2008 |
陸雲, 中國大陸農業改革仍未成功, 大陸經濟發展回顧與展望學術座談會, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 2008, 臺北 |
2008 |
陸雲, 水果外銷中國大陸政策與輔導措施之建議, 臺灣水果外銷大陸之前景研討會論文集, 會議論文, Sep. 01, 2008, 臺北:台北大學亞洲研究中心 |
2007 |
陸雲, 臺灣食品飲料業赴大陸投資之分析-2001 年與2005 年之比較, 海峽兩岸農業投資、農產貿易、暨行銷物流學術研討會, 會議論文, Jun. 01, 2007, 臺北 |
2006 |
陸雲, 臺灣農民組織的變革與發展, 中國農業經濟研究生教育七十週年國際學術研討會, 會議論文, Jul. 01, 2006, 南京 |
2006 |
Export Outsourcing: A New Alternative to FDI, the International Conference of Asian Cooperative Strategy in Trade and Industry: Opportunities and Obstacles, 會議論文, 2006, Beijing |
2005 |
陸雲, 兩岸農產品貿易關係與發展前景, 海峽兩岸農產品貿易研討會, 會議論文, Jul. 01, 2005, 上海 |
2005 |
陸雲, 台灣農業發展策略與兩岸農業關係, 兩岸經濟發展趨勢及問題研討會, 會議論文, Jun. 01, 2005, 台北:中華經濟研究院 |
2005 |
Lu, Alan Yun and Bih Jane Liu, The Choice of International Entry Mode and Degree of Ownership, Western Economic Association International and Hong Kong Economic Association Pacific Rim Conference “Globalization and Regionalism”, 會議論文, Jan. 01, 2005, Hong Kong |
2004 |
劉碧珍、陸雲、董安祺, 台灣製造業委外生產之研究, 台灣經濟學會2004年會, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 2004 |
2004 |
陸雲, 農村經濟組織的制度創新-海峽兩岸的比較分析, 台灣農業與資源經濟學會第三屆學術研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 01, 2004 |
2004 |
Liu, Bih Jane, Alan Yun Lu, and An-Chi Tung, Manufacturing Firms’ Outsourcing Behavior and Its Determinants – The Case of Taiwan, the 85th EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Seminar on Agriculture, Poverty, and Rural Development in A Globalizing World, 會議論文, Sep. 01, 2004, Florence, Italy |
2004 |
Liu, B. J., A. Y. Lu and A.C. Tung, Manufacturing Firms’ Outsourcing Behavior and Its Determinants: The Case of Taiwan, the 2004 Taiwan Economic Association Conference, 會議論文, 2004, Taipei |
2003 |
劉碧珍、陸雲、黃芳玫, 台灣製造業產業空洞化問題之研究, 第七屆經濟發展學術研討會-台灣失業問題探討, 會議論文, Jul. 01, 2003, 台北大學經濟系 |
2003 |
Liu, Bih Jane and Alan Yun Lu, The Determinants of Taiwanese Firms’ Investment Strategies after WTO Accession, 2003 Western Economic Association International, 會議論文, Jan. 01, 2003, Taipei |
2003 |
劉碧珍,陸雲, 台灣接單、海外生產之現況與決定因素, 2003年台灣經濟學會年會發表, 會議論文, 2003 |
2002 |
Liu, Bih Jane and Alan Yun Lu, The Short-run Impacts of Taiwan’s Accession to WTO on Its Industries, The Effects of Globalization in Taiwan and the Third World , 2002 ATWS Annual Conference, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 2002, Taipei |
2002 |
陸雲, 兩岸農業經貿關係的檢討與展望, 加入WTO後的兩岸農業學術研討會, 會議論文, Oct. 01, 2002, 浙江大學農業現代化與農業發展中心 |
2002 |
陸雲, 影響台商赴大陸農業投資因素之探討, 海峽兩岸農業投資合作研討會, 會議論文, May. 01, 2002, 南京:南京農業大學經貿學院 |
2002 |
Liu, Bih Jane and Alan Yun Lu, The Impacts of WTO Accession on Taiwan’s Investment and Trade Structure, The Political and Economic Reforms of Mainland China in A Changing Global Society, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 2002, Taipei:NTU College of Social Sciences |
2001 |
Lu, Alan Yun, A Retrospect of the Factors Contributing to the Agricultural Development in Taiwan, 1949-1968, International Conference on Agricultural Policy and Rural Development, 會議論文, Sep. 01, 2001, International Cooperation and Development Fund |
2000 |
Lu, Alan Yun(with Bih Jane Liu & Yungho Weng), Privatization and Tariff Liberalization: An Optimal Reform Package for Transition Economies, 2000 Conference on International Business, 會議論文, Jun. 01, 2000, Budapest, Hungary |
2000 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Challenges and Strategies in the Agricultural Development in Taiwan, the Seminar on the Development of Agricultural Policy and Biotechnology in Taiwan and Thailand, 會議論文, May. 01, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC |
2000 |
陸雲, 兩岸農業加入WTO後調整能力異同之觀察, 加入世貿組織與兩岸農村發展研討會, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 2000, 南京:南京農業大學經貿學院 |
1999 |
Lu, Alan Yun and Ming-Ching Wu, The Economic Benefits of Climate Prediction Information – The Case of Taiwan Construction Industry, Workshop on the Impacts of the 1997/99 ENSO, 會議論文, Oct. 01, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC |
1999 |
陸雲, 台灣紅豆產銷與契作制度, 第七屆中國現代化學術研討會, 會議論文, Aug. 01, 1999, 台北市 |
1999 |
陸雲, 生物多樣性保育的經濟分析, 邁向二十一世紀-國家公園永續發展行動方案生物多樣性保育訓, 會議論文, May. 01, 1999 |
1998 |
陸雲, 大陸農民之負擔及其制度背景, 跨世紀農業發展與農政方向研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 01, 1998 |
1997 |
陸雲, 大陸農民負擔與農村公共財之供給, 21世紀兩岸農業發展論壇, 會議論文, Aug. 01, 1997 |
1996 |
陸雲, 河川整治經費問題之探討, 河川清流研討會, 會議論文, May. 01, 1996 |
1996 |
陸雲, 因應氣候變遷決策組織運作之檢討, 氣候變遷衝擊評估與因應策略建議研討會, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 1996 |
1995 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Agricultural Price and Subsidy Policies in Taiwan, International Symposium on Reform of China’s Rural Economy, 會議論文, Mar. 01, 1995, Haiko, Hainan, China |
1994 |
陸雲, 大陸經濟發展趨勢之檢討, 中國大陸未來趨勢展望研討會, 會議論文, Sep. 01, 1994 |
1994 |
陸雲, 用配給制度來解決空氣污染問題-論污染者付費的另一種形式, 污染防治之收費政策研討會, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 1994 |
1993 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Chemical Fertilizer Consumption in Taiwan: A Retrospect of the Influencing Policies and factors, 1953-92, Conference on the History of the Environment , 會議論文, Dec. 01, 1993, China: Hong Kong |
1993 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Environmental Management in Taiwan, 1993 CAAPCON, 會議論文, Jul. 01, 1993 |
1993 |
陸雲, 大陸農家經濟初探, 兩岸農業交流學術研討會, 會議論文, Mar. 01, 1993 |
1992 |
楊萬發,陸雲, 海埔地工業區水資源開發問題之探討, 六年國建與水資源研討會, 會議論文, Nov. 01, 1992 |
1992 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Industrial Growth and Environmental Protection in Taiwan, the Conference on Economic Structuring and Growth, 會議論文, May. 01, 1992 |
1991 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Manufacturing Pollution in Economic Development in Taiwan – An Intellectual’s Viewpoint, The 21st International Conference on World Peace, 會議論文, Nov. 01, 1991, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
1991 |
陸雲, 河川整治之經濟效益評估, 河川環境與水源保護學術研討會, 會議論文, Jul. 01, 1991 |
1989 |
陸雲, 台灣農業污染之成因與解決方法之探討, 中國農村經濟學會七十八年年會, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 1989 |
1988 |
Liu, Bih Jane, and Alan Yun Lu, Behind Economic Growth and Trade surplus – The Case of Taiwan, Taiwan Entering the 21st Century, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 1988, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A |
1988 |
Lu, Alan Yun, and Bih Jane Liu, Economic Growth vs Environmental Protection – A Dilemma for Taiwan?, 1988 Annual Conference of Western Social Science Association, 會議論文, Apr. 01, 1988, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A |
1988 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Pollution in Agricultural Production - Taiwan’s Experiences, Directions and Strategies of Agricultural Development in Asia Pacific Region, 會議論文, Jan. 01, 1988 |
1987 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Pollution in Agricultural Production - Taiwan’s Experiences, Directions and Strategies of Agricultural Development in Asia Pacific Region, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 1987 |
1987 |
陸雲, 空氣污染防治效益之探討, 中國經濟學會年會提會論文, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 1987 |
1987 |
陸雲, 高速公路車輛污染的經濟評估, 七十六年能源經濟學會研討會, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 1987 |
1987 |
陸雲, 經濟面環境影響評估的意義, 高速公路與環境評估研討會, 會議論文, Mar. 01, 1987 |
1985 |
Lu, Alan Yun, Technology Transfer and Technical Progress: A Study on the Foreign Determinants of Technical Progress in Taiwan’s Two Manufacturing Industries, the 6th ADIPA Meeting , 會議論文, Jun. 01, 1985, Bangkok, Thailand |
1984 |
陸雲, 台灣農家財務狀況及最適貸款數額之分析, 台灣金融發展會議, 會議論文, Dec. 01, 1984 |