IF: 1.431, 5-Year IF: 1.505(SSCI), 2021" href="/zh_cn/plugin/The-Effect-of-High-School-Entrance-Exam-Reform-on-Adolescents’-Depressive-Symptoms-in-Taiwan-A-Closer-Look-at-Gender-Differences-17804962" target="_blank">Huang, Fung-Mey, Hsun-Yu Chan and Hung-Lin Tao, The Effect of High School Entrance Exam Reform on Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms in Taiwan: A Closer Look at Gender Differences , School Psychology International, vol. 2019 IF: 1.431, 5-Year IF: 1.505(SSCI), 2021
2020 Huang, Fung-Mey, Jen-Che Liao, Chin-Chun Yi, The Impact of Labor Market Work and Educational Tracking on Student Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Taiwan, Economics of Education Review, vol. 77, pp. 1-15(2019 IF: 1.354, 5-Year IF: 2.414)(SSCI), 2020" href="/zh_cn/plugin/The-Impact-of-Labor-Market-Work-and-Educational-Tracking-on-Student-Educational-Outcomes-Evidence-from-Taiwan-18180412" target="_blank">Huang, Fung-Mey, Jen-Che Liao, Chin-Chun Yi, The Impact of Labor Market Work and Educational Tracking on Student Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Taiwan, Economics of Education Review, vol. 77, pp. 1-15(2019 IF: 1.354, 5-Year IF: 2.414)(SSCI), 2020
2020 黄芳玫,陈欣宜, 农渔会信用部与其他金融机构之薪资差异 与薪资拆解, 农业与经济, vol. 64, pp. 1-45, 2020
2020 黄芳玫,叶小婉, 新农保对中国农村中老年人口劳动供给之 影响─CHARLS全国基线数据之实证, 应用经济论丛, vol. 108, pp. 117-164(TSSCI), 2020
2018 Eliseo Arauz Quiroz and Fung-Mey Huang, A Study of Efficiency and Productivity Changes for the Agricultural Sector in Central America – A DEA Approach, Journal Of International Cooperation, vol. 13, 1, pp. 37-60, 2018
2018 林柏翰、黄芳玫, 台湾公营事业民营化对受僱员工薪资与就业之影响 ─ 长期追踪资料分析, 经济论文, vol. 46, 2, pp. 185-223(TSSCI, EconLit), 2018
2015 黄芳玫, 台湾劳动市场变迁对家庭劳动供给之影响, 主计月刊, 714, pp. 36-42, 2015
2015 Liou, J. L., C. R. Chiu, F. M. Huang, W. Y. Liu, Analyzing the Relationship between CO2 Emission and Economic Efficiency by a Relaxed Two-Stage DEA Model, Aerosol and Air Quality, 15, pp. 694-701(SCI), 2015
2013 黄芳玫*、林 巍、陆怡蕙, 台湾金融机构间的薪资差异:农渔会信用部vs.其他金融机构, 农业经济丛刋, vol. 1, 19, pp. 1-48(TSSCI), 2013
2013 石曜合、陆怡蕙、黄芳玫、江文基, 解析台湾农业家户所得不均度:兼論非农业所得与农家所得不均之关連, 农业与经济, vol. 51, pp. 27-64(TSSCI), 2013
2012 Fung-Mey Huang, Yir-Hueih Luh, Fung-Yea Huang, Unemployment information and wives’ labor supply responses to husbands’job loss in Taiwan, China Economic Review, vol. 23, pp. 1176-1194, Sep. 2012
2012 Fung-Mey Huang, Yu-Ning Chien, Working, Schooling and Psychological Wellbeing: Evidence from Longitudinal Data for Taiwanese Youth, The Psychological Well-being of East Asian Youth, pp. 212-237, 2012
2012 Luh, Y.-H., F.-M. Huang, Y.-N. Chien, and C.-C. Lo, Organizational Learning Differences in Healthcare Services: The Case of Medical Centers in Taiwan, Applied Economics, vol. 44, 6, pp. 695-706, 2012
2011 黄芳玫, 台湾人力资本与薪资不均之研究, 台湾经济预测与政策, vol. 42, 1, pp. 1-37, 2011
2010 台湾渔会每薪点支付金额与盈馀之研究, 农业与经济, 2010
2010 台湾国中学生个人特质、家庭背景与学业成绩- 追踪调查资料之研究, 经济论文丛刊, vol. 1, 38, pp. 65-97, 2010
2010 创新技术采用之影响因素研究─以香蕉生产者之知识累积与资讯取得为例, 农业经济丛刋, vol. 16, 1, pp. 33-77, 2010
2010 委外生产与研发投资对台湾薪资不均之影响, 经济论衡, 2010
2009 The Analysis of Female Labor Force Participation in Taiwan 1980-2005,” Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy , 台湾经济预测与政策, vol. 39, 2, pp. 1-50, Oct. 2009
2009 Accumulation of Intangible Capital as a Growth Determinant: The Evidence from East-Asian Agricultural Production, 农业经济丛刋, vol. 14, 2, pp. 1-28, Oct. 2009
2009 Comparison of Meta-frontier Technical Efficiencies across Countries: Multiple Outputs of Desired Economic Development and Undesired CO2 Emissions, 农业与经济, Oct. 2009
2008 Efficiency Change and Productivity Growth in Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis for Selected East Asian Economies, Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 19, 4, pp. 312-324, Oct. 2008
2006 The Decline in Male’s Labor Market Participation in Taiwan: Population, Market Opportunity, and Participation Behavior, Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, vol. 37, 1, pp. 1-48, Oct. 2006
2005 The Analysis of Employment Duration of Agricultural Sector in Taiwan 1980-2002, Agriculture and Economics, vol. 34, pp. 1-37, Oct. 2005
2005 Outward Direct Investment, Reverse Import, and Domestic Production - Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, vol. 46, 1, pp. 65-84, Oct. 2005
2001 The Educational and Economic Impacts of Nine-Year Compulsory Education in Taiwan, Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, vol. 31, 2, pp. 91-118, Oct. 2001
2000 Teenage Participation in Economic Activities: True State Dependence or Heterogeneity?, Academia Economic Papers, vol. 28, 1, pp. 43-66, Oct. 2000
2000 The Impact of Childhood Events on Educational Achievement: A Sibling Study, Taiwan Economic Review, vol. 28, 4, pp. 425-450, Oct. 2000
1994 The Dynamic Aspects of Human Resources in Taiwan, Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, vol. 25, 1, pp. 39-92, Oct. 1994
1986 Market Value of Timber When Some Offerings Are Not Sold: Implications for Appraisal and Demand Analysis, Forest Science, vol. 32, 4, pp. 845-854, Oct. 1986
1984 Forecasting the Price of Lumber and Plywood: Econometric Model versus Future Markets, Forest Products Journal, vol. 34, 718, pp. 13-18, Oct. 1984
年度 论文名称
2013 Huang, F.-M, Gender Differences in the Response to Multiple-wave Tobacco Taxes: A Ten-year Youth Longitudinal Study, the 9th World Congress on Health Economics, 会议论文, 2013, Sydney, Australia.
2012 Huang, F.-M., Y. H. Luh, Y.-N. Chien, Impacts of Multiple-wave Tobacco Taxes on Teenager’s Smoking? A Ten-year Longitudinal Study, International Conference on Socioeconomic Determinants and Consequences of Public Health, 2012
2012 Huang, F.-M., Y.-N. Chien, Short-run or Long-run Impacts of Tobacco Tax on Teenager’s Smoking? A Ten-year Longitudinal Study, ASSA-CEANA, 2012
2011 Huang, F.-M., Y.-N. Chien, Y. H. Luh, The Role of Tobacco Taxes and Peer Influence on the Onset of Teen Smoking and Drinking, ASSA-CEANA, 2011
2010 黄芳玫、林巍、陆怡蕙 , 台湾金融机构间薪资差异之分析-基层金融 v.s. 银行, 台湾农村经济学会2010年年会, 2010
2010 陆怡蕙、石曜合、黄芳玫, 解析台湾农业家户之所得不均度:兼论非农业所得与农家所得不均之关连, 台湾农村经济学会2010年年会, 2010
2010 Huang, F. M. and C. C. Yi, Educational Tracking, High School Employment and College Entry in Taiwan, Western Economic Association International 85th Annual Meeting, 2010
2010 Huang, F. M. and Y. H. Luh, Family Support for Primary Workers’ Job Losses: Some New Evidences from Taiwan, Western Economic Association International 85th Annual Meeting, Portland, 2010
2010 黄芳玫, 台湾人力资本与薪资不均之研究, 刘克智教授纪念学术研讨会, 2010
2009 Huang, F. M, J. F. Barahona Caceres, Y-H. Luh, Does Foreign Direct Investment Really Matter? An Examination of Agricultural Production in the Central American Countries, 台湾农村经济学会2009年年会, 2009
2009 黄芳玫、林品妤, 同侪效果对于青少年抽菸、喝酒或吸食药物的影响, 台湾青少年成长历程研究,第三次学术会议, 2009
2009 Huang, F. M, Declines in Male Employment and Family Labor Supply: Evidence from Taiwan, Western Economic Association International 83rd Annual Meeting, 会议论文(SCI), 2009
2009 Huang, F. M. and Y. H. Luh, Urban to Rural Migration : Evidence in Taiwan, 会议论文, 2009
2009 Huang, F. M. and Y. H. Luh, The Economic Value of Education in Agricultural Production: A Switching Regression Analysis of Selected East Asian Countries, The XXVII International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 会议论文, 2009
2008 黄芳玫、卓怡伶、雷立芬, 台湾渔会薪资制度之研究, 第九届全国实证经济学论文研讨会, 会议论文, 2008, 台湾大学农业经济系,台北
2008 Huang, F. M., C.C. Yi, and J. C. Yang, College Entry, Post-school Wages and High School Employment: Evidence from Taiwan, The International Conference on Youth Studies, 会议论文, 2008
2008 Huang, F. M, Declines in Male Employment and Family Labor Supply: Evidence from Taiwan, he Fourth National Conference of Economists, 会议论文, 2008
2008 Huang, F. M. and Y. H. Luh, The Economic Value of Education in Agricultural Production: A Switching Regression Analysis of Selected East Asian Countries, The Rural Economics Society of Taiwan Annual Meeting, 会议论文, 2008
2007 Huang, F. M., Globalization and Urban-to-Rural Migration in Taiwan, Western Agricultural Economic Association (WAEA) and Canadian Agricultural Economic Society (CAES) Joint Annual Meeting, 会议论文, 2007, Portland, Oregon
2007 黄芳玫、翁国展, 台湾男性失业劳工之家庭支持, 台湾经济学会2007年年会, 会议论文, 2007, 台北
2006 黄芳玫, 台湾失业劳工之家庭支持, 2006 年总体经济计量模型研讨会, 会议论文, 2006, 台北
2005 Huang, F. M., Wei-yin Lai, and Chi-yin Wu, Educational Expectation, Family Background, and Educational Achievement of Taiwanese Junior Middle School Student: A Panel Study, Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Population Society, 会议论文, 2005, Taipei
2005 Huang, F. M., Wei-yin Lai, and Chi-yin Wu, Educational Expectation, Family Background, and Educational Achievement of Taiwanese Junior Middle School Student: A Panel Study, 海峡两岸学术研讨会, 会议论文, 2005, 天津
2002 Huang, F. M., Demographic transition, human capital and wage dynamics: Evidence from Taiwan, 2002 Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, 会议论文, 2002, Seattle, U.S.A.
2002 Huang, F. M., Demographic transition, human capital and wage dynamics: Evidence from Taiwan, International Conference China and World Economy: in honor Professor Chow, 会议论文, 2002, Hong Kong
2000 Liu, B. J. and F. M. Huang, Outward Direct Investment, Reverse Import, and Domestic Production - Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms, 2000 Taipei International Conference on Industrial Economics, 会议论文, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
1999 Huang, F. M. and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, The Impact of Family Events on Teenage School Enrollment and Employment, The Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, 会议论文, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan
1999 Huang, F. M., Changes in Earning Inequality in Taiwan 1978-1997, The Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, 会议论文, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan
1998 Huang, F. M., The Effect of Demographic Factors and Labor Demand on The Structure of Wages in Taiwan: 1980-1994, conference on Economic Aspects of Demographic Transition: The Experience of Asian Pacific Countries, 会议论文, 1998, Taipei, Taiwan
1997 Huang, F. M., Population and the Asian Economic Miracle: Education and Earning in Taiwan, Population and the Asian Economic Miracle Honolulu Conference, 会议论文, 1997, East-West Center, Hawaii, U.S.A.
1994 Huang, F. M., Alternative Estimation of the Impacts of Childhood Events on Teenagers’ School Enrollment and Employment, Conference on Economic Changes in the West, Institute of European and American Studies, 会议论文, 1994, Taipei, Taiwan
年度 计画名称 参与人 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
1997 Population and the Asian Economic Miracle: Education and Earning in Taiwan 黄芳玫 1997.01 ~ 1997.12 IEAS Discussion Paper no. 9716
1997 A Latent Variable Structural Equation Model with Endogenous Stratification 黄芳玫 1997.01 ~ 1998.01 IEAS Discussion Paper no. 9715
1995 The Effect of Childhood Events on Young Adults’ Wages and Employment Status 黄芳玫 1995.01 ~ 1995.12 IEAS Discussion Paper no. 9341
1980 Demographic transition, human capital and wage dynamics:Evidence from Taiwan 黄芳玫 Department of Economics, Soochow University
1981 Family Events and Teenager’s Economic Huang, F. M. and C. Y. Cyrus Chu Department of Economics, Soochow University
1982 The Added Worker Effects in Taiwan 黄芳玫 Department of Economics,Soochow University
服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
Soochow University Department of Economics Associate Professor 2001.01 ~ 2006.01
National Taiwan University Department of Agriculture Economics Adjunct Associate Professor 1997.01 ~ 2006.01
Academia Sinica The Institute of Economics Assistant Research Fellow 1993.01 ~ 2001.01
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Economics Research Assistant 1986.01 ~ 1991.01
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Economics Teaching Assistant 1985.01 ~ 迄今
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Forestry Project Assistant 1983.01 ~ 1984.01
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
学术研究获奖 2010 指导学生林巍荣获台湾农村经济学会硕士论文佳作奖--论文题目:台湾金融机构间薪资差异分析 台湾农村经济学会