1987 |
台湾竹笋罐头产品计划产销制度之经济评估, 农业金融论丛, pp. 83-119, Jul. 1987 |
1987 |
台湾玉米种植面积反应函数之探讨, 台湾经济预测, vol. 18, 1, pp. 39-70, Apr. 1987 |
1987 |
改进现行农业产销共同经营组织可行性途径与方法之研究︰ 计量模式分析法之应用, 农业与经济, vol. 1, 10, pp. 1-44, Mar. 1987 |
1987 |
改进现行农业产销共同经营组织可行性途径与方法之研究︰ 计量模式分析法之应用, 农业与经济, vol. 1, 10, pp. 1-44, Mar. 1987 |
1987 |
整合性动态农业产销组织与制度之经济效益分析, 农业金融论丛, pp. 33-90, Jan. 1987 |
1987 |
Supply Growth and Dairy Industry Deregulation, Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 16, pp. 1-9, 1987 |
1987 |
Braden, John Bruce Lawrence, Dale Tampke, and Pei-Ing Wu, A Displacement Model of Regulatory Compliance and Costs, Land Economics, 23: 323-336 (SSCI, Scopus, EconLit, Economics), 1987 |
1986 |
农产贸易自由化与我国农业生调适之因应策略:计量经济模式分析法之应用, 台湾土地金融季刊, 4, pp. 1-40, Dec. 1986 |
1986 |
农产贸易自由化与我国农业生调适之因应策略:计量经济模式分析法之应用, 中国农村经济学会, 21, pp. 1-40, Dec. 1986 |
1986 |
Market Value of Timber When Some Offerings Are Not Sold: Implications for Appraisal and Demand Analysis, Forest Science, vol. 32, 4, pp. 845-854, Oct. 1986 |