状态 | 退休师资 |
姓名 | 黄芳玫 |
电子邮件 | |
联络电话 | (02)3366-2650 |
最高学历 | 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校经济所博士 |
授课领域 | 应用计量经济学/劳动经济专论/个体经济理论/高等统计学 |
研究专长 | 劳动经济学/应用计量经济学/健康经济学 |
职称 | 副教授 |
年度 | 计画名称 | 参与人 | 计画期间 | 补助/委讬或合作机构 |
1997 | Population and the Asian Economic Miracle: Education and Earning in Taiwan | 黄芳玫 | 1997.01 ~ 1997.12 | IEAS Discussion Paper no. 9716 |
1997 | A Latent Variable Structural Equation Model with Endogenous Stratification | 黄芳玫 | 1997.01 ~ 1998.01 | IEAS Discussion Paper no. 9715 |
1995 | The Effect of Childhood Events on Young Adults’ Wages and Employment Status | 黄芳玫 | 1995.01 ~ 1995.12 | IEAS Discussion Paper no. 9341 |
1980 | Demographic transition, human capital and wage dynamics:Evidence from Taiwan | 黄芳玫 | Department of Economics, Soochow University | |
1981 | Family Events and Teenager’s Economic | Huang, F. M. and C. Y. Cyrus Chu | Department of Economics, Soochow University | |
1982 | The Added Worker Effects in Taiwan | 黄芳玫 | Department of Economics,Soochow University |
服务机关名称 | 单位 | 职务 | 期间 |
Soochow University | Department of Economics | Associate Professor | 2001.01 ~ 2006.01 |
National Taiwan University | Department of Agriculture Economics | Adjunct Associate Professor | 1997.01 ~ 2006.01 |
Academia Sinica | The Institute of Economics | Assistant Research Fellow | 1993.01 ~ 2001.01 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Department of Economics | Research Assistant | 1986.01 ~ 1991.01 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Department of Economics | Teaching Assistant | 1985.01 ~ 迄今 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Department of Forestry | Project Assistant | 1983.01 ~ 1984.01 |
类别 | 年度 | 奖项名称 | 颁奖单位 |
学术研究获奖 | 2010 | 指导学生林巍荣获台湾农村经济学会硕士论文佳作奖--论文题目:台湾金融机构间薪资差异分析 | 台湾农村经济学会 |