姓名 张宏浩
联络电话 (02) 3366-2656;(02)3366-2677
个人网页 http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~hunghaochang
重要经历 Food Policy 期刊共同主编。 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review期刊总主编。Agricultural Economics 期刊副主编。公平交易委员会委员。经济部贸调会委员。台湾产业关联学会理事长
最高学历 美国康乃尔大学应用经济暨管理博士学位
Office_Hour 星期二,11:30~14:00
授课领域 产业经济学/个体计量分析/消费经济学/竞争法之经济分析
研究专长 消费经济/公共政策评估/农家经济/竞争法之经济分析
职称 教授兼系主任
年度 论文名称
2024 Hung-Hao Chang, The Effects of Land Direct Payment Program on Farm Income and Production Practices, American Journal of Agricultural Economics(国科会经济学门A级期刊,国际农经界顶级期刊), vol. 106, 4, pp. 1454-1476, Oct. 2024
2024 Yau-Huo (Jimmy) Shr, Hung-Hao Chang*, The Effects of Participating in Digital Ride-Hailing on Taxi Drivers' BUsiness Operations, Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice (国科会区域与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 187, 104167, Jul. 2024
2024 Jhih-Yun Liu, Brian Lee, Hung-Hao Chang*, Place-Based Rural Development Programs and the Labor Allocation of Farm Households, China Agricultural Economic Review (台大杰出期刊, 即将出刊), Jun. 2024
2024 Yessica, C. Y. Chung., Noxolo Kunene, Hung-Hao Chang, Renewable Energy Certificates and Firm Value: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan, Energy Policy (国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 184, 113870, Jan. 2024
2023 Hung-Hao Chang. Tzu-Chin Lin, Solar Farm Policy and Farmland Price – A Land Zoning Perspective, Journal of Environmental Management (台大杰出期刊,国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊), vol. 118454, Oct. 2023
2023 Feng-An Yang, Hung-Hao Chang*, Impact of a Pension Program on Healthcare Utilization among Older Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Health Claims Data, World Development (台大杰出期刊), May. 2023
2023 Yan-Zhen Hong, Yi-Ju Su, Hung-Hao Chang*, Analyzing the Relationship between Income and Life Satisfaction of Forest Farm Households - A Behavioral Economics Approach, Forest Policy and Economics (台大杰出期刊), vol. 148, 102916, 2023
2023 Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer, Do Elections Make You Sick? Evidence from First Time Voters, Health Economics(国科会经济学门A级期刊) , vol. 32, 5, pp. 1064-1083, 2023
2022 Hung-Hao Chang, Daniel D. Sokol, How Incumbents Respond to Competition from Innovative Disruptors in the Sharing Economy - The Impact of Airbnb on Hotel Performance, Strategic Management Journal (国科会管理学门第一级推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 43, 2, pp. 425-446(SSCI), 2022
2021 Brian Lee, Szu-Yung Wang, Tzu-Chin Lin, Hung-Hao Chang*, Underground Pipeline Explosions and Housing Prices - Quasi-Experimental Evidence in an Urban City, Land Use Policy(国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊), vol. 111, 105782, 2021
2021 Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer*, Feng-An Yang, COVID-19 Prevention, Transportation Patterns, and Air Pollution in the Absence of a Lockdown, Journal of Environmental Management(国科会区域与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 298, 113522, 2021
2021 Hung-Hao Chang*, Brian Lee, Feng-An Yang, Yu-You Liou, Does COVID-19 Affect Metro Use in Taipei?, Journal of Transport Geography(国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 91, 102954(SSCI), 2021
2021 Brian Lee, Hung-Hao Chang*, Szu-Yung Wang, Can Environmental Disamenities Increase Land Values? A Case Study of Manufacturing Factories on Farmland, Journal of Cleaner Production(国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 279, 10(SCI), 2021
2021 Hung-Hao Chang*, Brian Lee, Yi-Ting Hsieh, Participation in Afforestation Programs and the Distribution of Forest Farm Income, Forest Policy and Economics (台大杰出期刊), vol. 129, 102505(SCIE), 2021
2021 Brian Lee, Hung-Hao Chang*, Szu-Yung Wang, Solar Power Promotion Plans, Energy Market Liberalization, and Farmland Prices - Empirical Evidence from Taiwan, Energy Economics(国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊) , vol. 99, 105317(SSCI), 2021
2021 Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer, COVID-19 and the Demand for Online Food Shopping Services: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan, American Journal of Agricultural Economics(国科会经济学门A级期刊, 国际农经界顶级期刊,ESI highly cited paper in 2021, 2022), vol. 103, 2,(SCI,SSCI), 2021
2020 Yan-Zhen Hong, Hung-Hao Chang*, Does Digitalization Affect the Objective and Subjective Wellbeing of Forestry Farm Households? Empirical Evidence in Fujian Province of China, Forest Policy and Economics (台大杰出期刊), vol. 118, 108236(SSCI), 2020
2020 Hung-Hao Chang, Daniel D. Sokol, Advocacy versus Enforcement in Antitrust Compliance Programs, Journal of Competition Law and Economics,本文荣获2021全球Antitrust Compliance Awards提名, vol. 16, 1, pp. 36-62(SSCI), 2020
2020 Hung-Hao Chang, Does the Room Sharing Business Model Disrupt Housing Markets? Empirical Evidence of Airbnb in Taiwan, Journal of Housing Economics(国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊), vol. 49, 101706(SSCI), 2020
2020 Hung-Hao Chang, Tzu-Chin Lin, Does A Farmland Zoning Program Impact Farm Income? Empirical Evidence from Farm Households in Taiwan, European Review of Agricultural Economics,leading article, vol. 47, 5, pp. 1621-1643 (SCI , SSCI), 2020
2019 Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer, Inter-brand Competition in the Convenience Store Industry, Store Density and Healthcare Utilization, Journal of Health Economics (国科会经济学门A级期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 65, pp. 117-132 (SSCI), 2019
2018 Yan-Zhen Hong, Hung-Hao Chang*, Yong-Wu Dai, Is Deregulation of Forest Land Use Rights Transactions Associated with Economic Well-being and Labor Allocation of Farm Households? Empirical Evidence in China, Land Use Policy(国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊), 75, pp. 694-701(SSCI), 2018
2017 Hung-Hao Chang, The Economic Effects of Uber on Taxi Drivers in Taiwan, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 13, 3, pp. 475-500(SSCI), 2017
2017 Hung-Hao Chang, Ex-Post Evaluation of Anti-competition and Unfair Competition Fines on Firms - Empirical Evidence from Taiwan, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 13, 1, pp. 103-124(SSCI), 2017
2017 Hung-Hao Chang, Does A Social Welfare Program Affect Farmland Use? Empirical Evidence Using Administrative Data in Taiwan, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 39, 3, pp. 441-457(SSCI), 2017
2016 Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Jiun-Hao Wang, Lih-Chyun Sun, What Are the Determinants of Rural-Urban Digital Inequality among Schoolchildren in Taiwan? Insights from Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition, Computers & Education(台大杰出期刊), vol. 95, pp. 123-133(SSCI), 2016
2016 Hung-Hao Chang, Chad D. Meryerhoefer, The Causal Effect of Education on Farm-Related Disability: Evidence from a Compulsory Schooling Reform in Taiwan, American Journal of Agricultural Economics(国科会经济学门A级期刊,国际农经界顶级期刊) , vol. 98, 5, pp. 1545-1557 (SCI,SSCI), 2016
2016 Hung-Hao Chang, Tzu-Chin Lin, Does the Minimum Lot Size Program Affect Farmland Values? Empirical Evidence Using Administrative Data and Regression Discontinuity Design in Taiwan, American Journal of Agricultural Economics (国科会经济学门A级期刊,国际农经界顶级期刊), vol. 98, 3, pp. 785-801 (SCI,SSCI), 2016
2015 Hung-Hao Chang*, Pei-An Liao, Are Immigrant Wives Happy in Taiwan? A Look at the Role of Bargaining Power within the Married Couples, Journal of Happiness Studies(台大杰出期刊), vol. 16, 2, pp. 295-312(SSCI), Mar. 2015
2015 Hung-Hao Chang, Pei-An Liao, Are Immigrant Wives Happy in Taiwan? A Look at the Role of Bargaining Power within the Married Couples, Journal of Happiness Studies (台大杰出期刊), vol. 16, pp. 295-312, Jan. 2015
2014 Hung-Hao Chang, David Zilberman, On the Political Economy of Allocation of Agricultural Disaster Relief Payments - Application to Taiwan, European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 41, 4, pp. 657-680(SCI, SSCI), Sep. 2014
2014 How Do Health and Social Insurance Programs Affect the Land and Labor Allocations of Farm Households? Evidence from Taiwan, Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 65, 1, pp. 68-86, Feb. 2014
2014 Food Preparation for the School Lunch Programs and Body Weight of Elementary Schoolchildren in Taiwan, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, vol. 17, 1, pp. 21-36, Jan. 2014
2014 Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Yi-Ju Su, Is Tattooing A Risk Factor for Adolescents' Criminal Behavior? Empirical Evidence from an Administrative Dataset of Juvenile Detainees in Taiwan, Risk Analysis(台大杰出期刊) , vol. 34, 12, pp. 2080-2088(SCI,SSCI), 2014
2014 Yongwu Dai, Hung-Hao Chang*, Weiping Liu, Do Forest Producers Benefit from the Forest Disaster Insurance Program? Empirical Evidence in Fujian Province of China, Forest Policy and Economics (台大杰出期刊), vol. 50, pp. 127-133(SCI), 2014
2013 Old Farmer Pension Program and Farm Succession: Evidence from a Population-ba<x>sed Survey of Farm Households in Taiwan, American Journal of Agricultural Economics (国科会经济学门A级期刊,国际农经界顶级期刊), vol. 95, 4, pp. 976-991, Dec. 2013
2013 Functional Food Consumption and Depression among the Elderly -- What Can We Learn from A Longitudinal Survey?, Economic Modelling, vol. 33, pp. 187-193, May. 2013
2013 Physical Fitness and Academic Performance: Empirical Evidence from the National Administrative Senior High School Student Data in Taiwan, Health Education Research, vol. 28, pp. 512-522, May. 2013
Hung-Hao Chang, Old Farmer Pension Program and Farm Succession: Evidence from a Population-based Survey of Farm Households in Taiwan, American Journal of Agricultural Economics(国科会经济学门A级期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 95, 4, pp. 976-991(SCI,SSCI), 2013
2013 Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang, Jiun-Hao Wang*, Do Rural Students Really Perform Worse than Urban Students? Empirical Evidence of a University Entrance Program in Taiwan, Rural Sociology, vol. 78, 1, pp. 109-131(SSCI), 2013
2012 Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang, and Feng-An Yang, Does the Universal Health Insurance Program Affect Urban-Rural Differences in Health Service Utilization Among the Elderly? Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Taiwan, Journal of Rural Health , vol. 28, 1, pp. 84-91(SCI), 2012
2012 Hung-Hao Chang, Consumption Inequality between Farm and Nonfarm Households in Taiwan: A Decomposition Analysis of Differences in Distribution, Agricultural Economics, vol. 43, 5, pp. 487-498(SCI,SSCI), 2012
2012 Hung-Hao Chang, Does the Use of Eco-labels Affect Income Distribution and Income Inequality of Aquaculture Producers in Taiwan?, Ecological Economics(国科会区域研究与地理学门推荐国际期刊,台大杰出期刊), vol. 80, pp. 101-108(SSCI), 2012
2012 Hung-Hao Chang, Yungho Weng, What is More Important for Prostitute Price? Physical Appearance or Risky Sex Behavior?, Economics Letters, vol. 117, 2, pp. 480-483(SSCI), 2012
2012 Ashok K. Mishra, Hung-Hao Chang*, Can Off Farm Employment Affect the Privatization of Social Safety Net? The Case of Self-Employed Farm Households, Food Policy(台大杰出期刊) , vol. 37, 1, pp. 94-101(SCI,SSCI), 2012
2011 Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Chun-Yen Chang, Why is the Food Traceability System Unsuccessful in Taiwan? Empirical Evidence from a National Survey of Fruit and Vegetable Farmers, Food Policy(台大杰出期刊) , vol. 36, 5, pp. 685-692(SCI,SSCI), Jul. 2011
 Hung-Hao Chang*, Rodolfo M. Nayga, Mother's Nutritional Label Use and Children's Body Weight, Food Policy(台大杰出期刊) , vol. 36, 2, pp. 171-178(SSCI), 2011
2011 Hung-Hao Chang*, Yu-Hui Chen, Are Participators in the Land Retirement Program Likely to Grow Energy Crops?, Applied Energy(台大杰出期刊) , vol. 88, 9, pp. 3183-3188(SCI), 2011
2011 Mothers Nutritional Label Use and Childrens Body Weight, Food Policy, vol. 36, 2, pp. 171-178, 2011
2011 Hung-Hao Chang*, Fang-I Wen, Off-farm Work, Technical Efficiency, and Rice Production Risk in Taiwan, Agricultural Economics, vol. 42, 2, pp. 269-278(SCI, SSCI), 2011
2011 Mental Health and the Employment of the Elderly in Taiwan: A Simultaneous Equation Approach, Pacific Economic Review, vol. 16, 4, pp. 504-519, 2011
2011 Hung-Hao Chang*, Ashok K. Mishra, Does the Milk Income Loss Contract Program Improve Technical Efficiency of the U.S Dairy Farms?, Journal of Dairy Science(台大杰出期刊), vol. 94, 6, pp. 2945-2951(SCI), 2011
2010 Hung-Hao Chang, Steven T. Yen*, Off-farm Employment and Food Expenditures at Home and away from Home, European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 37, 4, pp. 523-551(SCI, SSCI), 2010
2010 Hung-Hao Chang*, Richard N. Boisvert, Ling-Yi Hung, Land Subsidence, Production Efficiency, and the Decision of Aquacultural Firms in Taiwan to Discontinue Production, Ecological Economics(国科会区域地理学门国际推荐期刊,台大杰出期刊) , vol. 69, 12, pp. 2448-2456(SSCI), 2010
2010 Hung-Hao Chang*, Michele L. Ver Ploeg, Biing-Hwan Lin, Changes in the Propensity of Overweight U.S. Women to Under-assess Their Body Weight Status, Food Policy(台大杰出期刊) , vol. 35, 4, pp. 358-364(SCI,SSCI)), 2010
2009 Hung-Hao Chang, Richard N. Boisvert*, Distinguishing between Whole-farm vs. Partial-farm Participation in the Conservation Reserved Program, Land Economics(国科会区域研究与地理学门国际推荐期刊) , vol. 85, 1, pp. 144-161(SCI,SSCI), 2009
2009 Hung-Hao Chang*, Rodolfo M. Nayga, Television Viewing, Fast Food Consumption and Children’s Obesity, Contemporary Economic Policy, vol. 27, 3, pp. 293-307(SSCI), 2009
2009 Hung-Hao Chang*, David R. Just, Internet Access and Farm Household Income - Empirical Evidence using a Semi-parametric Assessment in Taiwan, Journal of Agricultural Economics , vol. 60, 2, pp. 348-366(SCI,SSCI), 2009
2008 Does Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program Impact the Economic Well-being of Farm Households?, Agricultural Economics, vol. 38, 2, pp. 201-212, 2008
2007 Health Information Availability and the Consumption of Eggs: Are Consumer Bayesians?, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 32, 1, pp. 77-92, 2007
年度 计画名称 参与人 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
2023 因应净零政策之食农体系的调适与建议--因应净零政策之食农体系的调适与建议(1/4) 2023.07 ~ 2027.07 国科会
2022 农家继承的经济分析-以台湾为例 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 国科会
2021 食品可及性与市场竞争对房价之影响--以台湾便利商店为例 2021.08 ~ 2022.07
2021 建构以农业有机资材循环利用为基础之消费生产框架与绿色循环经济模式--利用农业副资材作为投入之循环经济分析(子计画七) 2021.08 ~ 2024.07 国科会
2008 Accounting for the Joint Multifunctional Agricultural Outputs in the Transfer of Water from Rice Production to Non-agricultural Uses in Taiwan Hung-Hao Chang, and Richard N. Boisvert 2008.01 ~ 2008.12 International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
96 Quantifying Sources of Dairy Farm Business Risk and Implications. Hung-Hao Chang, Richard N. Boisvert, Loren W. Tauer, and T. Schmit 2007.01 ~ 2007.01 Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
2006 Multifunctional Agricultural Policy, Reduced Domestic Support, and Liberalized Trade: An Empirical Assessment for Taiwanese Rice Richard N. Boisvert, and Hung-Hao Chang 2006.01 ~ 2006.12 International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2004 Refining the Positive and Negative Externalities of Taiwanese Paddy-Rice Production.” in “Accounting of Agricultural and Nonagricultural Impacts of Irrigation and Drainage Systems Richard N. Boisvert, Hung-Hao Chang, and Gilbert Levine 2004.01 ~ 2004.12 International Water Management Institute
2015 农地分区制度对农家所得与农企业经营之影响 -- 台湾的实证分析 张宏浩 行政院科技部
2014 农民福利所得安全网:台湾土地休耕与老农年金政策分析 张宏浩 行政院科技部
2013 教育对农民职业伤害之影响--台湾的实证分析 张宏浩 行政院科技部
2013 农民福利制度与离农给付诱因关联性之研究 张宏浩 行政院农业委员会
2012 农民福利制度规划之研究-农民福利施行对象与制度之规划研究 张宏浩 行政院农业委员会
2012 农地资源永续利用之研究-建构保育农地及促进利用之诱因机制之研究 张宏浩 行政院农业委员会
2012 产品环境标籤制度与渔家所得--台湾的实证分析 张宏浩 行政院国家科学委员会
2011 家庭外食消费、妇女就业与食品消费便利性 张宏浩 行政院国家科学委员会
国家 学校名称 系所 学位
美国 美国康乃尔大学 应用经济暨管理 博士
服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
中华民国全国工商总会 公平交易与消费者关系委员会 委员 2024.01 ~ 2027.01
Agribusiness - An International Journal Associate Editor 2024.01 ~ 迄今
马来西亚国立大学 客座讲座教授 2023.02 ~ 2024.02
Journal of Agribusiness Marketing Advisory Editorial Board Member 2023.02 ~ 迄今
经济部 贸易调查委员会 委员 2023.02 ~ 迄今
台湾产业关联学会 理事长 2021.01 ~ 2023.01
Food Policy Co-editor 2021.01 ~ 迄今
Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (北美农经学会) Agricultural and Resource Economic Review Managing Editor 2020.01 ~ 2021.01
政治大学社会科学院 社会经济论丛 期刊编辑委员 2019.04 ~ 迄今
公共工程委员会 政府采购专家学者 2018.11 ~ 迄今
东南亚国协竞争研究中心 研究员 2018.10 ~ 迄今
公平交易委员会 公平交易季刊 期刊副总编辑 2017.12 ~ 2018.06
Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (北美农经学会) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 期刊主编 2017.07 ~ 2019.12
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Agricultural Econmics 期刊副主编 2017.07 ~ 2023.01
Emerald Publishing, USA Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 期刊副主编 2017.06 ~ 迄今
台湾大学 生农学院生态工程研究中心 特约研究员 2016.10 ~ 迄今
公平交易委员会 委员 2015.04 ~ 2018.06
中央研究院 调查研究-方法与应用 期刊编辑委员 2013.08 ~ 2015.08
Advances in Economics 2013.08 ~ 2015.08
台湾农村经济学会 农业经济丛刊 期刊编辑委员 2012.08 ~ 2014.01
美国农业经济学会 (AAEA) Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy 期刊编辑委员 2012.02 ~ 2014.12
Scientific & Academic Publishing American Journal of Economics 2011.09 ~ 2014.09
美国加州柏克莱大学 访问学者 2011.08 ~ 2012.07
社团法人台湾农学会 台湾农学会报 期刊副主编 2011.06 ~ 2015.06
台湾农村经济学会 台湾农村经济学会 副秘书长 2008.01 ~ 2010.01
台湾大学 农业经济系 2006.08 ~ 2010.07
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
学术研究获奖 2023 全球顶尖 Top 2% 科学家 (Agricultural Economics & Policy 领域台湾唯一获奖人) 史丹佛大学出版
学术研究获奖 2023 学术励进青年讲座 台湾大学生农学院
学术研究获奖 2023 指导学生林远纶荣获硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2022 指导学生杨士昀荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2022 指导学生林佩璇荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2022 指导学生Brian Lee荣获学术论文奖 台湾大学生农学院
学术研究获奖 2022 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2022 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 年度引用率最高文章 Wiley 出版社
学术研究获奖 2021 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2021 国家农业科学奖-社经发展类杰出团队 行政院农业委员会
学术研究获奖 2021 指导学生谢宜庭荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农业推广学会
学术研究获奖 2021 指导学生谢宜庭荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2020 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2019 指导学生曾勤予荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
优良教师 2019 资深优良教师 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2019 杰出期刊论奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2018 农业学术奖 台湾农学会
学术研究获奖 2018 指导学生柯承佑荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2018 指导学生柯承佑荣获最佳硕士论文奖 中华农产运销学会
学术研究获奖 2018 指导学生刘致筠荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2018 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2017 指导学生巫凯琳荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2017 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2016 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2015 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2015 指导学生吕振福荣获最佳博士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2015 指导学生黄郁宁荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2014 指导学生陈宜君荣获最佳硕士论文奖 台湾农村经济学会
学术研究获奖 2013 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2013 指导学生林威志、黄彦慈荣获国立台湾大学生物资源暨农学院学生学术论文奖 国立台湾大学生物资源暨农学院
学术研究获奖 2013 年度学术研究论文奖 台湾农业推广学会
学术研究获奖 2012 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2011 指导学生许祯育荣获台湾大学生物资源暨农学院学生学术论文奖 国立台湾大学生物资源暨农学院学院
学术研究获奖 2011 杰出期刊论文奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2011 顶尖大学策略联盟优秀人才赴国外大学计画 教育部
学术研究获奖 2010 优秀期刊奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2010 年轻学者研究杰出奖 台湾大学生农学院
学术研究获奖 2009 优秀期刊奖励 台湾大学
学术研究获奖 2008 年轻学者杰出研究奖 台湾大学生农学院
学术研究获奖 2007 年度最佳期刊论文 International Society of paddy and Water Environment Engineering
学术研究获奖 2006 年度最佳期刊论文 Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economic Association